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We use dense redshift surveys of nine galaxy clusters at $zsim0.2$ to compare the galaxy distribution in each system with the projected matter distribution from weak lensing. By combining 2087 new MMT/Hectospec redshifts and the data in the literature, we construct spectroscopic samples within the region of weak-lensing maps of high (70--89%) and uniform completeness. With these dense redshift surveys, we construct galaxy number density maps using several galaxy subsamples. The shape of the main cluster concentration in the weak-lensing maps is similar to the global morphology of the number density maps based on cluster members alone, mainly dominated by red members. We cross correlate the galaxy number density maps with the weak-lensing maps. The cross correlation signal when we include foreground and background galaxies at 0.5$z_{rm cl}<z<2z_{rm cl}$ is $10-23$% larger than for cluster members alone at the cluster virial radius. The excess can be as high as 30% depending on the cluster. Cross correlating the galaxy number density and weak-lensing maps suggests that superimposed structures close to the cluster in redshift space contribute more significantly to the excess cross correlation signal than unrelated large-scale structure along the line of sight. Interestingly, the weak-lensing mass profiles are not well constrained for the clusters with the largest cross correlation signal excesses ($>$20% for A383, A689 and A750). The fractional excess in the cross correlation signal including foreground and background structures could be a useful proxy for assessing the reliability of weak-lensing cluster mass estimates.
Abell 383 is a famous rich cluster (z = 0.1887) imaged extensively as a basis for intensive strong and weak lensing studies. Nonetheless there are few spectroscopic observations. We enable dynamical analyses by measuring 2360 new redshifts for galaxies with r$_{petro} leq 20.5$ and within 50$^prime$ of the BCG (Brightest Cluster Galaxy: R.A.$_{2000} = 42.014125^circ$, Decl$_{2000} = -03.529228^circ$). We apply the caustic technique to identify 275 cluster members within 7$h^{-1}$ Mpc of the hierarchical cluster center. The BCG lies within $-11 pm 110$ km s$^{-1}$ and 21 $pm 56 h^{-1}$ kpc of the hierarchical cluster center; the velocity dispersion profile of the BCG appears to be an extension of the velocity dispersion profile based on cluster members. The distribution of cluster members on the sky corresponds impressively with the weak lensing contours of Okabe et al. (2010) especially when the impact of foreground and background structure is included. The values of R$_{200}$ = $1.22pm 0.01 h^{-1}$ Mpc and M$_{200}$ = $(5.07 pm 0.09)times 10^{14} h^{-1}$ M$_odot$ obtained by application of the caustic technique agree well with recent completely independent lensing measures. The caustic estimate extends direct measurement of the cluster mass profile to a radius of $sim 5 h^{-1}$ Mpc.
Cluster mass profiles are tests of models of structure formation. Only two current observational methods of determining the mass profile, gravitational lensing and the caustic technique, are independent of the assumption of dynamical equilibrium. Both techniques enable determination of the extended mass profile at radii beyond the virial radius. For 19 clusters, we compare the mass profile based on the caustic technique with weak lensing measurements taken from the literature. This comparison offers a test of systematic issues in both techniques. Around the virial radius, the two methods of mass estimation agree to within about 30%, consistent with the expected errors in the individual techniques. At small radii, the caustic technique overestimates the mass as expected from numerical simulations. The ratio between the lensing profile and the caustic mass profile at these radii suggests that the weak lensing profiles are a good representation of the true mass profile. At radii larger than the virial radius, the lensing mass profile exceeds the caustic mass profile possibly as a result of contamination of the lensing profile by large-scale structures within the lensing kernel. We highlight the case of the closely neighboring clusters MS0906+11 and A750 to illustrate the potential seriousness of contamination of the the weak lensing signal by unrelated structures.
General Relativity is able to describe the dynamics of galaxies and larger cosmic structures only if most of the matter in the Universe is dark, namely it does not emit any electromagnetic radiation. Intriguingly, on the scale of galaxies, there is strong observational evidence that the presence of dark matter appears to be necessary only when the gravitational field inferred from the distribution of the luminous matter falls below an acceleration of the order of 10^(-10) m/s^2. In the standard model, which combines Newtonian gravity with dark matter, the origin of this acceleration scale is challenging and remains unsolved. On the contrary, the full set of observations can be neatly described, and were partly predicted, by a modification of Newtonian dynamics, dubbed MOND, that does not resort to the existence of dark matter. On the scale of galaxy clusters and beyond, however, MOND is not as successful as on the scale of galaxies, and the existence of some dark matter appears unavoidable. A model combining MOND with hot dark matter made of sterile neutrinos seems to be able to describe most of the astrophysical phenomenology, from the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies to the dynamics of dwarf galaxies. Whether there exists a yet unknown covariant theory that contains General Relativity and Newtonian gravity in the weak field limit, and MOND as the ultra-weak field limit is still an open question.
We use Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data covering the entire region (~130 deg^2) of the A2199 supercluster at z=0.03 to study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of supercluster galaxies. We identify a `MIR star-forming sequence in the WISE [3.4]-[12] color-12 mu m luminosity diagram, consisting of late-type, star-forming galaxies. At a fixed star formation rate (SFR), the MIR-detected galaxies at 22 mu m or 12 mu m tend to be more metal rich and to have higher surface brightness than those without MIR detection. Using these MIR-detected galaxies, we construct the IR luminosity function (LF) and investigate its environmental dependence. Both total IR (TIR) and 12 mu m LFs are dominated by late-type, star-forming galaxies. The contribution of active galactic nuclei (AGN)-host galaxies increases with both TIR and 12 mu m luminosities. The contribution of early-type galaxies to the 12 mu m LFs increases with decreasing luminosity. The faint-end slope of the TIR LFs does not change with environment, but the change of faint-end slope in the 12 mu m LFs with the environment is significant: there is a steeper faint-end slope in the cluster core than in the cluster outskirts. This steepening results primarily from the increasing contribution of early-type galaxies toward the cluster. These galaxies are passively evolving, and contain old stellar populations with weak MIR emission from the circumstellar dust around asymptotic giant branch stars.
Redshift surveys are a powerful tool of modern cosmology. We discuss two aspects of their power to map the distribution of mass and light in the universe: (1) measuring the mass distribution extending into the infall regions of rich clusters and (2) applying deep redshift surveys to the selection of clusters of galaxies and to the identification of very large structures (Great Walls). We preview the HectoMAP project, a redshift survey with median redshift z = 0.34 covering 50 square degrees to r= 21. We emphasize the importance and power of spectroscopy for exploring and understanding the nature and evolution of structure in the universe.
SHELS (Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey) is a dense redshift survey covering a 4 square degree region to a limiting R = 20.6. In the construction of the galaxy catalog and in the acquisition of spectroscopic targets, we paid careful attention to the survey completeness for lower surface brightness dwarf galaxies. Thus, although the survey covers a small area, it is a robust basis for computation of the slope of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function to a limiting M_R = -13.3 + 5logh. We calculate the faint end slope in the R-band for the subset of SHELS galaxies with redshif ts in the range 0.02 <= z < 0.1, SHELS_{0.1}. This sample contains 532 galaxies with R< 20.6 and with a median surface brightness within the half light radius of SB_{50,R} = 21.82 mag arcsec^{-2}. We used this sample to make one of the few direct measurements of the dependence of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function on surface brightness. For the sample as a whole the faint end slope, alpha = -1.31 +/- 0.04, is consistent with both the Blanton et al. (2005b) analysis of the SDSS and the Liu et al. (2008) analysis of the COSMOS field. This consistency is impressive given the very different approaches of th ese three surveys. A magnitude limited sample of 135 galaxies with optical spectroscopic reds hifts with mean half-light surface brightness, SB_{50,R} >= 22.5 mag arcsec^{-2} is unique to SHELS_{0.1}. The faint end slope is alpha_{22.5} = -1.52+/- 0.16. SHELS_{0.1} shows that lower surface brightness objects dominate the faint end slope of the l uminosity function in the field, underscoring the importance of surface brightness limits in evaluating measurements of the faint end slope and its evolution.
We use extreme value statistics to assess the significance of two of the most dramatic structures in the local Universe: the Shapley supercluster and the Sloan Great Wall. If we assume that Shapley (volume ~ 1.2 x 10^5 (Mpc/h)^3) evolved from an overdense region in the initial Gaussian fluctuation field, with currently popular choices for the background cosmological model and the shape and amplitude sigma8 of the initial power spectrum, we estimate that the total mass of the system is within 20 percent of 1.8 x 10^16 Msun/h. Extreme value statistics show that the existence of this massive concentration is not unexpected if the initial fluctuation field was Gaussian, provided there are no other similar objects within a sphere of radius 200 Mpc/h centred on our Galaxy. However, a similar analysis of the Sloan Great Wall, a more distant (z ~ 0.08) and extended concentration of structures (volume ~ 7.2 x 10^5 (Mpc/h)^3) suggests that it is more unusual. We estimate its total mass to be within 20 percent of 1.2 x 10^17 Msun/h; even if it is the densest such object of its volume within z=0.2, its existence is difficult to reconcile with Gaussian initial conditions if sigma8 < 0.9. This tension can be alleviated if this structure is the densest within the Hubble volume. Finally, we show how extreme value statistics can be used to address the likelihood that an object like Shapley exists in the same volume which contains the Great Wall, finding, again, that Shapley is not particularly unusual. It is straightforward to incorporate other models of the initial fluctuation field into our formalism.
LambdaCDM, for the currently preferred cosmological density Omega_0 and cosmological constant Omega_Lambda, predicts that the Universe expansion decelerates from early times to redshift z~0.9 and accelerates at later times. On the contrary, the cosmological model based on conformal gravity predicts that the cosmic expansion has always been accelerating. To distinguish between these two very different cosmologies, we resort to gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which have been suggested to probe the Universe expansion history at z>1, where identified type Ia supernovae (SNe) are rare. We use the full Bayesian approach to infer the cosmological parameters and the additional parameters required to describe the GRB data available in the literature. For the first time, we use GRBs as cosmological probes without any prior information from other data. In addition, when we combine the GRB samples with SNe, our approach neatly avoids all the inconsistencies of most numerous previous methods that are plagued by the so-called circularity problem. In fact, when analyzed properly, current data are consistent with distance moduli of GRBs and SNe that can respectively be, in a variant of conformal gravity, ~15 and ~3 magnitudes fainter than in LambdaCDM. Our results indicate that the currently available SN and GRB samples are accommodated equally well by both LambdaCDM and conformal gravity and do not exclude a continuous accelerated expansion. We conclude that GRBs are currently far from being effective cosmological probes, as they are unable to distinguish between these two very different expansion histories.
We run adiabatic N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of isolated self-gravitating gas clouds to test whether conformal gravity, an alternative theory to General Relativity, is able to explain the properties of X-ray galaxy clusters without resorting to dark matter. We show that the gas clouds rapidly reach equilibrium with a density profile which is well fit by a beta-model whose normalization and slope are in approximate agreement with observations. However, conformal gravity fails to yield the observed thermal properties of the gas cloud: (i) the mean temperature is at least an order of magnitude larger than observed; (ii) the temperature profiles increase with the square of the distance from the cluster center, in clear disagreement with real X-ray clusters. These results depend on a gravitational potential whose parameters reproduce the velocity rotation curves of spiral galaxies. However, this parametrization stands on an arbitrarily chosen conformal factor. It remains to be seen whether a different conformal factor, specified by a spontaneous breaking of the conformal symmetry, can reconcile this theory with observations.

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