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204 - Andrew Gould 2013
Keplers quest for other Earths need not end just yet: it remains capable of characterizing cool Earth-mass planets by microlensing, even given its degraded pointing control. If Kepler were pointed at the Galactic bulge, it could conduct a search for microlensing planets that would be virtually non-overlapping with ground-based surveys. More important, by combining Kepler observations with current ground-based surveys, one could measure the microlens parallax pi_E for a large fraction of the known microlensing events. Such parallax measurements would yield mass and distance determinations for the great majority of microlensing planets, enabling much more precise study of the planet distributions as functions of planet and host mass, planet-host separation, and Galactic position (particularly bulge vs. disk). In addition, rare systems (such as planets orbiting brown dwarfs or black holes) that are presently lost in the noise would be clearly identified. In contrast to Keplers current primary hunting ground of close-in planets, its microlensing planets would be in the cool outer parts of solar systems, generally beyond the snow line. The same survey would yield a spectacular catalog of brown-dwarf binaries, probe the stellar mass function in a unique way, and still have plenty of time available for asteroseismology targets.
We combine VI photometry from OGLE-III with VVV and 2MASS measurements of E(J-K_{s}) to resolve the longstanding problem of the non-standard optical extinction toward the Galactic bulge. We show that the extinction is well-fit by the relation A_{I} = 0.7465*E(V-I) + 1.3700*E(J-K_{s}), or, equivalently, A_{I} = 1.217*E(V-I)(1+1.126*(E(J-K_{s})/E(V-I)-0.3433)). The optical and near-IR reddening law toward the inner Galaxy approximately follows an R_{V} approx 2.5 extinction curve with a dispersion {sigma}_{R_{V}} approx 0.2, consistent with extragalactic investigations of the hosts of type Ia SNe. Differential reddening is shown to be significant on scales as small as as our mean field size of 6, with the 1{sigma} dispersion in reddening averaging 9% of total reddening for our fields. The intrinsic luminosity parameters of the Galactic bulge red clump (RC) are derived to be (M_{I,RC}, sigma_{I,RC,0}, (V-I)_{RC,0}, sigma_{(V-I)_{RC}}, (J-K_{s})_{RC,0}) = (-0.12, 0.09, 1.06, 0.121, 0.66). Our measurements of the RC brightness, brightness dispersion and number counts allow us to estimate several Galactic bulge structural parameters. We estimate a distance to the Galactic center of 8.20 kpc, resolving previous discrepancies in distance determinations to the bulge based on I-band observations. We measure an upper bound on the tilt {alpha} approx 40{deg}. between the bars major axis and the Sun-Galactic center line of sight, though our brightness peaks are consistent with predictions of an N-body model oriented at {alpha} approx 25{deg}. The number of RC stars suggests a total stellar mass for the Galactic bulge of 2.0*10^{10} M_{odot}, if one assumes a Salpeter IMF.
We present new limits on the ejection of metal-rich old-population hypervelocity stars from the Galactic center (GC) as probed by the SEGUE-2 survey. Our limits are a factor of 3-10 more stringent than previously reported, depending on stellar type. Compared to the known population of B-star ejectees, there can be no more than 30 times more metal-rich old-population F/G stars ejected from the GC. Because B stars comprise a tiny fraction of a normal stellar population, this places significant limits on a combination of the GC mass function and the ejection mechanism for hypervelocity stars. In the presence of a normal GC mass function, our results require an ejection mechanism that is about 5.5 times more efficient at ejecting B-stars compared to low-mass F/G stars.
107 - Juna A. Kollmeier 2009
We present spectroscopic confirmation of the Pisces Overdensity, also known as Structure J, a photometric overdensity of RR Lyrae stars discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at an estimated photometric distance of ~85kpc. We measure radial velocities for 8 RR Lyrae stars within Pisces. We find that 5 of the 8 stars have heliocentric radial velocities within a narrow range of -87 km/s < v < -67 km/s, suggesting that the photometric overdensity is mainly due to a physically associated system, probably a dwarf galaxy or a disrupted galaxy. Two of the remaining 3 stars differ from one another by only 9 km/s, but it would be premature to identify them as a second system.
We combine all available information to constrain the nature of OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb, the second planet discovered by microlensing and the first in a high-magnification event. These include photometric and astrometric measurements from Hubble Space Telescope, as well as constraints from higher order effects extracted from the ground-based light curve, such as microlens parallax, planetary orbital motion and finite-source effects. Our primary analysis leads to the conclusion that the host of Jovian planet OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb is an M dwarf in the foreground disk with mass M= 0.46 +/- 0.04 Msun, distance D_l = 3.3 +/- 0.4 kpc, and thick-disk kinematics v_LSR ~ 103 km/s. From the best-fit model, the planet has mass M_p = 3.8 +/- 0.4 M_Jup, lies at a projected separation r_perp = 3.6 +/- 0.2 AU from its host and so has an equilibrium temperature of T ~ 55 K, i.e., similar to Neptune. A degenerate model less favored by Deltachi^2 = 2.1 (or 2.2, depending on the sign of the impact parameter) gives similar planetary mass M_p = 3.4 +/- 0.4 M_Jup with a smaller projected separation, r_perp = 2.1 +/- 0.1 AU, and higher equilibrium temperature T ~ 71 K. These results from the primary analysis suggest that OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb is likely to be the most massive planet yet discovered that is hosted by an M dwarf. However, the formation of such high-mass planetary companions in the outer regions of M-dwarf planetary systems is predicted to be unlikely within the core-accretion scenario. There are a number of caveats to this primary analysis, which assumes (based on real but limited evidence) that the unlensed light coincident with the source is actually due to the lens, that is, the planetary host. However, these caveats could mostly be resolved by a single astrometric measurement a few years after the event.
107 - Juna A. Kollmeier 2008
We present limits on the ejection of old-population HVS from a sample of over 290,000 stars selected from the SDSS. We derive the speed at the solar circle from the measured positions and radial velocities by assuming a radial orbit and adopting a simple isothermal model of the Galactic halo, which enables us to identify candidate bound and unbound ejectees. We find 4 candidate bound F-stars from this sample, all with negative Galactocentric radial velocity (i.e., returning toward the GC). We additionally find 2 candidate unbound stars (one F and one G), however, existing proper motion measurements make these unlikely to be emerging from the GC. These data place an upper limit on the rate of ejection of old-population stars from the GC of ~45/Myr. Comparing to the rate for more massive B-star ejectees of ~0.5/Myr, our limit on the rate of ejection of old-population HVS shows that the mass function at the GC is not bottom-heavy and is consistent with being normal. Future targeted surveys of old-population HVS could determine if it is indeed top-heavy.
121 - Andrew Gould 2008
The frequency of microlensing planet detections, particularly in difficult-to-model high-magnification events, is increasing. Their analysis can require tens of thousands of processor hours or more, primarily because of the high density and high precision of measurements whose modeling requires time-consuming finite-source calculations. I show that a large fraction of these measurements, those that lie at least one source diameter from a caustic or the extension from a cusp, can be modeled using a very simple hexadecapole approximation, which is one to several orders of magnitude faster than full-fledged finite-source calculations. Moreover, by restricting the regions that actually require finite-source calculations to a few isolated `caustic features, the hexadecapole approximation will, for the first time, permit the powerful `magnification-map approach to be applied to events for which the planets orbital motion is important.

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