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272 - Aditi Kar , Michah Sageev 2015
Let $G$ be a group acting properly and essentially on an irreducible, non-Euclidean finite dimensional CAT(0) cube complex $X$ without fixed points at infinity. We show that for any finite collection of simultaneously inessential subgroups ${H_1, ldots, H_k}$ in $G$, there exists an element $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle H_i, grangle cong H_i * langle grangle$. We apply this to show that any group, acting faithfully and geometrically on a non-Euclidean possibly reducible CAT(0) cube complex, has property $P_{naive}$ i.e. given any finite list ${g_1, ldots, g_k}$ of elements from $G$, there exists $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle g_i, grangle cong langle g_i rangle *langle grangle$. This applies in particular to the Burger-Moses simple groups that arise as lattices in products of trees. The arguments utilize the action of the group on its Poisson boundary and moreover, allow us to summarise equivalent conditions for the reduced $C^*$-algebra of the group to be simple.
Suppose an amenable group $G$ is acting freely on a simply connected simplicial complex $tilde X$ with compact quotient $X$. Fix $n geq 1$, assume $H_n(tilde X, mathbb{Z})=0$ and let $(H_i)$ be a Farber chain in $G$. We prove that the torsion of the integral homology in dimension $n$ of $tilde{X}/H_i$ grows subexponentially in $[G:H_i]$. By way of contrast, if $X$ is not compact, there are solvable groups of derived length 3 for which torsion in homology can grow faster than any given function.
Almost-isometries are quasi-isometries with multiplicative constant one. Lifting a pair of metrics on a compact space gives quasi-isometric metrics on the universal cover. Under some additional hypotheses on the metrics, we show that there is no almost-isometry between the universal covers. We show that Riemannian manifolds which are almost-isometric have the same volume growth entropy. We establish various rigidity results as applications.
122 - Aditi Kar , Nikolay Nikolov 2014
We describe elementary examples of finitely presented sofic groups which are not residually amenable (and thus not initially subamenable or LEA, for short). We ask if an amalgam of two amenable groups over a finite subgroup is residually amenable and answer this positively for some special cases, including countable locally finite groups, residually nilpotent groups and others.
We prove that the rank gradient vanishes for mapping class groups of genus bigger than 1, $Aut(F_n)$, for all $n$, $Out(F_n)$ for $n geq 3$, and any Artin group whose underlying graph is connected. These groups have fixed price 1. We compute the rank gradient and verify that it is equal to the first $L^2$-Betti number for some classes of Coxeter groups.
191 - Yago Antolin , Aditi Kar 2012
In this paper, we generalise Magnus Freiheitssatz and solution to the word problem for one-relator groups by considering one relator quotients of certain classes of right-angled Artin groups and graph products of locally indicable polycyclic groups.
We show that for a wide class of manifold pairs N, M satisfying dim(M) = dim(N) + 1, every pi_1-injective map f : N --> M factorises up to homotopy as a finite cover of an embedding. This result, in the spirit of Waldhausens torus theorem, is derived using Cappells surgery methods from a new algebraic splitting theorem for Poincare duality groups. As an application we derive a new obstruction to the existence of pi_1-injective maps.
157 - Aditi Kar , Graham A. Niblo 2010
We generalize a result of R. Thomas to establish the non-vanishing of the first l2-Betti number for a class of finitely generated groups.
91 - Aditi Kar 2010
We study the general theory of asymptotically CAT(0) groups, explaining why such a group has finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups, is $F_infty$ and has solvable word problem. We provide techniques to combine asymptotically CAT(0) groups via direct products, amalgams and HNN extensions. The universal cover of the Lie group $PSL(2,mathbb{R})$ is shown to be an asymptotically CAT(0) metric space. Therefore, co-compact lattices in $widetilde{PSL(2,mathbb{R})}$ provide the first examples of asymptotically CAT(0) groups which are neither CAT(0) nor hyperbolic. Another source of examples is shown to be the class of relatively hyperbolic groups.

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