Sahl Al-Ghab zone is characterized by the availability of natural and human
appropriate conditions for the cultivation of cotton, and it's one of the most desired
agricultural crops for export, in addition to the big need for local textile mills wi
th both of
its public and private sectors, and it's also one of the strategic and social crops. However,
between 2005-2013, cotton cultivation fell back in this region to be replaced mainly by
wheat in addition to other crops, and the main reasons for this decline is that there is no
proportionality between the price of cotton and production costs, as the price of the
kilogram of cotton rose from 31 S.P in 2005 to 100 S.P in 2013, while the price of the liter
of diesel – the main factor in the cultivation of cotton – rose from 25 S.P in 2005 to 60 S.P
in 2013.
Through this research, We knew the reasons for the decrement of cotton cultivation
in Sahl Al-Ghab zone and choosing the wheat and nothing else to replace it, especially that
wheat cultivation didn't achieve better economic returns of cotton.
On the contrary, it had negative results in terms of non-application of the agricultural
cycle and the spread of diseases such as wheat rust disease that spreaded in Sahl Al-Ghab
zone in the last years and which reflected negatively on production.
Meteorological elements affect the dynamics of air pollutants, where
these elements can play an important role in dispersing and
transferring air pollutants as well as to photochemical reactions of
secondary air pollutants.
This study was conduct
ed to analyze the effect of several
meteorological variables on the concentrations of some air pollutants
(Co, NO2, SO2, O3, PM10) at two sites in Damascus city, by using the
Pearson correlation coefficient.