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Lagrangian configurations and symplectic cross-ratios

144   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Charles Conley
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider moduli spaces of cyclic configurations of $N$ lines in a $2n$-dimensional symplectic vector space, such that every set of $n$ consecutive lines generates a Lagrangian subspace. We study geometric and combinatorial problems related to these moduli spaces, and prove that they are isomorphic to quotients of spaces of symmetric linear difference operators with monodromy $-1$. The symplectic cross-ratio is an invariant of two pairs of $1$-dimensional subspaces of a symplectic vector space. For $N = 2n+2$, the moduli space of Lagrangian configurations is parametrized by $n+1$ symplectic cross-ratios. These cross-ratios satisfy a single remarkable relation, related to tridiagonal determinants and continuants, given by the Pfaffian of a Gram matrix.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study configurations of disjoint Lagrangian submanifolds in certain low-dimensional symplectic manifolds from the perspective of the geometry of Hamiltonian maps. We detect infinite-dimensional flats in the Hamiltonian group of the two-sphere equi pped with Hofers metric, prove constraints on Lagrangian packing, find instances of Lagrangian Poincar{e} recurrence, and present a new hierarchy of normal subgroups of area-preserving homeomorphisms of the two-sphere. The technology involves Lagrangian spectral invariants with Hamiltonian term in symmetric product orbifolds.
We introduce new invariants associated to collections of compact subsets of a symplectic manifold. They are defined through an elementary-looking variational problem involving Poisson brackets. The proof of the non-triviality of these invariants invo lves various flavors of Floer theory. We present applications to approximation theory on symplectic manifolds and to Hamiltonian dynamics.
The purpose of this paper is to establish a Lagrangian potential theory, analogous to the classical pluripotential theory, and to define and study a Lagrangian differential operator of Monge-Ampere type. This development is new even in ${bf C}^n$. Ho wever, it applies quite generally -- perhaps most importantly to symplectic manifolds equipped with a Gromov metric. The Lagrange Monge-Ampere operator is an explicit polynomial on ${rm Sym}^2(TX)$ whose principle branch defines the space of Lag-harmonics. Interestingly the operator depends only on the Laplacian and the SKEW-Hermitian part of the Hessian. The Dirichlet problem for this operator is solved in both the homogeneous and inhomogeneous cases. The homogeneous case is also solved for each of the other branches. This paper also introduces and systematically studies the notions of Lagrangian plurisubharmonic and harmonic functions, and Lagrangian convexity. An analogue of the Levi Problem is proved. In ${bf C}^n$ there is another concept, Lag-plurihamonics, which relate in several ways to the harmonics on any domain. Parallels of this Lagrangian potential theory with standard (complex) pluripotential theory are constantly emphasized.
Let $G$ be a connected complex semisimple Lie group, equipped with a standard multiplicative Poisson structure $pi_{{rm st}}$ determined by a pair of opposite Borel subgroups $(B, B_-)$. We prove that for each $v$ in the Weyl group $W$ of $G$, the do uble Bruhat cell $G^{v,v} = BvB cap B_-vB_-$ in $G$, together with the Poisson structure $pi_{{rm st}}$, is naturally a Poisson groupoid over the Bruhat cell $BvB/B$ in the flag variety $G/B$. Correspondingly, every symplectic leaf of $pi_{{rm st}}$ in $G^{v,v}$ is a symplectic groupoid over $BvB/B$. For $u, v in W$, we show that the double Bruhat cell $(G^{u,v}, pi_{{rm st}})$ has a naturally defined left Poisson action by the Poisson groupoid $(G^{u, u},pi_{{rm st}})$ and a right Poisson action by the Poisson groupoid $(G^{v,v}, pi_{{rm st}})$, and the two actions commute. Restricting to symplectic leaves of $pi_{{rm st}}$, one obtains commuting left and right Poisson actions on symplectic leaves in $G^{u,v}$ by symplectic leaves in $G^{u, u}$ and in $G^{v,v}$ as symplectic groupoids.
378 - Boris Khesin 2011
We present the Hamiltonian formalism for the Euler equation of symplectic fluids, introduce symplectic vorticity, and study related invariants. In particular, this allows one to extend D.Ebins long-time existence result for geodesics on the symplecto morphism group to metrics not necessarily compatible with the symplectic structure. We also study the dynamics of symplectic point vortices, describe their symmetry groups and integrability.
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