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Thin domains with doubly oscillatory boundary

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 نشر من قبل Jos\\'e M. Arrieta
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider a 2-dimensional thin domain with order of thickness {epsilon} which presents oscillations of amplitude also {epsilon} on both boundaries, top and bottom, but the period of the oscillations are of different order at the top and at the bottom. We study the behavior of the Laplace operator with Neumann boundary condition and obtain its asymptotic homogenized limit as the parameter {epsilon} goes to 0. We are interested in understanding how this different oscillatory behavior at the boundary, influences the limit problem.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the vectorial analogue of the thin free boundary problem introduced in cite{CRS} as a realization of a nonlocal version of the classical Bernoulli problem. We study optimal regularity, nondegeneracy, and density properties of local minimi zers. Via a blow-up analysis based on a Weiss type monotonicity formula, we show that the free boundary is the union of a regular and a singular part. Finally we use a viscosity approach to prove $C^{1,alpha}$ regularity of the regular part of the free boundary.
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In this paper, we consider a family of second-order elliptic systems subject to a periodically oscillating Robin boundary condition. We establish the qualitative homogenization theorem on any Lipschitz domains satisfying a non-resonance condition. We also use the quantitative estimates of oscillatory integrals to obtain the dimension-dependent convergence rates in $L^2$, assuming that the domain is smooth and strictly convex.
In this paper, we analyze a model composed by coupled local and nonlocal diffusion equations acting in different subdomains. We consider the limit case when one of the subdomains is thin in one direction (it is concentrated to a domain of smaller dim ension) and as a limit problem we obtain coupling between local and nonlocal equations acting in domains of different dimension. We find existence and uniqueness of solutions and we prove several qualitative properties (like conservation of mass and convergence to the mean value of the initial condition as time goes to infinity).
We investigate the Boundary Harnack Principle in Holder domains of exponent $alpha>0$ by the analytical method developed in our previous work A short proof of Boundary Harnack Principle.
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In this paper, we consider a partially overdetermined mixed boundary value problem in space forms. We generalize the main result in cite{GX} into the case of general domains with partial umbilical boundary in space forms. We prove that a domain in wh ich this partially overdetermined problem admits a solution if and only if the domain is part of a geodesic ball.
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