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Large Magnetoresistance and Nontrivial Berry Phase in Nb3Sb Crystals with A15 Structure

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 نشر من قبل Minghu Fang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Compounds with the A15 structure have attracted extensive attention due to their superconductivity and nontrivial topological band structure. We have successfully grown Nb$_3$Sb single crystals with a A15 structure and systematically measured the longitudinal resistivity, Hall resistivity and quantum oscillations in magnetization. Similar to other topological trivial/nontrivial semimetals, Nb$_3$Sb, exhibits large magnetoresistance (MR) at low temperatures (717$%$, 2 K and 9 T), unsaturating quadratic field dependence of MR and up-turn behavior in $rho_{xx}$(emph{T}) curves under magnetic field, which is considered to result from a perfect hole-electron compensation, as evidenced by the Hall resistivity measurements. The nonzero Berry phase obtained from the de-Hass van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations demonstrates that Nb$_3$Sb is topologically nontrivial. These results indicate that Nb$_{3}$Sb superconductor is also a semimetal with large MR and nontrivial Berry phase, indicating that Nb$_{3}$Sb may be another platform to search for Majorana zero-energy mode.

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اقرأ أيضاً

166 - G. R. Stewart 2015
The cubic A15 structure metals, with over 60 distinct member compounds, held the crown of highest Tc superconductor starting in 1954 with the discovery of Tc=18 K in Nb3Sn. Tc increased over the next 20 years until the discovery in 1973 of Tc = 22.3 K (optimized to approximately 23 K a year later) in sputtered films of Nb3Ge. Attempts were made to produce - via explosive compression - higher (theorized to be 31-35 K) transition temperatures in not stable at ambient conditions A15 Nb3Si. However, the effort to continue the march to higher Tc values in A15 Nb3Si only resulted in a defect-suppressed Tc of 19 K by 1981. Focus in superconductivity research partially shifted with the advent of heavy Fermion superconductors (CeCu2Si2, UBe13, and UPt3 discovered in 1979, 1983 and 1984 respectively) and further shifted away from A15 superconductors with the discovery of the perovskite structure cuprate superconductors in 1986 with Tc=35 K. However, the A15 superconductors, and specifically doped Nb3Sn, are still the material of choice today for most applications where high critical currents (e. g. magnets with dc persistent fields up to 21 T) are required. Thus, this article discusses superconductivity, and the important physical properties and theories for the understanding thereof, in the A15 superconductors which held the record Tc for the longest time (32 years) of any known class of superconductor since the discovery of Tc=4.2 K in Hg in 1911. The discovery in 2008 of Tc=38 K at 7 kbar in A15 Cs3C60 (properly a member of the fullerene superconductor class), which is an insulator at 1 atm pressure and otherwise also atypical of the A15 class of superconductors, will be briefly discussed.
We present the first report on a large low-temperature magnetoresistance (MR) of more than 1600% in a SrFe2As2 single crystal and 1300% in a low-energy Ca ion-implanted SrFe2As2 single crystal that occurs before the emergence of crystallographic stra in-induced bulk superconductivity arising from a sample aging effect. In accordance to band structure calculations from literature, which consitently show more than 2 bands are involved in the transport, we have modeled this large MR at high fields using a 3-carrier scenario rather than solely on quantum linear MR model generally used to explain the MR in iron-pnictides. At and below 20 K the large MR may be due to 3-carrier transport in an inhomogeneous state where there are superconducting and metallic regions.
The subject of topological materials has attracted immense attention in condensed-matter physics, because they host new quantum states of matter containing Dirac, Majorana, or Weyl fermions. Although Majorana fermions can only exist on the surface of topological superconductors, Dirac and Weyl fermions can be realized in both 2D and 3D materials. The latter are semimetals with Dirac/Weyl cones either not tilted (type I) or tilted (type II). Although both Dirac and Weyl fermions have massless nature with the nontrivial Berry phase, the formation of Weyl fermions in 3D semimetals require either time-reversal or inversion symmetry breaking to lift degeneracy at Dirac points. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that canted antiferromagnetic BaMnSb2 is a 3D Weyl semimetal with a 2D electronic structure. The Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations of the magnetoresistance give nearly zero effective mass with high mobility and the nontrivial Berry phase. The ordered magnetic arrangement (ferromagnetic ordering in the ab plane and antiferromagnetic ordering along the c axis below 286 K) breaks the time-reversal symmetry, thus offering us an ideal platform to study magnetic Weyl fermions in a centrosymmetric material.
We performed calculations of the electronic band structure and the Fermi surface as well as measured the longitudinal resistivity rhoxx(T,H), Hall resistivity rhoxy(T,H) and quantum oscillations of the magnetization as a function of temperature at va rious magnetic fields for MoO2 with monoclinic crystal structure. The band structure calculations show that MoO2 is a nodal-line semimetal when spin-orbit coupling is ignored. It was found that a large magnetoresistance reaching 5.03x10^4% at 2 K and 9 T, its nearly quadratic field dependence and a field-induced up-turn behavior of rhoxx(T), the characteristics common for many topologically non-trivial as well as trivial semimetals, emerge also in MoO2. The observed properties are attributed to a perfect charge-carrier compensation, evidenced by both calculations relying on the Fermi surface topology and the Hall resistivity measurements. Both the observation of negative magnetoresistance for magnetic field along the current direction and the non-zero Berry phase in de Haas-van Alphen measurements indicate that pairs of Weyl points appear in MoO2, which may be due to the crystal symmetry breaking. These results highlight MoO2 as a new platform materials for studying the topological properties of oxides.
Geometrical Berry phase is recognized as having profound implications for the properties of electronic systems. Over the last decade, Berry phase has been essential to our understanding of new materials, including graphene and topological insulators. The Berry phase can be accessed via its contribution to the phase mismatch in quantum oscillation experiments, where electrons accumulate a phase as they traverse closed cyclotron orbits in momentum space. The high-temperature cuprate superconductors are a class of materials where the Berry phase is thus far unknown despite the large body of existing quantum oscillations data. In this report we present a systematic Berry phase analysis of Shubnikov - de Haas measurements on the hole-doped cuprates YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{y}$, YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$, HgBa$_2$CuO$_{4 + delta}$, and the electron-doped cuprate Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_4$. For the hole-doped materials, a trivial Berry phase of 0 mod $2pi$ is systematically observed whereas the electron-doped Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_4$ exhibits a significant non-zero Berry phase. These observations set constraints on the nature of the high-field normal state of the cuprates and points towards contrasting behaviour between hole-doped and electron-doped materials. We discuss this difference in light of recent developments related to charge density-wave and broken time-reversal symmetry states.
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