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Prospects of direct detection of $^{48}$V gamma-rays from thermonuclear supernovae

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 نشر من قبل Fiona Helen Panther
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Detection of gamma-rays emitted by radioactive isotopes synthesized in stellar explosions can give important insights into the processes that power transients such as supernovae, as well as providing a detailed census of the abundance of different isotope species relevant to the chemical evolution of the Universe. Observations of nearby supernovae have yielded observational proof that $^{57}$Co powered the late-time evolution of SN1987As lightcurve, and conclusive evidence that $^{56}$Ni and its daughter nuclei power the light curves of Type Ia supernovae. In this paper we describe the prospects for detecting nuclear decay lines associated with the decay of $^{48}$V, the daughter nucleus of $^{48}$Cr, which is expected to be synthesised in large quantities - $M_{mathrm{Cr}}sim1.9times10^{-2},mathrm{M_odot}$ - in transients initiated by explosive helium burning ($alpha$-capture) of a thick helium shell. We calculate emergent gamma-ray line fluxes for a simulated explosion model of a thermonuclear explosion of carbon-oxygen white dwarf core of mass $0.45,M_{odot}$ surrounded by a thick helium layer of mass $0.21,M_{odot}$. We present observational limits on the presence of $^{48}$V in nearby SNe Ia 2014J using the textit{INTEGRAL} space telescope, excluding a $^{48}$Cr production on the surface of more than $0.1,mathrm{M_{odot}}$. We find that the future gamma-ray mission AMEGO will have an approximately 5 per cent chance of observing $^{48}$V gamma-rays from such events during the currently-planned operational lifetime, based on our birthrate predictions of faint thermonuclear transients. We describe the conditions for a $3sigma$ detection by the gamma-ray telescopes textit{INTEGRAL}/SPI, COSI and AMEGO.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We use the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observatory to search for gamma-ray emission from four nearby, debris disk-hosting main sequence stars: $tau$ Ceti, $epsilon$ Eridani, Fomalhaut, and Vega. For three stars ($tau$ Ceti, Fomalhaut, and Vega), we establish upper limits that are consistent with theoretical expectations. For $epsilon$ Eridani, we find a possible spatially coincident source with a soft energy spectrum of $dN/dE sim E^{-3.6}$. However, at this stage we are unable to rule out that this emission is due to a more extended feature in the diffuse background. In the interpretation that the emission is due to $epsilon$ Eridani, the $> 100$ MeV gamma-ray luminosity is $sim 10^{27}$ erg/s $simeq 3times 10^{-7}$ L$_odot$, which is $sim 10^{10}$ times the gamma-ray luminosity from the disk of the quiet Sun. We find $lesssim 2 sigma$ evidence of source variability over a $sim 7$ year timescale. In the interpretation that the gamma-ray emission from $epsilon$ Eridani itself, we consider two possible models: 1) cosmic-ray collisions with solid bodies in the debris disk which extends out $sim$60 AU from the host star, and 2) emission from the stellar activity. For the former model, assuming a total disk mass consistent with infrared measurements, we find that the size distribution of bodies is steeper than expected for a collisional cascade state. If confirmed as being associated with $epsilon$ Eridani, this would be the first indication of gamma-ray emission from the vicinity of a main sequence star other than the Sun.
160 - K. Maeda , Y. Terada , D. Kasen 2012
We perform multi-dimensional, time-dependent radiation transfer simulations for hard X-ray and gamma-ray emissions, following radioactive decays of 56Ni and 56Co, for two-dimensional delayed detonation models of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The synth etic spectra and light curves are compared with the sensitivities of current and future observatories for an exposure time of 10^6 seconds. The non-detection of the gamma-ray signal from SN 2011fe at 6.4 Mpc by SPI on board INTEGRAL places an upper limit for the mass of 56Ni of lesssim 1.0 Msun, independently from observations in any other wavelengths. Signals from the newly formed radioactive species have not been convincingly measured yet from any SN Ia, but the future X-ray and gamma-ray missions are expected to deepen the observable horizon to provide the high energy emission data for a significant SN Ia sample. We predict that the hard X-ray detectors on board NuStar (launched in 2012) or ASTRO-H (scheduled for launch in 2014) will reach to SNe Ia at sim15 Mpc, i.e., one SN every few years. Furthermore, according to the present results, the soft gamma-ray detector on board ASTRO-H will be able to detect the 158 keV line emission up to sim25 Mpc, i.e., a few SNe Ia per year. Proposed next generation gamma-ray missions, e.g., GRIPS, could reach to SNe Ia at sim20 - 35 Mpc by MeV observations. Those would provide new diagnostics and strong constraints on explosion models, detecting rather directly the main energy source of supernova light.
Recent theoretical predictions of the lowest very high energy (VHE) luminosity of SN 1006 are only a factor 5 below the previously published H.E.S.S. upper limit, thus motivating further in-depth observations of this source. Deep observations at VHE energies (above 100 GeV) were carried out with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) of Cherenkov Telescopes from 2003 to 2008. More than 100 hours of data have been collected and subjected to an improved analysis procedure. Observations resulted in the detection of VHE gamma-rays from SN 1006. The measured gamma-ray spectrum is compatible with a power-law, the flux is of the order of 1% of that detected from the Crab Nebula, and is thus consistent with the previously established H.E.S.S. upper limit. The source exhibits a bipolar morphology, which is strongly correlated with non-thermal X-rays. Because the thickness of the VHE-shell is compatible with emission from a thin rim, particle acceleration in shock waves is likely to be the origin of the gamma-ray signal. The measured flux level can be accounted for by inverse Compton emission, but a mixed scenario that includes leptonic and hadronic components and takes into account the ambient matter density inferred from observations also leads to a satisfactory description of the multi-wavelength spectrum.
We report the detection of pulsed gamma rays from the Crab pulsar at energies above 100 Gigaelectronvolts (GeV) with the VERITAS array of atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The detection cannot be explained on the basis of current pulsar models. The p hoton spectrum of pulsed emission between 100 Megaelectronvolts (MeV) and 400 GeV is described by a broken power law that is statistically preferred over a power law with an exponential cutoff. It is unlikely that the observation can be explained by invoking curvature radiation as the origin of the observed gamma rays above 100 GeV. Our findings require that these gamma rays be produced more than 10 stellar radii from the neutron star.
289 - Stefan Funk 2013
The details of what constitutes the majority of the mass that makes up dark matter in the Universe remains one of the prime puzzles of cosmology and particle physics today - eighty years after the first observational indications. Today, it is widely accepted that dark matter exists and that it is very likely composed of elementary particles - that are weakly interacting and massive (WIMPs for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). As important as dark matter is in our understanding of cosmology, the detection of these particles has so far been elusive. Their primary properties such as mass and interaction cross sections are still unknown. Indirect detection searches for the products of WIMP annihilation or decay. This is generally done through observations of gamma-ray photons or cosmic rays. Instruments such as the Fermi-LAT, H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS, combined with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will provide important and complementary constraints to other search techniques. Given the expected sensitivities of all search techniques, we are at a stage where the WIMP scenario is facing stringent tests and it can be expected that WIMPs will be either be detected or the scenario will be so severely constrained that it will have to be re-thought. In this sense we are on the Threshold of Discovery. In this article, I will give a general overview over the current status and the future expectations for indirect searches for dark matter (WIMP) particles.
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