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Dynamical spin polarization of excess quasi-particles in superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Manuel Houzet
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the annihilation dynamics of excess quasi-particles in superconductors may result in the spontaneous formation of large spin-polarized clusters. This presents a novel scenario for spontaneous spin polarization. We estimate the relevant scales for aluminum, finding the feasibility of clusters with total spin $S simeq 10^4 hbar$ that could be spread over microns. The fluctuation dynamics of such large spins may be detected by measuring the flux noise in a loop hosting a cluster.

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اقرأ أيضاً

370 - E. Berg , C-C. Chen , 2008
We establish a condition for the perturbative stability of zero energy nodal points in the quasi-particle spectrum of superconductors in the presence of coexisting textit{commensurate} orders. The nodes are found to be stable if the Hamiltonian is in variant under time reversal followed by a lattice translation. The principle is demonstrated with a few examples. Some experimental implications of various types of assumed order are discussed in the context of the cuprate superconductors.
124 - M. Granath 2000
We study the properties of a quasi-one dimensional superconductor which consists of an alternating array of two inequivalent chains. This model is a simple charicature of a locally striped high temperature superconductor, and is more generally a theo retically controllable system in which the superconducting state emerges from a non-Fermi liquid normal state. Even in this limit, ``d-wave like order parameter symmetry is natural, but the superconducting state can either have a complete gap in the quasi-particle spectrum, or gapless ``nodal quasiparticles. We also find circumstances in which antiferromagnetic order (typically incommensurate) coexists with superconductivity.
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