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Detectable molecular features above hydrocarbon haze via transmission spectroscopy with JWST: Case studies of GJ 1214b-, GJ 436b-, HD 97658b-, and Kepler-51b-like planets

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 نشر من قبل Yui Kawashima
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Some of the exoplanets so far observed show featureless or flat transmission spectra, possibly indicating the existence of clouds and/or haze in their atmospheres. Thanks to its large aperture size and broad wavelength coverage, JWST is expected to enable detailed investigation of exoplanet atmospheres, which could provide important constraints on the atmospheric composition obscured by clouds/haze. Here, we use four warm ($lesssim 1000$ K) planets suitable for atmospheric characterization via transmission spectroscopy, GJ 1214b, GJ 436b, HD 97658b, and Kepler-51b, as examples to explore molecular absorption features detectable by JWST even in the existence of hydrocarbon haze in the atmospheres. We simulate photochemistry, the growth of hydrocarbon haze particles, and transmission spectra for the atmospheres of these four planets. Among the planetary parameters considered, super-Earths with hazy, relatively hydrogen-rich atmospheres are mostly expected to produce detectable molecular absorption features such as a quite prominent $mathrm{CH_4}$ feature at 3.3 ${rm mu}$m even for the extreme case of the most efficient production of photochemical haze. For a planet that has extremely low gravity, such as Kepler-51b, haze particles grow significantly large in the upper atmosphere due to the small sedimentation velocity, resulting in the featureless or flat transmission spectrum in a wide wavelength range. This investigation shows that the transmission spectra with muted features measured by HST in most cases do not preclude strong features at the longer wavelengths accessible by JWST.

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اقرأ أيضاً

GJ 1214 is orbited by a transiting super-Earth-mass planet. It is a primary target for ongoing efforts to understand the emerging population of super-Earth-mass planets around M dwarfs. We present new precision astrometric measurements, a re-analysis of HARPS radial velocity measurements, and medium-resolution infrared spectroscopy of GJ 1214. We combine these measurements with recent transit follow-up observations and new catalog photometry to provide a comprehensive update of the star-planet properties. The distance is obtained with 0.6% relative uncertainty using CAPScam astrometry. The new value increases the nominal distance to the star by ~10% and is significantly more precise than previous measurements. Updated Doppler measurements combined with published transit observations significantly refine the constraints on the orbital solution. The analysis of the infrared spectrum and photometry confirm that the star is enriched in metals compared to the Sun. Using all this information, combined with empirical mass-luminosity relations for low mass stars, we derive updated values for the bulk properties of the star-planet system. We also use infrared absolute fluxes to estimate the stellar radius and to re-derive the star-planet properties. Both approaches provide very consistent values for the system. Our analysis shows indicates that the favoured mean density of GJ 1214b is 1.6 +/-0.6 g cm^{-3}. We illustrate how fundamental properties of M dwarfs are of paramount importance in the proper characterization of the low mass planetary candidates orbiting them. Given that the distance is now known to better than 1%, interferometric measurements of the stellar radius, additional high precision Doppler observations, and/or or detection of the secondary transit (occultation), are necessary to further improve the constraints on the GJ 1214 star-planet properties.
GJ 1214b is one of the few known transiting super-Earth-sized exoplanets with a measured mass and radius. It orbits an M-dwarf, only 14.55 pc away, making it a favorable candidate for follow-up studies. However, the composition of GJ 1214bs mysteriou s atmosphere has yet to be fully unveiled. Our goal is to distinguish between the various proposed atmospheric models to explain the properties of GJ 1214b: hydrogen-rich or hydrogen-He mix, or a heavy molecular weight atmosphere with reflecting high clouds, as latest studies have suggested. Wavelength-dependent planetary radii measurements from the transit depths in the optical/NIR are the best tool to investigate the atmosphere of GJ 1214b. We present here (i) photometric transit observations with a narrow-band filter centered on 2.14 microns and a broad-band I-Bessel filter centered on 0.8665 microns, and (ii) transmission spectroscopy in the H and K atmospheric windows that cover three transits. The obtained photometric and spectrophotometric time series were analyzed with MCMC simulations to measure the planetary radii as a function of wavelength. We determined radii ratios of 0.1173 for I-Bessel and 0.11735 at 2.14 microns. Our measurements indicate a flat transmission spectrum, in agreement with last atmospheric models that favor featureless spectra with clouds and high molecular weight compositions.
GJ 436b is a warm-- approximately 800 K--extrasolar planet that periodically eclipses its low-mass (half the mass of the Sun) host star, and is one of the few Neptune-mass planets that is amenable to detailed characterization. Previous observations h ave indicated that its atmosphere has a methane-to-CO ratio that is 100,000 times smaller than predicted by models for hydrogen-dominated atmospheres at these temperatures. A recent study proposed that this unusual chemistry could be explained if the planets atmosphere is significantly enhanced in elements heavier than H and He. In this study we present complementary observations of GJ 436bs atmosphere obtained during transit. Our observations indicate that the planets transmission spectrum is effectively featureless, ruling out cloud-free, hydrogen-dominated atmosphere models with an extremely high significance of 48 sigma. The measured spectrum is consistent with either a high cloud or haze layer located at a pressure of approximately 1 mbar or with a relatively hydrogen-poor (three percent hydrogen and helium mass fraction) atmospheric composition.
We present 5 new transit light curves of GJ 1214b taken in BJHKs-bands. Two transits were observed in B-band using the Suprime-Cam and the FOCAS instruments onboard the Subaru 8.2m telescope, and one transit was done in JHKs-bands simultaneously with the SIRIUS camera on the IRSF 1.4m telescope. MCMC analyses show that the planet-to-star radius ratios are, Rp/Rs = 0.11651 pm 0.00065 (B-band, Subaru/Suprime-Cam), Rp/Rs = 0.11601 pm 0.00117 (B-band, Subaru/FOCAS), Rp/Rs = 0.11654 pm 0.00080 (J-band, IRSF/SIRIUS), Rp/Rs = 0.11550 ^{+0.00142}_{-0.00153} (H-band, IRSF/SIRIUS), and Rp/Rs = 0.11547 pm 0.00127 (Ks-band, IRSF/SIRIUS). The Subaru Suprime-Cam transit photometry shows a possible spot-crossing feature. Comparisons of the new transit depths and those from previous studies with the theoretical models by Howe & Burrows (2012) suggest that the high molecular weight atmosphere (e.g., 1% H$_2$O + 99% N$_2$) models are most likely, however, the low molecular weight (hydrogen dominated) atmospheres with extensive clouds are still not excluded. We also report a long-term monitoring of the stellar brightness variability of GJ 1214 observed with the MITSuME 50cm telescope in g-, Rc-, and Ic-bands simultaneously. The monitoring was conducted for 32 nights spanning 78 nights in 2012, and we find a periodic brightness variation with a period of Ps = 44.3 pm 1.2 days and semi-amplitudes of 2.1% pm 0.4% in g-band, 0.56% pm 0.08% in Rc-band, and 0.32% pm 0.04% in Ic-band.
291 - C. Caceres 2009
Currently the only technique sensitive to Earth mass planets around nearby stars (that are too close for microlensing) is the monitoring of the transit time variations of the transiting extrasolar planets. We search for additional planets in the syst ems of the hot Neptune GJ 436b, and the hot-Jupiter XO-1b, using high cadence observations in the J and Ks bands. New high-precision transit timing measurements are reported: GJ 436b Tc = 2454238.47898 pm 0.00046 HJD; XO-1b Tc(A) = 2454218.83331 pm 0.00114 HJD, Tc(B) = 2454222.77539 pm 0.00036 HJD, Tc(C) = 2454222.77597 pm 0.00039 HJD, Tc(D) = 2454226.71769 pm 0.00034 HJD, and they were used to derive new ephemeris. We also determined depths for these transits. No statistically significant timing deviations were detected. We demonstrate that the high cadence ground based near-infrared observations are successful in constraining the mean transit time to ~30 sec., and are a viable alternative to space missions.
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