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Gutzwiller Renormalization Group

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 نشر من قبل Nicola Lanat\\`a
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop a variational scheme called Gutzwiller renormalization group (GRG), which enables us to calculate the ground state of Anderson impurity models (AIM) with arbitrary numerical precision. Our method can exploit the low-entanglement property of the ground state in combination with the framework of the Gutzwiller wavefunction, and suggests that the ground state of the AIM has a very simple structure, which can be represented very accurately in terms of a surprisingly small number of variational parameters. We perform benchmark calculations of the single-band AIM that validate our theory and indicate that the GRG might enable us to study complex systems beyond the reach of the other methods presently available and pave the way to interesting generalizations, e.g., to nonequilibrium transport in nanostructures.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We introduce the transcorrelated Density Matrix Renormalization Group (tcDMRG) theory for the efficient approximation of the energy for strongly correlated systems. tcDMRG encodes the wave function as a product of a fixed Jastrow or Gutzwiller correl ator and a matrix product state. The latter is optimized by applying the imaginary-time variant of time-dependent (TD) DMRG to the non-Hermitian transcorrelated Hamiltonian. We demonstrate the efficiency of tcDMRG at the example of the two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian, a notoriously difficult target for the DMRG algorithm, for different sizes, occupation numbers, and interaction strengths. We demonstrate fast energy convergence of tcDMRG, which indicates that tcDMRG could increase the efficiency of standard DMRG beyond quasi-monodimensional systems and provides a generally powerful approach toward the dynamic correlation problem of DMRG.
We analyze the ground-state energy, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, and Kondo screening cloud of the symmetric single-impurity Anderson model (SIAM) that is characterized by the band width $W$, the impurity interaction strength $U$, and the l ocal hybridization $V$. We compare Gutzwiller variational and magnetic Hartree-Fock results in the thermodynamic limit with numerically exact data from the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) method on large rings. To improve the DMRG performance, we use a canonical transformation to map the SIAM onto a chain with half the system size and open boundary conditions. We compare to Bethe-Ansatz results for the ground-state energy, magnetization, and spin susceptibility that become exact in the wide-band limit. Our detailed comparison shows that the field-theoretical description is applicable to the SIAM on a ring for a broad parameter range. Hartree-Fock theory gives an excellent ground-state energy and local moment for intermediate and strong interactions. However, it lacks spin fluctuations and thus cannot screen the impurity spin. The Gutzwiller variational energy bound becomes very poor for large interactions because it does not describe properly the charge fluctuations. Nevertheless, the Gutzwiller approach provides a qualitatively correct description of the zero-field susceptibility and the Kondo screening cloud. The DMRG provides excellent data for the ground-state energy and the magnetization for finite external fields. At strong interactions, finite-size effects make it extremely difficult to recover the exponentially large zero-field susceptibility and the mesoscopically large Kondo screening cloud.
408 - S. Grap , V. Meden 2009
We use Wilsons weak coupling ``momentum shell renormalization group method to show that two-particle interaction terms commonly neglected in bosonization of one-dimensional correlated electron systems with open boundaries are indeed irrelevant in the renormalization group sense. Our study provides a more solid ground for many investigations of Luttinger liquids with open boundaries.
In some cases the state of a quantum system with a large number of subsystems can be approximated efficiently by the density matrix renormalization group, which makes use of redundancies in the description of the state. Here we show that the achievab le efficiency can be much better when performing density matrix renormalization group calculations in the Heisenberg picture, as only the observable of interest but not the entire state is considered. In some non-trivial cases, this approach can even be exact for finite bond dimensions.
We present a general frame to extend functional renormalization group (fRG) based computational schemes by using an exactly solvable interacting reference problem as starting point for the RG flow. The systematic expansion around this solution accoun ts for a non-perturbative inclusion of correlations. Introducing auxiliary fermionic fields by means of a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, we derive the flow equations for the auxiliary fields and determine the relation to the conventional weak-coupling truncation of the hierarchy of flow equations. As a specific example we consider the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) solution as reference system, and discuss the relation to the recently introduced DMF$^2$RG and the dual-fermion formalism.
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