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Decoherence of Impurities in a Fermi Sea of Ultracold Atoms

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 نشر من قبل Marko Cetina
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the decoherence of $^{40}$K impurities interacting with a three-dimensional Fermi sea of $^{6}$Li across an interspecies Feshbach resonance. The decoherence is measured as a function of the interaction strength and temperature using a spin-echo atom interferometry method. For weak to moderate interaction strengths, we interpret our measurements in terms of scattering of K quasiparticles by the Fermi sea and find very good agreement with a Fermi liquid calculation. For strong interactions, we observe significant enhancement of the decoherence rate, which is largely independent of temperature, pointing to behavior that is beyond the Fermi liquid picture.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We unravel the ground state properties and the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of two bosonic impurities immersed in an one-dimensional fermionic environment by applying a quench of the impurity-medium interaction strength. In the ground state, the impurities and the Fermi sea are phase-separated for strong impurity-medium repulsions while they experience a localization tendency around the trap center for large attractions. We demonstrate the presence of attractive induced interactions mediated by the host for impurity-medium couplings of either sign and analyze the competition between induced and direct interactions. Following a quench to repulsive interactions triggers a breathing motion in both components, with an interaction dependent frequency and amplitude for the impurities, and a dynamical phase-separation between the impurities and their surrounding for strong repulsions. For attractive post-quench couplings a beating pattern owing its existence to the dominant role of induced interactions takes place with both components showing a localization trend around the trap center. In both quench scenarios, attractive induced correlations are manifested between non-interacting impurities and are found to dominate the direct ones only for quenches to attractive couplings.
The notion of a polaron, originally introduced in the context of electrons in ionic lattices, helps us to understand how a quantum impurity behaves when being immersed in and interacting with a many-body background. We discuss the impact of the impur ities on the medium particles by considering feedback effects from polarons that can be realized in ultracold quantum gas experiments. In particular, we exemplify the modifications of the medium in the presence of either Fermi or Bose polarons. Regarding Fermi polarons we present a corresponding many-body diagrammatic approach operating at finite temperatures and discuss how mediated two- and three-body interactions are implemented within this framework. Utilizing this approach, we analyze the behavior of the spectral function of Fermi polarons at finite temperature by varying impurity-medium interactions as well as spatial dimensions from three to one. Interestingly, we reveal that the spectral function of the medium atoms could be a useful quantity for analyzing the transition/crossover from attractive polarons to molecules in three-dimensions. As for the Bose polaron, we showcase the depletion of the background Bose-Einstein condensate in the vicinity of the impurity atom. Such spatial modulations would be important for future investigations regarding the quantification of interpolaron correlations in Bose polaron problems.
We investigate experimentally the entropy transfer between two distinguishable atomic quantum gases at ultralow temperatures. Exploiting a species-selective trapping potential, we are able to control the entropy of one target gas in presence of a sec ond auxiliary gas. With this method, we drive the target gas into the degenerate regime in conditions of controlled temperature by transferring entropy to the auxiliary gas. We envision that our method could be useful both to achieve the low entropies required to realize new quantum phases and to measure the temperature of atoms in deep optical lattices. We verified the thermalization of the two species in a 1D lattice.
209 - Ragheed Alhyder 2020
We present a variational calculation of the energy of an impurity immersed a double Fermi sea of non-interacting Fermions. We show that in the strong-coupling regime, the system undergoes a first order transition between polaronic and trimer states. Our result suggests that the smooth crossover predicted in previous literature for a superfluid background is the consequence of Cooper pairing and is absent in a normal system.
122 - D. Hudson Smith 2016
In systems of ultracold atoms, pairwise interactions are resonantly enhanced by the application of an oscillating magnetic field that is parallel to the spin-quantization axis of the atoms. The resonance occurs when the frequency of the applied field is precisely tuned near the transition frequency between the scattering atoms and a diatomic molecule. The resulting cross section can be made more than two orders of magnitude larger than the cross section in the absence of the oscillating field. The low momentum resonance properties have a universal description that is independent of the atomic species. To arrive at these conclusions, we first develop a formal extension of Floquet theory to describe scattering of atoms with time-periodic, short-range interaction potentials. We then calculate the atomic scattering properties by modeling the atomic interactions with a square well potential with oscillating depth and then explicitly solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. We then apply the Floquet formalism to the case of atoms scattering with a contact interaction described by a time-periodic scattering length, obtaining analytic results that agree with those obtained by solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
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