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S-expansions of three-dimensional Lie algebras

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 نشر من قبل Maryna Nesterenko dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Maryna Nesterenko

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S-expansions of three-dimensional real Lie algebras are considered. It is shown that the expansion operation allows one to obtain a non-unimodular Lie algebra from a unimodular one. Nevertheless S-expansions define no ordering on the variety of Lie algebras of a fixed dimension.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

98 - Shuai Hou , Yunhe Sheng 2021
In this paper, first we introduce the notion of a Reynolds operator on an $n$-Lie algebra and illustrate the relationship between Reynolds operators and derivations on an $n$-Lie algebra. We give the cohomology theory of Reynolds operators on an $n$- Lie algebra and study infinitesimal deformations of Reynolds operators using the second cohomology group. Then we introduce the notion of NS-$n$-Lie algebras, which are generalizations of both $n$-Lie algebras and $n$-pre-Lie algebras. We show that an NS-$n$-Lie algebra gives rise to an $n$-Lie algebra together with a representation on itself. Reynolds operators and Nijenhuis operators on an $n$-Lie algebra naturally induce NS-$n$-Lie algebra structures. Finally, we construct Reynolds $(n+1)$-Lie algebras and Reynolds $3$-Lie algebras from Reynolds $n$-Lie algebras and Reynolds commutative associative algebras respectively.
In this paper, we give Maurer-Cartan characterizations as well as a cohomology theory for compatible Lie algebras. Explicitly, we first introduce the notion of a bidifferential graded Lie algebra and thus give Maurer-Cartan characterizations of compa tible Lie algebras. Then we introduce a cohomology theory of compatible Lie algebras and use it to classify infinitesimal deformations and abelian extensions of compatible Lie algebras. In particular, we introduce the reduced cohomology of a compatible Lie algebra and establish the relation between the reduced cohomology of a compatible Lie algebra and the cohomology of the corresponding compatible linear Poisson structures introduced by Dubrovin and Zhang in their study of bi-Hamiltonian structures. Finally, we use the Maurer-Cartan approach to classify nonabelian extensions of compatible Lie algebras.
Theoretical background of continuous contractions of finite-dimensional Lie algebras is rigorously formulated and developed. In particular, known necessary criteria of contractions are collected and new criteria are proposed. A number of requisite in variant and semi-invariant quantities are calculated for wide classes of Lie algebras including all low-dimensional Lie algebras. An algorithm that allows one to handle one-parametric contractions is presented and applied to low-dimensional Lie algebras. As a result, all one-parametric continuous contractions for the both complex and real Lie algebras of dimensions not greater than four are constructed with intensive usage of necessary criteria of contractions and with studying correspondence between real and complex cases. Levels and co-levels of low-dimensional Lie algebras are discussed in detail. Properties of multi-parametric and repeated contractions are also investigated.
A complete set of inequivalent realizations of three- and four-dimensional real unsolvable Lie algebras in vector fields on a space of an arbitrary (finite) number of variables is obtained.
196 - Jiv{r}i Hrivnak 2015
In this thesis new objects to the existing set of invariants of Lie algebras are added. These invariant characteristics are capable of describing the nilpotent parametric continuum of Lie algebras. The properties of these invariants, in view of possi ble alternative classifications of Lie algebras, are formulated and their behaviour on known lower--dimensional Lie algebras investigated. It is demonstrated that these invariants, in view of their application on graded contractions of sl(3,C), are also effective in higher dimensions. A necessary contraction criterion involving these invariants is derived and applied to lower--dimensional cases. Possible application of these invariant characteristics to Jordan algebras is investigated.
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