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Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of combustion flames in four-burner impinging entrained-flow gasifier

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 نشر من قبل Wei-Xing Zhou
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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On a laboratory-scale testing platform of impinging entrained-flow gasifier with four opposed burners, the flame images for diesel combustion and gasification process were measured with a single charge coupled device (CCD) camera. The two-dimensional multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis was employed to investigate the multifractal nature of the flame images. Sound power-law scaling in the annealed average of detrended fluctuations was unveiled when the order $q>0$ and the multifractal feature of flame images were confirmed. Further analyses identified two multifractal parameters, the minimum and maximum singularity $alpha_{min}$ and $alpha_{max}$, serving as characteristic parameters of the multifractal flames. These two characteristic multifractal parameters vary with respect to different experimental conditions.

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This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to a fatal error in the analysis. The manuscript was submitted to Chemical Engineering Science. To clarify the situation, we copy the main comment from an anonymous referee here: To my understanding, t he authors analyze i = 1 ... 63 time series and calculate their mean and standard deviation. These time series correspond to individual, single ignition processes. Is this correct? If yes, these processes, as Fig. 3 shows very clearly, are not stationary, and the pressure difference (i.e., the signal) quickly decays to zero. In this case both the mean and the standard deviation are poorly defined, for example because both depend in a trivial fashion on the observation period T. I am not aware of any study (including those cited by the authors) which allows for any conclusion from such non-stationary signals. The results of Menezes and Barabasi are strictly only valid for stationary time series, and they cannot be applied at all in this case. We agree with this insightful comment that our data are not stationary and the method adopted in our manuscript does not apply. We do not see any possibility to correct this error and decide to withdraw it. We would like to thank gratefully the referee and apologize for any inconvenience caused by our oversight.
We develop a method for the multifractal characterization of nonstationary time series, which is based on a generalization of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). We relate our multifractal DFA method to the standard partition function-based mul tifractal formalism, and prove that both approaches are equivalent for stationary signals with compact support. By analyzing several examples we show that the new method can reliably determine the multifractal scaling behavior of time series. By comparing the multifractal DFA results for original series to those for shuffled series we can distinguish multifractality due to long-range correlations from multifractality due to a broad probability density function. We also compare our results with the wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) method, and show that the results are equivalent.
The performance of the multifractal detrended analysis on short time series is evaluated for synthetic samples of several mono- and multifractal models. The reconstruction of the generalized Hurst exponents is used to determine the range of applicabi lity of the method and the precision of its results as a function of the decreasing length of the series. As an application the series of the daily exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro is studied.
70 - X. Han , D. Laera , D. Yang 2021
The present article investigates the interactions between the pilot and main flames in a novel stratified swirl burner using both experimental and numerical methods. Experiments are conducted in a test rig operating at atmospheric conditions. The sys tem is equipped with the BASIS (Beihang Axial Swirler Independently-Stratified) burner fuelled with premixed methane-air mixtures. To illustrate the interactions between the pilot and main flames, three operating modes are studied, where the burner works with: (i) only the pilot flame, (ii) only the main flame, and (iii) the stratified flame (with both the pilot and main flames). We found that: (1) In the pilot flame mode, the flame changes from V-shape to M-shape when the main stage is switched from closed to supplying a pure air stream. Strong oscillations in the M-shape flame are found due to the dilution of the main air to the pilot methane flame. (2) In the main flame mode, the main flame is lifted off from the burner if the pilot stage is supplied with air. The temperature of the primary recirculation zone drops substantially and the unsteady heat release is intensified. (3) In the stratified flame mode, unique beating oscillations exhibiting dual closely-spaced frequencies in the pressure spectrum. is found. This is observed within over narrow window of equivalence ratio combinations between the pilot and main stages. Detailed analysis of the experimental data shows that flame dynamics and thermoacoustic couplings at these two frequencies are similar to those of the unstable pilot flame and the attached main flame cases, respectively. Large Eddy Simulations (LESs) are carried out with OpenFOAM to understand the mechanisms of the time averaged flame shapes in different operating modes. Finally, a simple acoustic analysis is proposed to understand the acoustic mode nature of the beating oscillations.
Multifractal analysis studies signals, functions, images or fields via the fluctuations of their local regularity along time or space, which capture crucial features of their temporal/spatial dynamics. It has become a standard signal and image proces sing tool and is commonly used in numerous applications of different natures. In its common formulation, it relies on the Holder exponent as a measure of local regularity, which is by nature restricted to positive values and can hence be used for locally bounded functions only. In this contribution, it is proposed to replace the Holder exponent with a collection of novel exponents for measuring local regularity, the $p$-exponents. One of the major virtues of $p$-exponents is that they can potentially take negative values. The corresponding wavelet-based multiscale quantities, the $p$-leaders, are constructed and shown to permit the definition of a new multifractal formalism, yielding an accurate practical estimation of the multifractal properties of real-world data. Moreover, theoretical and practical connections to and comparisons against another multifractal formalism, referred to as multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, are achieved. The performance of the proposed $p$-leader multifractal formalism is studied and compared to previous formalisms using synthetic multifractal signals and images, illustrating its theoretical and practical benefits. The present contribution is complemented by a companion article studying in depth the theoretical properties of $p$-exponents and the rich classification of local singularities it permits.
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