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Partial Wave Decomposition for Meson Exchange Currents in Few-Nucleon Systems

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 نشر من قبل Hiroyuki Kamada
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop an approach for calculating matrix elements of meson exchange currents between 3N basis states in (jJ)-coupling and a 3N bound state. The contribution generated by $pi$- and $rho$-exchange are included in the consideration. The matrix elements are expressed in terms of multiple integrals in the momentum space. We apply a technique of the partial wave decompositions and carry out some angular integrations in closed form. Different representations appropriate for numerical calculations are derived for the matrix elements of interest. The momentum dependences of the matrix elements are studied and benchmark results are presented. The approach developed is of interest for the investigations of deuteron- proton radiative capture and ^3He photo- and electrodisintegration when the interaction in the initial or final nuclear states is taken into account by solving the Faddeev equations.

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A semi-empirical formula for the electroweak response functions in the two-nucleon emission channel is proposed. The method consists in expanding each one of the vector-vector, axial-axial and vector-axial responses as sums of six sub-responses. Thes e corresponds to separating the meson-exchange currents as the sum of three currents of similar structure, and expanding the hadronic tensor, as the sum of the separate contributions from each current plus the interferences between them. For each sub-response we factorize the coupling constants, the electroweak form factors, the phase space and the delta propagator, for the delta forward current. The remaining spin-isospin contributions are encoded in coefficients for each value of the momentum transfer, $q$. The coefficients are fitted to the exact results in the relativistic mean field model of nuclear matter, for each value of $q$. The dependence on the energy transfer, $omega$ is well described by the semi-empirical formula. The $q$-dependency of the coefficients of the sub-responses can be parameterized or can be interpolated from the provided tables. The description of the five theoretical responses is quite good. The parameters of the formula, the Fermi momentum, number of particles relativistic effective mass, vector energy the electroweak form factors and the coupling constants, can be modified easily. This semi-empirical formula can be applied to the cross-section of neutrinos, antineutrinos and electrons.
We review some recent progress in the study of electroweak interactions in nuclei within the SuSAv2-MEC model. The model has the capability to predict (anti)neutrino scattering observables on different nuclei. The theoretical predictions are compared with the recent T2K $ u_mu-^{16}$O data and good agreement is found at all kinematics. The results are very similar to those obtained for $ u_mu-^{12}$C scattering, except at low energies, where some differences emerge. The role of meson-exchange currents in the two-particle two-hole channel is analyzed in some detail. In particular it is shown that the density dependence of these contributions is different from what is found for the quasielastic response.
We analyze the density dependence of the contribution of meson-exchange currents to the lepton-nucleus inclusive cross section in the two-particle two-hole channel. The model is based on the Relativistic Fermi Gas, where each nucleus is characterized by its Fermi momentum $k_F$. We find that the 2p-2h nuclear response functions at their peaks scale as $A k_F^2$ for Fermi momentum going from 200 to 300 MeV/c and momentum transfer $q$ from $2k_F$ to 2 GeV/c. This behavior is different from what is found for the quasielastic response, which scales as $A/k_F$. Additionally, the deep scaling region is also discussed and there the usual scaling behavior is found to be preferable.
114 - S. Wycech , A.M. Green 2008
Deeply bound KNN, KNNN and KNNNN states are discussed. The effective force exerted by the K meson on the nucleons is calculated with static nucleons. Next the binding energies are obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation or by variational calcula tions. The dominant attraction comes from the S-wave Lambda(1405) and an additional contribution is due to Sigma(1385). The latter state is formed at the nuclear peripheries and absorbs a sizable piece of the binding energy. It also generates new branches of quasi-bound states. The lowest binding energies based on a phenomenological KN input fall into the 40-80 MeV range for KNN, 90-150 MeV for KNNN and 120-220 MeV for K-alpha systems. The uncertainties are due to unknown KN interactions in the distant subthreshold energy region.
Energy-dependent and single-energy fits to the existing nucleon-nucleon database have been updated to incorporate recent measurements. The fits cover a region from threshold to 3 GeV, in the laboratory kinetic energy, for proton-proton scattering, wi th an upper limit of 1.3 GeV for neutron-proton scattering. Experiments carried out at the COSY-WASA and COSY-ANKE facilities have had a significant impact on the partial-wave solutions. Results are discussed in terms of both partial-wave and direct reconstruction amplitudes.
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