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Statistical nature of cluster emission in nuclear liquid-vapour phase coexistence

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 نشر من قبل Yu-Gang Ma
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The emission of nuclear clusters is investigated within the framework of isospin dependent lattice gas model and classical molecular dynamics model. It is found that the emission of individual cluster which is heavier than proton is almost Poissonian except near the transition temperature at which the system is leaving the liquid-vapor phase coexistence and the thermal scaling is observed by the linear Arrhenius plots which is made from the average multiplicity of each cluster versus the inverse of temperature in the liquid vapor phase coexistence. The slopes of the Arrhenius plots, {it i.e.} the emission barriers, are extracted as a function of the mass or charge number and fitted by the formula embodied with the contributions of the surface energy and Coulomb interaction. The good agreements are obtained in comparison with the data for low energy conditional barriers. In addition, the possible influences of the source size, Coulomb interaction and freeze-out density and related physical implications are discussed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

400 - A.S. Botvina 2008
Reactions of nuclear multifragmentation of excited finite nuclei can be interpreted as manifestation of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. During this process the matter at subnuclear density clusterizes into hot primary fragments, which are lo cated in the vicinity of other nuclear species. In recent experiments there were found evidences that the symmetry and surface energies of primary fragments change considerably as compared to isolated cold or low-excited nuclei. The new modified properties of primary fragments should be taken into account during their secondary de-excitation.
220 - A. Lavagno , D. Pigato 2013
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75 - Rui Wang , Yu-Gang Ma , R. Wada 2020
The machine-learning techniques have shown their capability for studying phase transitions in condensed matter physics. Here, we employ the machine-learning techniques to study the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. We adopt an unsupervised learnin g and classify the liquid and gas phases of nuclei directly from the final state raw experimental data of heavy-ion reactions. Based on a confusion scheme which combines the supervised and unsupervised learning, we obtain the limiting temperature of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition. Its value $9.24pm0.04~rm MeV$ is consistent with that obtained by the traditional caloric curve method. Our study explores the paradigm of combining the machine-learning techniques with heavy-ion experimental data, and it is also instructive for studying the phase transition of other uncontrollable systems, like QCD matter.
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77 - W. Lin , P. Ren , X. Liu 2021
Nuclear liquid-gas phase transitions are investigated in the framework of static antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (static AMD) model under either a constant volume or a constant pressure. A deuteron quadrupole momentum fluctuation thermometer is ap plied to extract the temperature of fragmenting systems of $^{36}$Ar and $^{100}$Sn. A plateau structure of caloric curves is observed under a constant volume for those system with a density $rho leq$ 0.03 fm$^{-3}$. A clear backbending in the caloric curves, which indicates a first order phase transition, is observed under a constant pressure with all pressures studied. The similar behavior of caloric curves of $^{36}$Ar and $^{100}$Sn systems indicates that there is no strong system size effect under a constant volume or a constant pressure. Both the mass distributions and the light particle multiplicities show a strong $alpha$ clusterization at low excitation energies in the static AMD simulations. The liquid-gas phase transition measures of the multiplicity derivative (dM/dT) and the normalized variance of $Z_{max}$ (NVZ) are applied. The experimental caloric curves are also compared with those of $^{100}$Sn of the static AMD simulations under both the constant volume and the constant pressure conditions. Discussions are presented with the available experimental results and those from the static AMD simulations. Large errors in the experimental temperature measurements and those in the reconstruction technique for the primary fragmenting source hinder to draw a conclusion whether the phase transition occurs under either a constant volume or a constant pressure. This study suggests that different measures for the liquid-gas phase transitions should be examined besides the caloric curves in order to draw a conclusion.
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