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Natural orbits of atomic Cooper pairs in a nonuniform Fermi gas

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 نشر من قبل Yue Hin Pong
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We examine the basic mode structure of atomic Cooper pairs in an inhomogeneous Fermi gas. Based on the properties of Bogoliubov quasi-particle vacuum, the single particle density matrix and the anomalous density matrix share the same set of eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions correspond to natural pairing orbits associated with the BCS ground state. We investigate these orbits for a Fermi gas in a spherical harmonic trap, and construct the wave function of a Cooper pair in the form of Schmidt decomposition. The issue of spatial quantum entanglement between constituent atoms in a pair is addressed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The observation of Pauli blocking of atomic spontaneous decay via direct measurements of the atomic population requires the use of long-lived atomic gases where quantum statistics, atom recoil and cooperative radiative processes are all relevant. We develop a theoretical framework capable of simultaneously accounting for all these effects in a regime where prior theoretical approaches based on semi-classical non-interacting or interacting frozen atom approximations fail. We apply it to atoms in a single 2D pancake or arrays of pancakes featuring an effective $Lambda$ level structure (one excited and two degenerate ground states). We identify a parameter window in which a factor of two extension in the atomic lifetime clearly attributable to Pauli blocking should be experimentally observable in deeply degenerate gases with $sim 10^{3} $ atoms. Our predictions are supported by observation of a number-dependent excited state decay rate on the ${}^{1}rm{S_0}-{}^{3}rm{P_1}$ transition in $^{87}$Sr atoms.
We investigate the stability of spatially uniform solutions for the collisionless dynamics of a fermionic superfluid. We demonstrate that, if the system size is larger than the superfluid coherence length, the solution characterized by a periodic in time order parameter is unstable with respect to spatial fluctuations. The instability is due to the parametric excitations of pairing modes with opposite momenta. The growth of spatial modulations is suppressed by nonlinear effects resulting in a state characterized by a random superposition of wave packets of the superfluid order parameter. We suggest that this state can be probed by spectroscopic noise measurements.
160 - Y. H. Pong , C. K. Law 2007
We study the two-particle wave function of paired atoms in a Fermi gas with tunable interaction strengths controlled by Feshbach resonance. The Cooper pair wave function is examined for its bosonic characters, which is quantified by the correction of Bose enhancement factor associated with the creation and annihilation composite particle operators. An example is given for a three-dimensional uniform gas. Two definitions of Cooper pair wave function are examined. One of which is chosen to reflect the off-diagonal long range order (ODLRO). Another one corresponds to a pair projection of a BCS state. On the side with negative scattering length, we found that paired atoms described by ODLRO are more bosonic than the pair projected definition. It is also found that at $(k_F a)^{-1} ge 1$, both definitions give similar results, where more than 90% of the atoms occupy the corresponding molecular condensates.
We determine the adiabatic phase diagram of a resonantly-coupled system of Fermi atoms and Bose molecules confined in the harmonic trap by using the local density approximation. The adiabatic phase diagram shows the fermionic condensate fraction comp osed of condensed molecules and Cooper pair atoms. The key idea of our work is conservation of entropy through the adiabatic process, extending the study of Williams et al. [Williams et al., New J. Phys. 6, 123 (2004)] for an ideal gas mixture to include the resonant interaction in a mean-field theory. We also calculate the molecular conversion efficiency as a function of initial temperature. Our work helps to understand recent experiments on the BCS-BEC crossover, in terms of the initial temperature measured before a sweep of the magnetic field.
We describe a recent experiment performed with rubidium atoms ($^{87}$Rb), aiming at studying the coherence properties of a two-dimensional gas of bosonic particles at low temperature. We have observed in particular a Berezinskii--Kosterlitz--Thoules s (BKT) type crossover in the system, using a matter wave heterodyning technique. At low temperatures, the gas is quasi-coherent on the length scale set by the system size. As the temperature is increased, the loss of long-range coherence coincides with the onset of the proliferation of free vortices, in agreement with the microscopic BKT theory.
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