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Cooper pair turbulence in atomic Fermi gases

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 نشر من قبل Maxim Dzero
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the stability of spatially uniform solutions for the collisionless dynamics of a fermionic superfluid. We demonstrate that, if the system size is larger than the superfluid coherence length, the solution characterized by a periodic in time order parameter is unstable with respect to spatial fluctuations. The instability is due to the parametric excitations of pairing modes with opposite momenta. The growth of spatial modulations is suppressed by nonlinear effects resulting in a state characterized by a random superposition of wave packets of the superfluid order parameter. We suggest that this state can be probed by spectroscopic noise measurements.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We determine the radio-frequency (RF) spectra for non-stationary states of a fermionic condensate produced by a rapid switch of the scattering length. The RF spectrum of the nonequilibrium state with constant BCS order parameter has two features in c ontrast to equilibrium where there is a single peak. The additional feature reflects the presence of excited pairs in the steady state. In the state characterized by periodically oscillating order parameter RF-absorption spectrum contains two sequences of peaks spaced by the frequency of oscillations. Satellite peaks appear due to a process where an RF photon in addition to breaking a pair emits/absorbs oscillation quanta.
Since the early days of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory, it has been predicted that a sufficiently large supercurrent can close the energy gap in a superconductor and creates gapless Bogoliubov quasiparticles through the Doppler shift of quasipartic le energy due to the Cooper pair momentum. In this gapless superconducting state, zero-energy quasiparticles reside on a segment of the normal state Fermi surface, while its remaining part is still gapped. The finite density of states of field-induced quasiparticles, known as the Volovik effect, has been observed in tunneling and specific heat measurements on d- and s-wave superconductors. However, the segmented Fermi surface of a finite-momentum state carrying a supercurrent has never been detected directly. Here we use quasiparticle interference (QPI) technique to image field-controlled Fermi surface of Bi$_2$Te$_3$ thin films proximitized by the superconductor NbSe$_2$. By applying a small in-plane magnetic field, a screening supercurrent is induced which leads to finite-momentum pairing on topological surface states of Bi$_2$Te$_3$. Our measurements and analysis reveal the strong impact of finite Cooper pair momentum on the quasiparticle spectrum, and thus pave the way for STM study of pair density wave and FFLO states in unconventional superconductors.
This paper is devoted to an analysis of the experiment by Nakamura {it et al.} (Nature {bf 398}, 786 (1999)) on the quantum state control in Josephson junctions devices. By considering the relevant processes involved in the detection of the charge st ate of the box and a realistic description of the gate pulse we are able to analyze some aspects of the experiment (like the amplitude of the measurement current) in a quantitative way.
We study systems of fully polarized ultracold atomic gases obeying Fermi statistics. The atomic transition interacts dispersively with a mode of a standing-wave cavity, which is coherently pumped by a laser. In this setup, the intensity of the intrac avity field is determined by the refractive index of the atomic medium, and thus by the atomic density distribution. Vice versa, the density distribution of the atom is determined by the cavity field potential, whose depth is proportional to the intracavity field amplitude. In this work we show that this nonlinearity leads to an instability in the intracavity intensity that differs substantially from dispersive optical bistability, as this effect is already present in the regime, where the atomic dipole is proportional to the cavity field. Such instability is driven by the matter waves fluctuations and exhibits a peculiar dependence on the fluctuations in the atomic density distribution.
The advent of quantum optical techniques based on superconducting circuits has opened new regimes in the study of the non-linear interaction of light with matter. Of particular interest has been the creation of non-classical states of light, which ar e essential for continuous-variable quantum information processing, and could enable quantum-enhanced measurement sensitivity. Here we demonstrate a device consisting of a superconducting artificial atom, the Cooper pair transistor, embedded in a superconducting microwave cavity that may offer a path toward simple, continual production of non-classical photons. By applying a dc voltage to the atom, we use the ac Josephson effect to inject photons into the cavity. The backaction of the photons on single-Cooper-pair tunneling events results in a new regime of simultaneous quantum coherent transport of Cooper pairs and microwave photons. This single-pair Josephson laser offers great potential for the production of amplitude-squeezed photon states and a rich environment for the study of the quantum dynamics of nonlinear systems.
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