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A sensitive submillimetre survey of Broad Absorption Line quasars

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 نشر من قبل Robert Priddey
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using the SCUBA bolometer array on the JCMT, we have carried out a submillimetre survey of Broad Absorption Line quasars (BALQs). The sample has been chosen to match, in redshift and optical luminosity, an existing benchmark 850um sample of radio-quiet quasars, allowing a direct comparison of the submm properties of BAL quasars relative to the parent radio-quiet population. We reach a submm limit 1.5mJy at 850um, allowing a more rigorous measure of the submm properties of BAL quasars than previous studies. Our submm photometry complements extensive observations at other wavelengths, in particular X-rays with Chandra and mid-infrared with Spitzer. To compare the 850um flux distribution of BALQs with that of the non-BAL quasar benchmark sample, we employ a suite of statistical methods, including survival analysis and a novel Bayesian derivation of the underlying flux distribution. Although there are no strong grounds for rejecting the null hypothesis that BALQs on the whole have the same submm properties as non-BAL quasars, we do find tentative evidence (1-4 percent significance from a K-S test and survival analysis) for a dependence of submm flux on the equivalent width of the characteristic CIV broad absorption line. If this effect is real - submm activity is linked to the absorption strength of the outflow - it has implications either for the evolution of AGN and their connection with star formation in their host galaxies, or for unification models of AGN.

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We report spectropolarimetry of 30 radio-selected broad absorption line (BAL) quasars with the Keck Observatory, 25 from the sample of Becker et al. (2000). Both high and low-ionization BAL quasars are represented, with redshifts ranging from 0.5 to 2.5. The spectropolarimetric properties of radio-selected BAL quasars are very similar to those of radio-quiet BAL quasars: a sizeable fraction (20%) show large continuum polarization (2-10%) usually rising toward short wavelengths, emission lines are typically less polarized than the continuum, and absorption line troughs often show large polarization jumps. There are no significant correlations between polarization properties and radio properties, including those indicative of system orientation, suggesting that BAL quasars are not simply normal quasars seen from an edge-on perspective.
148 - Christian Knigge 2008
We carefully reconsider the problem of classifying broad absorption line quasars (BALQSOs) and derive a new, unbiased estimate of the intrinsic BALQSO fraction from the SDSS DR3 QSO catalogue. We first show that the distribution of objects selected b y the so-called ``absorption index (AI) is clearly bimodal in log(AI), with only one mode corresponding to definite BALQSOs. The surprisingly high BALQSO fractions that have recently been inferred from AI-based samples are therefore likely to be overestimated. We then present two new approaches to the classification problem that are designed to be more robust than the AI, but also more complete than the traditional ``balnicity index (BI). Both approaches yield observed BALQSO fractions around 13.5 per cent, while a conservative third approach suggests an upper limit of 18.3 per cent. Finally, we discuss the selection biases that affect our observed BALQSO fraction. After correcting for these biases, we arrive at our final estimate of the intrinsic BALQSO fraction. This is f_BALQSO = 0.17 +/- 0.01 (stat) +/- 0.03 (sys), with an upper limit of f_BALQSO = 0.23. We conclude by pointing out that the bimodality of the log(AI) distribution may be evidence that the BAL-forming region has clearly delineated physical boundaries.
This work presents the results of a Chandra study of 21 broad absorption line (BAL) radio-loud quasars (RLQs). We conducted a Chandra snapshot survey of 12 bright BAL RLQs selected from SDSS/FIRST data and possessing a wide range of radio and CIV abs orption properties. Optical spectra were obtained nearly contemporaneously with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope; no strong flux or BAL variability was seen between epochs. We also include in our sample 9 additional BAL RLQs possessing archival Chandra coverage. We compare the properties of (predominantly high-ionization) BAL RLQs to those of non-BAL RLQs as well as to BAL radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and non-BAL RQQs for context. All 12 snapshot and 8/9 archival BAL RLQs are detected, with observed X-ray luminosities less than those of non-BAL RLQs having comparable optical/UV luminosities by typical factors of 4.1-8.5. (BAL RLQs are also X-ray weak by typical factors of 2.0-4.5 relative to non-BAL RLQs having both comparable optical/UV and radio luminosities.) However, BAL RLQs are not as X-ray weak relative to non-BAL RLQs as are BAL RQQs relative to non-BAL RQQs. While some BAL RLQs have harder X-ray spectra than typical non-BAL RLQs, some have hardness ratios consistent with those of non-BAL RLQs, and there does not appear to be a correlation between X-ray weakness and spectral hardness, in contrast to the situation for BAL RQQs. RLQs are expected to have X-ray continuum contributions from both disk-corona and small-scale jet emission. While the entire X-ray continuum in BAL RLQs cannot be obscured to the same degree as in BAL RQQs, we calculate that the jet is likely partially covered in many BAL RLQs. We comment briefly on implications for geometries and source ages in BAL RLQs.
It has been argued that certain broad absorption line quasars are viewed within 35 degrees of the axis of a relativistic radio jet, based on two-epoch radio flux density variability. It is true if the surface brightness of a radio source is observed to change by a sufficiently large amount, the inferred brightness temperature will exceed 10^12 K and Doppler beaming in our direction must be invoked to avoid a Compton cooling catastrophe. However, flux density changes cannot be linked to surface brightness changes without knowledge of the size of the source. If an optically thick source changes in projected area but not surface brightness, its brightness temperature is constant and its flux variability yields no constraint on its orientation. Moreover, as pointed out by Rees, spherical expansion of an emission source at relativistic speeds yields an apparently superluminal increase in its projected area, which can explain short-timescale flux density variability without requiring a relativistic jet oriented near to our line of sight. Therefore, two-epoch radio flux density variability by itself cannot unambiguously identify sources with jets directed towards us. Only VLBI imaging can robustly determine the fraction of broad absorption line quasars which are polar.
With the recent release of large (i.e., > hundred million objects), well-calibrated photometric surveys, such as DPOSS, 2MASS, and SDSS, spectroscopic identification of important targets is no longer a simple issue. In order to enhance the returns fr om a spectroscopic survey, candidate sources are often preferentially selected to be of interest, such as brown dwarfs or high redshift quasars. This approach, while useful for targeted projects, risks missing new or unusual species. We have, as a result, taken the alternative path of spectroscopically identifying interesting sources with the sole criterion being that they are in low density areas of the g - r and r - i color-space defined by the DPOSS survey. In this paper, we present three peculiar broad absorption line quasars that were discovered during this spectroscopic survey, demonstrating the efficacy of this approach. PSS J0052+2405 is an Iron LoBAL quasar at a redshift z = 2.4512 with very broad absorption from many species. PSS J0141+3334 is a reddened LoBAL quasar at z = 3.005 with no obvious emission lines. PSS J1537+1227 is a Iron LoBAL at a redshift of z = 1.212 with strong narrow Mgii and Feii emission. Follow-up high resolution spectroscopy of these three quasars promises to improve our understanding of BAL quasars. The sensitivity of particular parameter spaces, in this case a two-color space, to the redshift of these three sources is dramatic, raising questions about traditional techniques of defining quasar populations for statistical analysis.
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