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Microlensing of the Fe K$alpha$ line and the X-ray continuum

76   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Predrag Jovanovic
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The observed enhancement of the Fe K$alpha$ line in three gravitationally lensed QSOs (MG J0414+0534, QSO 2237+0305, H1413+117) is interpreted in terms of microlensing, even when equivalent X-ray continuum amplification is not observed. In order to interpret these observations, first we studied the effects of microlensing on quasars spectra, produced by straight fold caustic crossing over standard relativistic accretion disk. The disk emission was analyzed using the ray tracing method, considering Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics. When the emission is separated in two regions (an inner disk corresponding to the Fe K$alpha$ line and an outer annulus corresponding to the continuum, or vice-versa) we find microlensing events which enhance the Fe K$alpha$ line without noticeable amplification of the X-ray continuum, but only during a limited time interval. Continuum amplification is expected if a complete microlensing event is monitored. Second, we studied a more realistic case of amplification by caustic magnification pattern. In this case we could satisfactorily explain the observations if the Fe K$alpha$ line is emitted from the innermost part of the accretion disk, while the continuum is emitted from a larger region. Also, we studied the chromatic effects of microlensing, finding that the radial distribution of temperature in the accretion disk, combined with microlensing itself, can induce wavelength dependent variability of $sim$ 30% for microlenses with very small masses. All these results show that X-ray monitoring of gravitational lenses is a well suited method for studying of the innermost structure of AGN accretion disks.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the influence of gravitational microlensing on the AGN Fe K-alpha line confirming that unexpected enhancements recently detected in the iron line of some AGNs can be produced by this effect. We use a ray tracing method to study the influence of microlensing in the emission coming from a compact accretion disc considering both geometries, Schwarzschild and Kerr. Thanks to the small dimensions of the region producing the AGN Fe K-alpha line, the Einstein Ring Radii associated to even very small compact objects have size comparable to the accretion disc hence producing noticeable changes in the line profiles. Asymmetrical enhancements contributing differently to the peaks or to the core of the line are produced by a microlens, off-centered with respect to the accretion disc. In the standard configuration of microlensing by a compact object in an intervening galaxy, we found that the effects on the iron line are two orders of magnitude larger than those expected in the optical or UV emission lines. In particular, microlensing can satisfactorily explain the excess in the iron line emission found very recently in two gravitational lens systems, H 1413+117 and MG J0414+0534. Exploring other physical {scenario} for microlensing, we found that compact objects (of the order of one Solar mass) which belong to {the bulge or the halo} of the host galaxy can also produce significant changes in the Fe K$_alpha$ line profile of an AGN. However, the optical depth estimated for this type of microlensing is {very small, $tausim 0.001$, even in a favorable case.
269 - X. W. Shu 2010
We present the analysis of an XMM observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992. The source was found in its highest level of X-ray activity yet detected, a factor $sim 23.5$ higher in 2--10 keV flux than the historical minimum. NGC 2992 is known to exh ibit X-ray flaring activity on timescales of days to weeks, and the XMM data provide at least factor of $sim 3$ better spectral resolution in the Fe K band than any previously measured flaring X-ray state. We find that there is a broad feature in the sim 5-7 keV band which could be interpreted as a relativistic Fe K$alpha$ emission line. Its flux appears to have increased in tandem with the 2--10 keV continuum when compared to a previous Suzaku observation when the continuum was a factor of $sim 8$ lower than that during the XMM observation. The XMM data are consistent with the general picture that increased X-ray activity and corresponding changes in the Fe K$alpha$ line emission occur in the innermost regions of the putative accretion disk. This behavior contrasts with the behavior of other AGN in which the Fe K$alpha$ line does not respond to variability in the X-ray.
233 - F. Tombesi 2007
It has been suggested that X-ray observations of rapidly variable Seyfert galaxies may hold the key to probe the gas orbital motions in the innermost regions of accretion discs around black holes and, thus, trace flow patterns under the effect of the hole strong gravitational field. We explore this possibility analizing XMM-Newton observations of the seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783. A detiled time-resolved spectral analysis is performed down to the shortest possible time-scales (few ks) using excess maps and cross-correlating light curves in different energy bands. In addition to a constant core of the Fe K alpha line, we detected a variable and redshifted Fe K alpha emission feature between 5.3-6.1 keV. The line exhibits a modulation on a time-scale of 27 ks that is similar to and in phase with a modulation of the 0.3-10 keV source continuum. The time-scale of the correlated variability of the redshifted Fe line and continuum agrees with the local dynamical time-scale of the accretion disc at 10 r_g around a black hole of 10^7 M_sun. Given the shape of the redshfted line emission and the overall X-ray variability pattern, the line is likely to arise from the relativistic region near the black hole.
329 - G. Fabbiano , M. Elvis , A. Paggi 2017
We report the discovery of kpc-scale diffuse emission in both the hard continuum (3-6 keV) and in the Fe K alpha line in the Compton Thick (CT) Seyfert galaxy ESO428-G014. This extended hard component contains at least ~24% of the observed 3-8 keV em ission, and follows the direction of the extended optical line emission (ionization cone) and radio jet. The extended hard component has ~0.5% of the intrinsic 2-10 keV luminosity within the bi-cones. A uniform scattering medium of density 1 cm-3 would produce this luminosity in a 1kpc path length in the bi-cones. Alternatively, higher column density molecular clouds in the disk of ESO428-G014 may be responsible for these components. The continuum may also be enhanced by the acceleration of charged particles in the radio jet. The steeper spectrum (Gamma ~1.7 +-0.4) of the hard continuum outside of the central 1.5 radius nuclear region suggests a contribution of scattered/fluorescent intrinsic Seyfert emission. Ultrafast nuclear outflows cannot explain the extended F K alpha emission. This discovery suggests that we may need to revise the picture at the base of our interpretation of CT AGN spectra.
Low-mass X-ray binaries hosting a low-magnetised neutron star, which accretes matter via Roche-lobe overflow, are generally grouped in two classes, named Atoll and Z sources after the path described in their X-ray colour-colour diagrams. Scorpius X-1 is the brightest persistent low-mass X-ray binary known so far, and it is the prototype of the Z sources. We analysed the first NuSTAR observation of this source to study its spectral emission exploiting the high statistics data collected by this satellite. Examining the colour-colour diagram, the source was probably observed during the lower normal and flaring branches of its Z-track. We separated the data from the two branches in order to investigate the evolution of the source along the track. We fitted the 3-60 keV NuSTAR spectra using the same models for both the branches. We adopted two description for the continuum: in the first case we used a blackbody and a thermal Comptonisation with seed photons originating in the accretion disc; in the second one, we adopted a disc-blackbody and a Comptonisation with a blackbody-shaped spectrum of the incoming seed photons. A power-law fitting the high energy emission above 20 keV was also required in both cases. The two models provide the same physical scenario for the source in both the branches: a blackbody temperature between 0.8 and 1.5 keV, a disc-blackbody with temperature between 0.4 and 0.6 keV, and an optically thick Comptonising corona with optical depth between 6 and 10 and temperature about 3 keV. Furthermore, two lines related to the K$alpha$ and K$beta$ transitions of the He-like Fe XXV ions were detected at 6.6 keV and 7.8 keV, respectively. A hard tail modelled by a power law with a photon index between 2 and 3 was also required for both the models.
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