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Co-doping effects on magnetism and superconductivity in the 112-type EuFeAs2 system

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 نشر من قبل Jia Yu
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The discovery of EuFeAs2, currently the only charge-neutral parent phase of the 112-type iron-pnictide system, provides a new platform for the study of elemental doping effects on magnetism and superconductivity (SC). In this study, a series of polycrystalline EuFe1-yCoyAs2 and Eu0.9Pr0.1Fe1-yCoyAs2 samples are synthesized through solid-state reaction, and the evolutions of SC and magnetism with Co doping in EuFeAs2 and Eu0.9Pr0.1FeAs2 are investigated by electrical transport and magnetic susceptibility measurements. For EuFe1-yCoyAs2, the Eu-related antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition around 40 K is barely affected by Co doping, while the Fe-related spin density wave (SDW) transition temperature drops rapidly. Meanwhile, SC is induced by a trace amount of Co doping, with a highest transition temperature Tc ~ 28 K found in EuFe0.9Co0.1As2. For the Eu0.9Pr0.1Fe1-yCoyAs2 series, the magnetism and superconductivity show similar evolutions upon Co doping, and the highest Tc is enhanced to 30.6 K with an optimum doping level y ~ 0.07. Our results shed light on the competition between SC and SDW with Co doping in the 112-type EuFeAs2 system.

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اقرأ أيضاً

286 - Y. K. Li , X. Lin , Z. W. Zhu 2009
We investigate superconductivity and transport properties of Co doped SmFe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$AsO system. The antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin-density wave (SDW) order is rapidly suppressed by Co doping, and superconductivity emerges as $x$ $geq$ 0.05. $T_c$ $^{mid}$ increases with increasing Co content, shows a maximum of 17.2 K at the optimally doping of $xsim$ 0.10. A phase diagram is derived based on the transport measurements and a dome-like $T_c$ versus $x$ curve is established. Meanwhile we found that the normal state thermopower might consist of two different contributions. One contribution increases gradually with increasing $x$, and the other contribution is abnormally enhanced in the superconducting window 0.05 $leq$ $x$ $leq$ 0.20, and shows a dome-like doping dependence. A close correlation between $T_{c}$ and the abnormally enhanced term of thermopower is proposed.
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203 - Lilia Boeri 2010
We calculate the effect of local magnetic moments on the electron-phonon coupling in BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}+delta$ using the density functional perturbation theory. We show that the magnetism enhances the total electron-phonon coupling by $sim 50%$, up to $lambda lesssim 0.35$, still not enough to explain the high critical temperature, but strong enough to have a non-negligible effect on superconductivity, for instance, by frustrating the coupling with spin fluctuations and inducing order parameter nodes. The enhancement comes mostly from a renormalization of the electron-phonon matrix elements. We also investigate, in the rigid band approximation, the effect of doping, and find that $lambda$ versus doping does not mirror the behavior of the density of states; while the latter decreases upon electron doping, the former does not, and even increases slightly.
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