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The D-plus Discriminant and Complexity of Root Clustering

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 نشر من قبل Jing Yang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $p(x)$ be an integer polynomial with $mge 2$ distinct roots $rho_1,ldots,rho_m$ whose multiplicities are $boldsymbol{mu}=(mu_1,ldots,mu_m)$. We define the D-plus discriminant of $p(x)$ to be $D^+(p):= prod_{1le i<jle m}(rho_i-rho_j)^{mu_i+mu_j}$. We first prove a conjecture that $D^+(p)$ is a $boldsymbol{mu}$-symmetric function of its roots $rho_1,ldots,rho_m$. Our main result gives an explicit formula for $D^+(p)$, as a rational function of its coefficients. Our proof is ideal-theoretic, based on re-casting the classic Poisson resultant as the symbolic Poisson formula. The D-plus discriminant first arose in the complexity analysis of a root clustering algorithm from Becker et al. (ISSAC 2016). The bit-complexity of this algorithm is proportional to a quantity $log(|D^+(p)|^{-1})$. As an application of our main result, we give an explicit upper bound on this quantity in terms of the degree of $p$ and its leading coefficient.

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اقرأ أيضاً

73 - Pascal Koiran 2017
We give a separation bound for the complex roots of a trinomial $f in mathbb{Z}[X]$. The logarithm of the inverse of our separation bound is polynomial in the size of the sparse encoding of $f$; in particular, it is polynomial in $log (deg f)$. It is known that no such bound is possible for 4-nomials (polynomials with 4 monomials). For trinomials, the classical results (which are based on the degree of $f$ rather than the number of monomials) give separation bounds that are exponentially worse.As an algorithmic application, we show that the number of real roots of a trinomial $f$ can be computed in time polynomial in the size of the sparse encoding of~$f$. The same problem is open for 4-nomials.
156 - Liyun Dai , Bican Xia 2012
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82 - A. Bostan , T. Krick , A. Szanto 2018
In an earlier article together with Carlos DAndrea [BDKSV2017], we described explicit expressions for the coefficients of the order-$d$ polynomial subresultant of $(x-alpha)^m$ and $(x-beta)^n $ with respect to Bernsteins set of polynomials ${(x-alph a)^j(x-beta)^{d-j}, , 0le jle d}$, for $0le d<min{m, n}$. The current paper further develops the study of these structured polynomials and shows that the coefficients of the subresultants of $(x-alpha)^m$ and $(x-beta)^n$ with respect to the monomial basis can be computed in linear arithmetic complexity, which is faster than for arbitrary polynomials. The result is obtained as a consequence of the amazing though seemingly unnoticed fact that these subresultants are scalar multiples of Jacobi polynomials up to an affine change of variables.
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