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Duals of Feynman Integrals, I: Differential Equations

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 نشر من قبل Simon Caron-Huot
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We elucidate the vector space (twisted relative cohomology) that is Poincare dual to the vector space of Feynman integrals (twisted cohomology) in general spacetime dimension. The pairing between these spaces - an algebraic invariant called the intersection number - extracts integral coefficients for a minimal basis, bypassing the generation of integration-by-parts identities. Dual forms turn out to be much simpler than their Feynman counterparts: they are supported on maximal cuts of various sub-topologies (boundaries). Thus, they provide a systematic approach to generalized unitarity, the reconstruction of amplitudes from on-shell data. In this paper, we introduce the idea of dual forms and study their mathematical structures. As an application, we derive compact differential equations satisfied by arbitrary one-loop integrals in non-integer spacetime dimension. A second paper of this series will detail intersection pairings and their use to extract integral coefficients.

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272 - Johannes M. Henn 2014
Over the last year significant progress was made in the understanding of the computation of Feynman integrals using differential equations. These lectures give a review of these developments, while not assuming any prior knowledge of the subject. Aft er an introduction to differential equations for Feynman integrals, we point out how they can be simplified using algorithms available in the mathematical literature. We discuss how this is related to a recent conjecture for a canonical form of the equations. We also discuss a complementary approach that allows based on properties of the space-time loop integrands, and explain how the ideas of leading singularities and d-log representations can be used to find an optimal basis for the differential equations. Finally, as an application of the differential equations method we show how single-scale integrals can be bootstrapped using the Drinfeld associator of a differential equation.
We evaluate a four-loop conformal integral, i.e. an integral over four four-dimensional coordinates, by turning to its dimensionally regularized version and applying differential equations for the set of the corresponding 213 master integrals. To sol ve these linear differential equations we follow the strategy suggested by Henn and switch to a uniformly transcendental basis of master integrals. We find a solution to these equations up to weight eight in terms of multiple polylogarithms. Further, we present an analytical result for the given four-loop conformal integral considered in four-dimensional space-time in terms of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. As a by-product, we obtain analytical results for all the other 212 master integrals within dimensional regularization, i.e. considered in D dimensions.
We describe a strategy to solve differential equations for Feynman integrals by powers series expansions near singular points and to obtain high precision results for the corresponding master integrals. We consider Feynman integrals with two scales, i.e. nontrivially depending on one variable. The corresponding algorithm is oriented at situations where canonical form of the differential equations is impossible. We provide a computer implementation of our algorithm in a simple example of four-loop generalized sun-set integrals with three equal non-zero masses. Our code provides values of the master integrals at any given point on the real axis with a required accuracy and a given order of expansion in the regularization parameter $epsilon$.
130 - O. Gituliar , V. Magerya 2017
We present $text{Fuchsia}$ $-$ an implementation of the Lee algorithm, which for a given system of ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients $partial_x,mathbf{f}(x,epsilon) = mathbb{A}(x,epsilon),mathbf{f}(x,epsilon)$ finds a basis t ransformation $mathbb{T}(x,epsilon)$, i.e., $mathbf{f}(x,epsilon) = mathbb{T}(x,epsilon),mathbf{g}(x,epsilon)$, such that the system turns into the epsilon form: $partial_x, mathbf{g}(x,epsilon) = epsilon,mathbb{S}(x),mathbf{g}(x,epsilon)$, where $mathbb{S}(x)$ is a Fuchsian matrix. A system of this form can be trivially solved in terms of polylogarithms as a Laurent series in the dimensional regulator $epsilon$. That makes the construction of the transformation $mathbb{T}(x,epsilon)$ crucial for obtaining solutions of the initial equations. In principle, $text{Fuchsia}$ can deal with any regular systems, however its primary task is to reduce differential equations for Feynman master integrals. It ensures that solutions contain only regular singularities due to the properties of Feynman integrals.
We present a novel type of differential equations for on-shell loop integrals. The equations are second-order and importantly, they reduce the loop level by one, so that they can be solved iteratively in the loop order. We present several infinite se ries of integrals satisfying such iterative differential equations. The differential operators we use are best written using momentum twistor space. The use of the latter was advocated in recent papers discussing loop integrals in N=4 super Yang-Mills. One of our motivations is to provide a tool for deriving analytical results for scattering amplitudes in this theory. We show that the integrals needed for planar MHV amplitudes up to two loops can be thought of as deriving from a single master topology. The master integral satisfies our differential equations, and so do most of the reduced integrals. A consequence of the differential equations is that the integrals we discuss are not arbitrarily complicated transcendental functions. For two specific two-loop integrals we give the full analytic solution. The simplicity of the integrals appearing in the scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills is strongly suggestive of a relation to the conjectured underlying integrability of the theory. We expect these differential equations to be relevant for all planar MHV and non-MHV amplitudes. We also discuss possible extensions of our method to more general classes of integrals.
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