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A Scalable Approach for Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Machine Learning

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 نشر من قبل Jinhyun So
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider a collaborative learning scenario in which multiple data-owners wish to jointly train a logistic regression model, while keeping their individual datasets private from the other parties. We propose COPML, a fully-decentralized training framework that achieves scalability and privacy-protection simultaneously. The key idea of COPML is to securely encode the individual datasets to distribute the computation load effectively across many parties and to perform the training computations as well as the model updates in a distributed manner on the securely encoded data. We provide the privacy analysis of COPML and prove its convergence. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that COPML can achieve significant speedup in training over the benchmark protocols. Our protocol provides strong statistical privacy guarantees against colluding parties (adversaries) with unbounded computational power, while achieving up to $16times$ speedup in the training time against the benchmark protocols.

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How to train a machine learning model while keeping the data private and secure? We present CodedPrivateML, a fast and scalable approach to this critical problem. CodedPrivateML keeps both the data and the model information-theoretically private, whi le allowing efficient parallelization of training across distributed workers. We characterize CodedPrivateMLs privacy threshold and prove its convergence for logistic (and linear) regression. Furthermore, via extensive experiments on Amazon EC2, we demonstrate that CodedPrivateML provides significant speedup over cryptographic approaches based on multi-party computing (MPC).
With the rising use of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) in various industries, the medical industry is also not far behind. A very simple yet extremely important use case of ML in this industry is for image classification. This is importa nt for doctors to help them detect certain diseases timely, thereby acting as an aid to reduce chances of human judgement error. However, when using automated systems like these, there is a privacy concern as well. Attackers should not be able to get access to the medical records and images of the patients. It is also required that the model be secure, and that the data that is sent to the model and the predictions that are received both should not be revealed to the model in clear text. In this study, we aim to solve these problems in the context of a medical image classification problem of detection of pneumonia by examining chest x-ray images.
As the analytic tools become more powerful, and more data are generated on a daily basis, the issue of data privacy arises. This leads to the study of the design of privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms. Given two objectives, namely, utility maximization and privacy-loss minimization, this work is based on two previously non-intersecting regimes -- Compressive Privacy and multi-kernel method. Compressive Privacy is a privacy framework that employs utility-preserving lossy-encoding scheme to protect the privacy of the data, while multi-kernel method is a kernel based machine learning regime that explores the idea of using multiple kernels for building better predictors. The compressive multi-kernel method proposed consists of two stages -- the compression stage and the multi-kernel stage. The compression stage follows the Compressive Privacy paradigm to provide the desired privacy protection. Each kernel matrix is compressed with a lossy projection matrix derived from the Discriminant Component Analysis (DCA). The multi-kernel stage uses the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) score of each kernel to non-uniformly combine multiple compressive kernels. The proposed method is evaluated on two mobile-sensing datasets -- MHEALTH and HAR -- where activity recognition is defined as utility and person identification is defined as privacy. The results show that the compression regime is successful in privacy preservation as the privacy classification accuracies are almost at the random-guess level in all experiments. On the other hand, the novel SNR-based multi-kernel shows utility classification accuracy improvement upon the state-of-the-art in both datasets. These results indicate a promising direction for research in privacy-preserving machine learning.
In this paper, we present Fedlearn-Algo, an open-source privacy preserving machine learning platform. We use this platform to demonstrate our research and development results on privacy preserving machine learning algorithms. As the first batch of no vel FL algorithm examples, we release vertical federated kernel binary classification model and vertical federated random forest model. They have been tested to be more efficient than existing vertical federated learning models in our practice. Besides the novel FL algorithm examples, we also release a machine communication module. The uniform data transfer interface supports transferring widely used data formats between machines. We will maintain this platform by adding more functional modules and algorithm examples. The code is available at https://github.com/fedlearnAI/fedlearn-algo.
Outsourcing neural network inference tasks to an untrusted cloud raises data privacy and integrity concerns. To address these challenges, several privacy-preserving and verifiable inference techniques have been proposed based on replacing the non-pol ynomial activation functions such as the rectified linear unit (ReLU) function with polynomial activation functions. Such techniques usually require polynomials with integer coefficients or polynomials over finite fields. Motivated by such requirements, several works proposed replacing the ReLU activation function with the square activation function. In this work, we empirically show that the square function is not the best degree-$2$ polynomial that can replace the ReLU function even when restricting the polynomials to have integer coefficients. We instead propose a degree-$2$ polynomial activation function with a first order term and empirically show that it can lead to much better models. Our experiments on the CIFAR-$10$ and CIFAR-$100$ datasets on various architectures show that our proposed activation function improves the test accuracy by up to $9.4%$ compared to the square function.

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