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Distributionally Robust Newsvendor with Moment Constraints

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 نشر من قبل Derek Singh
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث مالية اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper expands the work on distributionally robust newsvendor to incorporate moment constraints. The use of Wasserstein distance as the ambiguity measure is preserved. The infinite dimensional primal problem is formulated; problem of moments duality is invoked to derive the simpler finite dimensional dual problem. An important research question is: How does distributional ambiguity affect the optimal order quantity and the corresponding profits/costs? To investigate this, some theory is developed and a case study in auto sales is performed. We conclude with some comments on directions for further research.

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This paper studies distributionally robust optimization (DRO) when the ambiguity set is given by moments for the distributions. The objective and constraints are given by polynomials in decision variables. We reformulate the DRO with equivalent momen t conic constraints. Under some general assumptions, we prove the DRO is equivalent to a linear optimization problem with moment and psd polynomial cones. A moment-SOS relaxation method is proposed to solve it. Its asymptotic and finite convergence are shown under certain assumptions. Numerical examples are presented to show how to solve DRO problems.
This paper expands the notion of robust profit opportunities in financial markets to incorporate distributional uncertainty using Wasserstein distance as the ambiguity measure. Financial markets with risky and risk-free assets are considered. The inf inite dimensional primal problems are formulated, leading to their simpler finite dimensional dual problems. A principal motivating question is how does distributional uncertainty help or hurt the robustness of the profit opportunity. Towards answering this question, some theory is developed and computational experiments are conducted. Finally some open questions and suggestions for future research are discussed.
In this article we solve the problem of maximizing the expected utility of future consumption and terminal wealth to determine the optimal pension or life-cycle fund strategy for a cohort of pension fund investors. The setup is strongly related to a DC pension plan where additionally (individual) consumption is taken into account. The consumption rate is subject to a time-varying minimum level and terminal wealth is subject to a terminal floor. Moreover, the preference between consumption and terminal wealth as well as the intertemporal coefficient of risk aversion are time-varying and therefore depend on the age of the considered pension cohort. The optimal consumption and investment policies are calculated in the case of a Black-Scholes financial market framework and hyperbolic absolute risk aversion (HARA) utility functions. We generalize Ye (2008) (2008 American Control Conference, 356-362) by adding an age-dependent coefficient of risk aversion and extend Steffensen (2011) (Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(5), 659-667), Hentschel (2016) (Doctoral dissertation, Ulm University) and Aase (2017) (Stochastics, 89(1), 115-141) by considering consumption in combination with terminal wealth and allowing for consumption and terminal wealth floors via an application of HARA utility functions. A case study on fitting several models to realistic, time-dependent life-cycle consumption and relative investment profiles shows that only our extended model with time-varying preference parameters provides sufficient flexibility for an adequate fit. This is of particular interest to life-cycle products for (private) pension investments or pension insurance in general.
128 - Xian Yu , Siqian Shen 2020
We study multistage distributionally robust mixed-integer programs under endogenous uncertainty, where the probability distribution of stage-wise uncertainty depends on the decisions made in previous stages. We first consider two ambiguity sets defin ed by decision-dependent bounds on the first and second moments of uncertain parameters and by mean and covariance matrix that exactly match decision-dependent empirical ones, respectively. For both sets, we show that the subproblem in each stage can be recast as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP). Moreover, we extend the general moment-based ambiguity set in (Delage and Ye, 2010) to the multistage decision-dependent setting, and derive mixed-integer semidefinite programming (MISDP) reformulations of stage-wise subproblems. We develop methods for attaining lower and upper bounds of the optimal objective value of the multistage MISDPs, and approximate them using a series of MILPs. We deploy the Stochastic Dual Dynamic integer Programming (SDDiP) method for solving the problem under the three ambiguity sets with risk-neutral or risk-averse objective functions, and conduct numerical studies on multistage facility-location instances having diverse sizes under different parameter and uncertainty settings. Our results show that the SDDiP quickly finds optimal solutions for moderate-sized instances under the first two ambiguity sets, and also finds good approximate bounds for the multistage MISDPs derived under the third ambiguity set. We also demonstrate the efficacy of incorporating decision-dependent distributional ambiguity in multistage decision-making processes.
203 - Takuji Arai 2015
We investigate the structure of good deal bounds, which are subintervals of a no-arbitrage pricing bound, for financial market models with convex constraints as an extension of Arai and Fukasawa (2014). The upper and lower bounds of a good deal bound are naturally described by a convex risk measure. We call such a risk measure a good deal valuation; and study its properties. We also discuss superhedging cost and Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing for convex constrained markets.
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