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To take quantum advantage of collective effects in many-body system, we design an elementary block for building multipartite quantum battery, which enables charging an atomic ensemble with optimal numbers in a common thermal bath. One achieves maximum free energy as the stored energy in the steady state, which is prior to each atom parallel charging independently. It ascribes to quantum collective effects in the ensemble of atoms induced by the competition between the coherent driving and decoherent dissipation. The corresponding thermodynamic efficiency of the energy storage is analyzed. The existence of the optimal elementary units of multipartite quantum battery provide a guideline for designing a realizable charging scheme.
Quantum batteries are miniature energy storage devices and play a very important role in quantum thermodynamics. In recent years, quantum batteries have been extensively studied, but limited in theoretical level. Here we report the experimental reali
Even the most sophisticated artificial neural networks are built by aggregating substantially identical units called neurons. A neuron receives multiple signals, internally combines them, and applies a non-linear function to the resulting weighted su
In this paper, we investigate the effect of different optical field initial states on the performance of Tavis-Cummings(T-C) quantum battery. In solving the dynamical evolution of the system, we found a fast way to solve the Bethe ansatz equation. We
Large scale quantum computers will consist of many interacting qubits. In this paper we expand the two flux qubit coupling scheme first devised in [Phys. Rev. B {bf 70}, 140501 (2004)] and realized in [Science {bf 314}, 1427 (2006)] to a three-qubit,
We study the dynamical entanglement distribution in a multipartite system. The initial state is a maximally entangled two level atom with a single photon field. Next a sequence of atoms are sent, one at the time, and interact with the field. We show