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Efficiency of equilibria in games with random payoffs

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 نشر من قبل Matteo Quattropani
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider normal-form games with $n$ players and two strategies for each player, where the payoffs are i.i.d. random variables with some distribution $F$ and we consider issues related to the pure equilibria in the game as the number of players diverges. It is well-known that, if the distribution $F$ has no atoms, the random number of pure equilibria is asymptotically Poisson$(1)$. In the presence of atoms, it diverges. For each strategy profile, we consider the (random) average payoff of the players, called Average Social Utility (ASU). In particular, we examine the asymptotic behavior of the optimum ASU and the one associated to the best and worst pure Nash equilibria and we show that, although these quantities are random, they converge, as $ntoinfty$ to some deterministic quantities.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We prove that every repeated game with countably many players, finite action sets, and tail-measurable payoffs admits an $epsilon$-equilibrium, for every $epsilon > 0$.
We study a static game played by a finite number of agents, in which agents are assigned independent and identically distributed random types and each agent minimizes its objective function by choosing from a set of admissible actions that depends on its type. The game is anonymous in the sense that the objective function of each agent depends on the actions of other agents only through the empirical distribution of their type-action pairs. We study the asymptotic behavior of Nash equilibria, as the number of agents tends to infinity, first by deriving laws of large numbers characterizes almost sure limit points of Nash equilibria in terms of so-called Cournot-Nash equilibria of an associated nonatomic game. Our main results are large deviation principles that characterize the probability of rare Nash equilibria and associated conditional limit theorems describing the behavior of equilibria conditioned on a rare event. The results cover situations when neither the finite-player game nor the associated nonatomic game has a unique equilibrium. In addition, we study the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy, complementing existing worst-case bounds with new probabilistic bounds in the context of congestion games, which are used to model traffic routing in networks.
We add here another layer to the literature on nonatomic anonymous games started with the 1973 paper by Schmeidler. More specifically, we define a new notion of equilibrium which we call $varepsilon$-estimated equilibrium and prove its existence for any positive $varepsilon$. This notion encompasses and brings to nonatomic games recent concepts of equilibrium such as self-confirming, peer-confirming, and Berk--Nash. This augmented scope is our main motivation. At the same time, our approach also resolves some conceptual problems present in Schmeidler (1973), pointed out by Shapley. In that paper the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria has been proved for any nonatomic game with a continuum of players, endowed with an atomless countably additive probability. But, requiring Borel measurability of strategy profiles may impose some limitation on players choices and introduce an exogenous dependence among players actions, which clashes with the nature of noncooperative game theory. Our suggested solution is to consider every subset of players as measurable. This leads to a nontrivial purely finitely additive component which might prevent the existence of equilibria and requires a novel mathematical approach to prove the existence of $varepsilon$-equilibria.
212 - Patricia Bouyer 2015
We study pure-strategy Nash equilibria in multi-player concurrent deterministic games, for a variety of preference relations. We provide a novel construction, called the suspect game, which transforms a multi-player concurrent game into a two-player turn-based game which turns Nash equilibria into winning strategies (for some objective that depends on the preference relations of the players in the original game). We use that transformation to design algorithms for computing Nash equilibria in finite games, which in most cases have optimal worst-case complexity, for large classes of preference relations. This includes the purely qualitative framework, where each player has a single omega-regular objective that she wants to satisfy, but also the larger class of semi-quantitative objectives, where each player has several omega-regular objectives equipped with a preorder (for instance, a player may want to satisfy all her objectives, or to maximise the number of objectives that she achieves.)
We address the problem of assessing the robustness of the equilibria in uncertain, multi-agent games. Specifically, we focus on generalized Nash equilibrium problems in aggregative form subject to linear coupling constraints affected by uncertainty w ith a possibly unknown probability distribution. Within a data-driven context, we apply the scenario approach paradigm to provide a-posteriori feasibility certificates for the entire set of generalized Nash equilibria of the game. Then, we show that assessing the violation probability of such set merely requires to enumerate the constraints that ``shape it. For the class of aggregative games, this results in solving a feasibility problem on each active facet of the feasibility region, for which we propose a semi-decentralized algorithm. We demonstrate our theoretical results by means of an academic example.
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