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Flux growth of Sr(n+1)Ir(n)O(3n+1) [n=1, 2, infinity] crystals

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 نشر من قبل Kaustuv Manna Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Single crystals of iridates are usually grown by a flux method well above the boiling point of the SrCl2 solvent. This leads to non-equilibrium growth conditions and dramatically shortens the lifetime of expensive Pt crucibles. Here, we report the growth of Sr2IrO4, Sr3Ir2O7 and SrIrO3 single crystals in a reproducible way by using anhydrous SrCl2 flux well below its boiling point. We show that the yield of the different phases strongly depends on the nutrient/solvent ratio for fixed soak temperature and cooling rate. Using this low-temperature growth approach generally leads to a lower temperature-independent contribution to the magnetic susceptibility than previously reported. Crystals of SrIrO3 exhibit a paramagnetic behavior that can be remarkably well fitted with a Curie-Weiss law yielding physically reasonable parameters, in contrast to previous reports. Hence, reducing the soak temperature below the solvent boiling point not only provides more stable and controllable growth conditions in contrast to previously reported growth protocols, but also extends considerably the lifetime of expensive platinum crucibles and reduces the corrosion of heating and thermoelements of standard furnaces, thereby reducing growth costs.

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A series of Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates, Nd$_{n+1}$Ni$_{n}$O$_{3n+1}$ (${n}$ = 1-5), have been stabilized in thin film form using reactive molecular-beam epitaxy. High crystalline quality has been verified by X-ray diffraction and scanning transmiss ion electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicates the ${n}$-dependent valence states of nickel in these compounds. Metal-insulator transitions show clear ${n}$ dependence for intermediate members (${n}$ = 3-5), and the low-temperature resistivities of which show logarithmic dependence, resembling the Kondo-scattering as observed in the parent compounds of superconducting infinite-layer nickelates.
320 - S. J. Moon , H. Jin , K. W. Kim 2008
We investigated the electronic structures of the 5$d$ Ruddlesden-Popper series Sr$_{n+1}$Ir$_{n}$O$_{3n+1}$ ($n$=1, 2, and $infty$) using optical spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. As 5$d$ orbitals are spatially more extended than 3$d$ o r 4$d$ orbitals, it has been widely accepted that correlation effects are minimal in 5$d$ compounds. However, we observed a bandwidth-controlled transition from a Mott insulator to a metal as we increased $n$. In addition, the artificially synthesized perovskite SrIrO$_{3}$ showed a very large mass enhancement of about 6, indicating that it was in a correlated metallic state.
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