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Multi-objective Neural Architecture Search (NAS) aims to discover novel architectures in the presence of multiple conflicting objectives. Despite recent progress, the problem of approximating the full Pareto front accurately and efficiently remains challenging. In this work, we explore the novel reinforcement learning (RL) based paradigm of non-stationary policy gradient (NPG). NPG utilizes a non-stationary reward function, and encourages a continuous adaptation of the policy to capture the entire Pareto front efficiently. We introduce two novel reward functions with elements from the dominant paradigms of scalarization and evolution. To handle non-stationarity, we propose a new exploration scheme using cosine temperature decay with warm restarts. For fast and accurate architecture evaluation, we introduce a novel pre-trained shared model that we continuously fine-tune throughout training. Our extensive experimental study with various datasets shows that our framework can approximate the full Pareto front well at fast speeds. Moreover, our discovered cells can achieve supreme predictive performance compared to other multi-objective NAS methods, and other single-objective NAS methods at similar network sizes. Our work demonstrates the potential of NPG as a simple, efficient, and effective paradigm for multi-objective NAS.
Recent studies on neural architecture search have shown that automatically designed neural networks perform as good as expert-crafted architectures. While most existing works aim at finding architectures that optimize the prediction accuracy, these a
Neural architecture search (NAS) and hyperparameter optimization (HPO) make deep learning accessible to non-experts by automatically finding the architecture of the deep neural network to use and tuning the hyperparameters of the used training pipeli
Neural architecture search (NAS) relies on a good controller to generate better architectures or predict the accuracy of given architectures. However, training the controller requires both abundant and high-quality pairs of architectures and their ac
Most existing neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms are dedicated to the downstream tasks, e.g., image classification in computer vision. However, extensive experiments have shown that, prominent neural architectures, such as ResNet in computer
Recent state-of-the-art methods for neural architecture search (NAS) exploit gradient-based optimization by relaxing the problem into continuous optimization over architectures and shared-weights, a noisy process that remains poorly understood. We ar