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Improved Cosmological Constraints from SDSS redMaPPer Clusters via X-ray Follow-up of a Complete Subsample of Systems

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Kirby
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We improve upon the cosmological constraints derived from the abundance and weak-lensing data of redMaPPer clusters detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Specifically, we derive gas mass data using Chandra X-ray follow-up of a complete sample of the 30 richest SDSS redMaPPer clusters with $zin[0.1,0.3]$, and use these additional data to improve upon the original analysis by Costanzi et al. (2019b). We simultaneously fit for the parameters of the richness-mass relation, the cluster gas mass-mass relation, and cosmology. By including our X-ray cluster sample in the SDSS cluster cosmology analysis, we measure $Omega_{rm m} = 0.25 pm 0.04$ and $sigma_8 = 0.85^{+0.06}_{-0.08}$. These constraints represent a 25.5% and 29.8% reduction in the size of the 68% confidence intervals of $Omega_{rm m}$ and $sigma_8$ respectively, relative to the constraints published in Costanzi et al. (2019b). Our cosmological constraints are in agreement with early universe results from Planck. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also perform an independent calibration of the amplitude of the $langle M_{rm gas}^{rm true}|M_{rm 500c}rangle$ scaling relation. Our calibration is consistent with and of comparable precision to that of Mantz et al. (2016b).

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اقرأ أيضاً

SPIDERS (The SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources) is a program dedicated to the homogeneous and complete spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray AGN and galaxy clusters over a large area ($sim$7500 deg$^2$) of the extragalactic sky. SPIDERS is p art of the SDSS-IV project, together with the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) and the Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS). This paper describes the largest project within SPIDERS before the launch of eROSITA: an optical spectroscopic survey of X-ray selected, massive ($sim 10^{14}$ to $10^{15}~M_{odot}$) galaxy clusters discovered in ROSAT and XMM-Newton imaging. The immediate aim is to determine precise ($Delta_z sim 0.001$) redshifts for 4,000-5,000 of these systems out to $z sim 0.6$. The scientific goal of the program is precision cosmology, using clusters as probes of large-scale structure in the expanding Universe. We present the cluster samples, target selection algorithms and observation strategies. We demonstrate the efficiency of selecting targets using a combination of SDSS imaging data, a robust red-sequence finder and a dedicated prioritization scheme. We describe a set of algorithms and work-flow developed to collate spectra and assign cluster membership, and to deliver catalogues of spectroscopically confirmed clusters. We discuss the relevance of line-of-sight velocity dispersion estimators for the richer systems. We illustrate our techniques by constructing a catalogue of 230 spectroscopically validated clusters ($0.031 < z < 0.658$), found in pilot observations. We discuss two potential science applications of the SPIDERS sample: the study of the X-ray luminosity-velocity dispersion ($L_X-sigma$) relation and the building of stacked phase-space diagrams.
In order to place constraints on cosmology through optical surveys of galaxy clusters, one must first understand the properties of those clusters. To this end, we introduce the Mass Analysis Tool for Chandra (MATCha), a pipeline which uses a parallel lized algorithm to analyze archival Chandra data. MATCha simultaneously calculates X-ray temperatures and luminosities and performs centering measurements for hundreds of potential galaxy clusters using archival X-ray exposures. We run MATCha on the redMaPPer SDSS DR8 cluster catalog and use MATChas output X-ray temperatures and luminosities to analyze the galaxy cluster temperature-richness, luminosity-richness, luminosity-temperature, and temperature-luminosity scaling relations. We detect 447 clusters and determine 246 r2500 temperatures across all redshifts. Within 0.1 < z < 0.35 we find that r2500 Tx scales with optical richness as ln(kB Tx / 1.0 keV) = (0.52 pm 0.05) ln({lambda}/70) + (1.85 pm 0.03) with intrinsic scatter of 0.27 pm 0.02 (1 {sigma}). We investigate the distribution of offsets between the X-ray center and redMaPPer center within 0.1 < z < 0.35, finding that 68.3 pm 6.5% of clusters are well-centered. However, we find a broad tail of large offsets in this distribution, and we explore some of the causes of redMaPPer miscentering.
330 - Ying Zu 2012
We derive constraints on the matter density Om and the amplitude of matter clustering sig8 from measurements of large scale weak lensing (projected separation R=5-30hmpc) by clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey MaxBCG catalog. The weak lensing si gnal is proportional to the product of Om and the cluster-mass correlation function xicm. With the relation between optical richness and cluster mass constrained by the observed cluster number counts, the predicted lensing signal increases with increasing Om or sig8, with mild additional dependence on the assumed scatter between richness and mass. The dependence of the signal on scale and richness partly breaks the degeneracies among these parameters. We incorporate external priors on the richness-mass scatter from comparisons to X-ray data and on the shape of the matter power spectrum from galaxy clustering, and we test our adopted model for xicm against N-body simulations. Using a Bayesian approach with minimal restrictive priors, we find sig8(Om/0.325)^{0.501}=0.828 +/- 0.049, with marginalized constraints of Om=0.325_{-0.067}^{+0.086} and sig8=0.828_{-0.097}^{+0.111}, consistent with constraints from other MaxBCG studies that use weak lensing measurements on small scales (R<=2hmpc). The (Om,sig8) constraint is consistent with and orthogonal to the one inferred from WMAP CMB data, reflecting agreement with the structure growth predicted by GR for an LCDM cosmological model. A joint constraint assuming LCDM yields Om=0.298 +/- 0.020 and sig8=0.831 +/- 0.020. Our cosmological parameter errors are dominated by the statistical uncertainties of the large scale weak lensing measurements, which should shrink sharply with current and future imaging surveys.
138 - M. Betoule , R. Kessler , J. Guy 2014
We present cosmological constraints from a joint analysis of type Ia supernova (SN Ia) observations obtained by the SDSS-II and SNLS collaborations. The data set includes several low-redshift samples (z<0.1), all 3 seasons from the SDSS-II (0.05 < z < 0.4), and 3 years from SNLS (0.2 <z < 1) and totals totc spectroscopically confirmed type Ia supernovae with high quality light curves. We have followed the methods and assumptions of the SNLS 3-year data analysis except for the following important improvements: 1) the addition of the full SDSS-II spectroscopically-confirmed SN Ia sample in both the training of the SALT2 light curve model and in the Hubble diagram analysis ( sdssc SNe), 2) inter-calibration of the SNLS and SDSS surveys and reduced systematic uncertainties in the photometric calibration, performed blindly with respect to the cosmology analysis, and 3) a thorough investigation of systematic errors associated with the SALT2 modeling of SN Ia light-curves. We produce recalibrated SN Ia light-curves and associated distances for the SDSS-II and SNLS samples. The large SDSS-II sample provides an effective, independent, low-z anchor for the Hubble diagram and reduces the systematic error from calibration systematics in the low-z SN sample. For a flat LCDM cosmology we find Omega_m=0.295+-0.034 (stat+sys), a value consistent with the most recent CMB measurement from the Planck and WMAP experiments. Our result is 1.8sigma (stat+sys) different than the previously published result of SNLS 3-year data. The change is due primarily to improvements in the SNLS photometric calibration. When combined with CMB constraints, we measure a constant dark-energy equation of state parameter w=-1.018+-0.057 (stat+sys) for a flat universe. Adding BAO distance measurements gives similar constraints: w=-1.027+-0.055.
We study the distribution of line-of-sight velocities of galaxies in the vicinity of SDSS redMaPPer galaxy clusters. Based on their velocities, galaxies can be split into two categories: galaxies that are dynamically associated with the cluster, and random line-of-sight projections. Both the fraction of galaxies associated with the galaxy clusters, and the velocity dispersion of the same, exhibit a sharp feature as a function of radius. The feature occurs at a radial scale $R_{rm edge} approx 2.2R_{rm{lambda}}$, where $R_{rm{lambda}}$ is the cluster radius assigned by redMaPPer. We refer to $R_{rm edge}$ as the edge radius. These results are naturally explained by a model that further splits the galaxies dynamically associated with a galaxy cluster into a component of galaxies orbiting the halo and an infalling galaxy component. The edge radius $R_{rm edge}$ constitutes a true cluster edge, in the sense that no orbiting structures exist past this radius. A companion paper (Aung et al. 2020) tests whether the halo edge hypothesis holds when investigating the full three-dimensional phase space distribution of dark matter substructures in numerical simulations, and demonstrates that this radius coincides with a suitably defined splashback radius.
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