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Nonlinear generalised functions on manifolds

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 نشر من قبل Eduard Nigsch
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper lays the foundations for a nonlinear theory of differential geometry that is developed in a subsequent paper which is based on Colombeau algebras of tensor distributions on manifolds. We adopt a new approach and construct a global theory of algebras of generalised functions on manifolds based on the concept of smoothing operators. This produces a generalisation of previous theories in a form which is suitable for applications to differential geometry. The generalised Lie derivative is introduced and shown to commute with the embedding of distributions. It is also shown that the covariant derivative of a generalised scalar field commutes with this embedding at the level of association.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

This paper builds on the theory of generalised functions begun in [1]. The Colombeau theory of generalised scalar fields on manifolds is extended to a nonlinear theory of generalised tensor fields which is diffeomorphism invariant and has the sheaf p roperty. The generalised Lie derivative for generalised tensor fields is introduced and it is shown that this commutes with the embedding of distributional tensor fields. It is also shown that the covariant derivative of generalised tensor fields commutes with the embedding at the level of association. The concept of generalised metric is introduced and used to develop a nonsmooth theory of differential geometry. It is shown that the embedding of a continuous metric results in a generalised metric with well defined connection and curvature. It is also shown that a twice continuously differentiable metric which is a solution of the vacuum Einstein equations may be embedded into the algebra of generalised tensor fields and has generalised Ricci curvature associated to zero. Thus, the embedding preserves the Einstein equations at the level of association. Finally, we consider an example of a metric which lies outside the Geroch-Traschen class and show that in our diffeomorphism invariant theory the curvature of a cone is associated to a delta function.
We derive the topological obstruction to spin-Klein cobordism. This result has implications for signature change in general relativity, and for the $N=2$ superstring.
170 - Adam Rennie , Ben E. Whale 2014
We show that finiteness of the Lorentzian distance is equivalent to the existence of generalised time functions with gradient uniformly bounded away from light cones. To derive this result we introduce new techniques to construct and manipulate achro nal sets. As a consequence of these techniques we obtain a functional description of the Lorentzian distance extending the work of Franco and Moretti.
This paper provides a characterization of functions of bounded variation (BV) in a compact Riemannian manifold in terms of the short time behavior of the heat semigroup. In particular, the main result proves that the total variation of a function equ als the limit characterizing the space BV. The proof is carried out following two fully independent approaches, a probabilistic and an analytic one. Each method presents different advantages.
In this paper we develop the calculus of pseudo-differential operators corresponding to the quantizations of the form $$ Au(x)=int_{mathbb{R}^n}int_{mathbb{R}^n}e^{i(x-y)cdotxi}sigma(x+tau(y-x),xi)u(y)dydxi, $$ where $tau:mathbb{R}^ntomathbb{R}^n$ is a general function. In particular, for the linear choices $tau(x)=0$, $tau(x)=x$, and $tau(x)=frac{x}{2}$ this covers the well-known Kohn-Nirenberg, anti-Kohn-Nirenberg, and Weyl quantizations, respectively. Quantizations of such type appear naturally in the analysis on nilpotent Lie groups for polynomial functions $tau$ and here we investigate the corresponding calculus in the model case of $mathbb{R}^n$. We also give examples of nonlinear $tau$ appearing on the polarised and non-polarised Heisenberg groups, inspired by the recent joint work with Marius Mantoiu.
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