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M-theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold admitting a small resolution gives rise to an Abelian vector multiplet and a charged hypermultiplet. We introduce into this picture a procedure to construct threefolds that naturally host matter with electric charges up to six. These are built as families of Du Val ADE surfaces (or ALE spaces), and the possible charges correspond to the Dynkin labels of the adjoint of the ADE algebra. In the case of charge two, we give a new derivation of the answer originally obtained by Curto and Morrison, and explicitly relate this construction to the Morrison-Park geometry. We also give a procedure for constructing higher-charge cases, which can often be applied to F-theory models.
Three dimensional supersymmetric field theories have large moduli spaces of circular Wilson loops preserving a fixed set of supercharges. We simplify previous constructions of such Wilson loops and amend and clarify their classification. For a generi
We prove a generating function formula for the Betti numbers of Nakajima quiver varieties. We prove that it is a q-deformation of the Weyl-Kac character formula. In particular this implies that the constant term of the polynomial counting the number
Quivers, gauge theories and singular geometries are of great interest in both mathematics and physics. In this note, we collect a few open questions which have arisen in various recent works at the intersection between gauge theories, representation
Nonlinear higher-spin equations in four dimensions admit a closed two-form that defines a gauge-invariant global charge as an integral over a two-dimensional cycle. In this paper we argue that this charge gives rise to partitions depending on various
We construct explicit BPS and non-BPS solutions of the Yang-Mills equations on noncommutative spaces R^{2n}_theta x G/H which are manifestly G-symmetric. Given a G-representation, by twisting with a particular bundle over G/H, we obtain a G-equivaria