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The family of f-divergences is ubiquitously applied to generative modeling in order to adapt the distribution of the model to that of the data. Well-definedness of f-divergences, however, requires the distributions of the data and model to overlap completely in every time step of training. As a result, as soon as the support of distributions of data and model contain non-overlapping portions, gradient based training of the corresponding model becomes hopeless. Recent advances in generative modeling are full of remedies for handling this support mismatch problem: key ideas include either modifying the objective function to integral probability measures (IPMs) that are well-behaved even on disjoint probabilities, or optimizing a well-behaved variational lower bound instead of the true objective. We, on the other hand, establish that a complete change of the objective function is unnecessary, and instead an augmentation of the base measure of the problematic divergence can resolve the issue. Based on this observation, we propose a generative model which leverages the class of Scaled Bregman Divergences and generalizes both f-divergences and Bregman divergences. We analyze this class of divergences and show that with the appropriate choice of base measure it can resolve the support mismatch problem and incorporate geometric information. Finally, we study the performance of the proposed method and demonstrate promising results on MNIST, CelebA and CIFAR-10 datasets.
We propose a new framework named DS-WGAN that integrates the doubly stochastic (DS) structure and the Wasserstein generative adversarial networks (WGAN) to model, estimate, and simulate a wide class of arrival processes with general non-stationary an
In several crucial applications, domain knowledge is encoded by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), often stemming from underlying physical and biological processes. A motivating example is intensive care unit patients: the dynamics of
Graphs are a fundamental abstraction for modeling relational data. However, graphs are discrete and combinatorial in nature, and learning representations suitable for machine learning tasks poses statistical and computational challenges. In this work
Deep generative models can learn to generate realistic-looking images, but many of the most effective methods are adversarial and involve a saddlepoint optimization, which requires a careful balancing of training between a generator network and a cri
Deep generative networks can simulate from a complex target distribution, by minimizing a loss with respect to samples from that distribution. However, often we do not have direct access to our target distribution - our data may be subject to sample