ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
This paper studies the unsupervised embedding learning problem, which requires an effective similarity measurement between samples in low-dimensional embedding space. Motivated by the positive concentrated and negative separated properties observed from category-wise supervised learning, we propose to utilize the instance-wise supervision to approximate these properties, which aims at learning data augmentation invariant and instance spread-out features. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel instance based softmax embedding method, which directly optimizes the `real instance features on top of the softmax function. It achieves significantly faster learning speed and higher accuracy than all existing methods. The proposed method performs well for both seen and unseen testing categories with cosine similarity. It also achieves competitive performance even without pre-trained network over samples from fine-grained categories.
Despite the great progress achieved in unsupervised feature embedding, existing contrastive learning methods typically pursue view-invariant representations through attracting positive sample pairs and repelling negative sample pairs in the embedding
In this paper, we propose an instance similarity learning (ISL) method for unsupervised feature representation. Conventional methods assign close instance pairs in the feature space with high similarity, which usually leads to wrong pairwise relation
Although unsupervised feature learning has demonstrated its advantages to reducing the workload of data labeling and network design in many fields, existing unsupervised 3D learning methods still cannot offer a generic network for various shape analy
Understanding objects in terms of their individual parts is important, because it enables a precise understanding of the objects geometrical structure, and enhances object recognition when the object is seen in a novel pose or under partial occlusion
Learning the distance metric between pairs of examples is of great importance for visual recognition, especially for person re-identification (Re-Id). Recently, the contrastive and triplet loss are proposed to enhance the discriminative power of the