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The realizability of some finite-length modules over the Steenrod algebra by spaces

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 نشر من قبل Tilman Bauer
 تاريخ النشر 2019
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The Joker is an important finite cyclic module over the mod-$2$ Steenrod algebra $mathcal A$. We show that the Joker, its first two iterated Steenrod doubles, and their linear duals are realizable by spaces of as low a dimension as the instability condition of modules over the Steenrod algebra permits. This continues and concludes prior work by the first author and yields a complete characterization of whi

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اقرأ أيضاً

We compute the $C_p$-equivariant dual Steenrod algebras associated to the constant Mackey functors $underline{mathbb{F}}_p$ and $underline{mathbb{Z}}_{(p)}$, as $underline{mathbb{Z}}_{(p)}$-modules. The $C_p$-spectrum $underline{mathbb{F}}_p otimes u nderline{mathbb{F}}_p$ is not a direct sum of $RO(C_p)$-graded suspensions of $underline{mathbb{F}}_p$ when $p$ is odd, in contrast with the classical and $C_2$-equivariant dual Steenrod algebras.
142 - Daniel C. Isaksen 2020
We study the Mahowald operator $M = langle g_2,h_0^3, - rangle$ in the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra. We show that the operator interacts well with the cohomology of $A(2)$, in both the classical and $mathbb{C}$-motivic contexts. This generalizes previous work of Margolis, Priddy, and Tangora.
In 1947, N.E. Steenrod defined the Steenrod Squares, which are mod 2 cohomology operations, using explicit cochain formulae for cup-i products of cocycles. He later recast the construction in more general homological terms, using group homology and a cyclic model methods, rather than explicit cochain formulae, to define mod p operations for all primes p. Steenrods student J. Adem applied the homological point of view to prove fundamental relations, known as the Adem relations, in the algebra of cohomology operations generated by the Steenrod operations. In this paper we give a proof of the mod 2 Adem relations at the cochain level. Specifically, given a mod 2 cocycle, we produce explicit cochain formulae whose coboundaries are the Adem relations among compositions of Steenrod Squares applied to the cocycle, using Steenrods original cochain definition of the Square operations.
We develop some aspects of the homological algebra of persistence modules, in both the one-parameter and multi-parameter settings, considered as either sheaves or graded modules. The two theories are different. We consider the graded module and sheaf tensor product and Hom bifunctors as well as their derived functors, Tor and Ext, and give explicit computations for interval modules. We give a classification of injective, projective, and flat interval modules. We state Kunneth theorems and universal coefficient theorems for the homology and cohomology of chain complexes of persistence modules in both the sheaf and graded modules settings and show how these theorems can be applied to persistence modules arising from filtered cell complexes. We also give a Gabriel-Popescu theorem for persistence modules. Finally, we examine categories enriched over persistence modules. We show that the graded module point of view produces a closed symmetric monoidal category that is enriched over itself.
182 - Sergey A. Melikhov 2009
Steenrod homotopy theory is a framework for doing algebraic topology on general spaces in terms of algebraic topology of polyhedra; from another viewpoint, it studies the topology of the lim^1 functor (for inverse sequences of groups). This paper is primarily concerned with the case of compacta, in which Steenrod homotopy coincides with strong shape. We attempt to simplify foundations of the theory and to clarify and improve some of its major results. Using geometric tools such as Milnors telescope compactification, comanifolds (=mock bundles) and the Pontryagin-Thom Construction, we obtain new simple proofs of results by Barratt-Milnor; Cathey; Dydak-Segal; Eda-Kawamura; Edwards-Geoghegan; Fox; Geoghegan-Krasinkiewicz; Jussila; Krasinkiewicz-Minc; Mardesic; Mittag-Leffler/Bourbaki; and of three unpublished results by Shchepin. An error in Lisitsas proof of the Hurewicz theorem in Steenrod homotopy is corrected. It is shown that over compacta, R.H.Foxs overlayings are same as I.M.James uniform covering maps. Other results include: - A morphism between inverse sequences of countable (possibly non-abelian) groups that induces isomorphisms on inverse and derived limits is invertible in the pro-category. This implies the Whitehead theorem in Steenrod homotopy, thereby answering two questions of A.Koyama. - If X is an LC_{n-1} compactum, n>0, its n-dimensional Steenrod homotopy classes are representable by maps S^nto X, provided that X is simply connected. The assumption of simply-connectedness cannot be dropped by a well-known example of Dydak and Zdravkovska. - A connected compactum is Steenrod connected (=pointed 1-movable) iff every its uniform covering space has countably many uniform connected components.
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