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Paired exciton condensate and topological charge-$4e$ composite fermion pairing in half-filled quantum Hall bilayers

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 نشر من قبل Ya-Hui Zhang
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Half-filled Landau levels admit the theoretically powerful fermion-vortex duality but longstanding puzzles remain in their experimental realization as $ u_T=1$ quantum Hall bilayers, further complicated by Zheng et als recent numerical discovery of an unknown phase at intermediate layer spacing. Here we propose that half-filled quantum Hall bilayers ($ u_T=1$) at intermediate values of the interlayer distance $d/ell_B$ enter a phase with textit{paired exciton condensation}. This phase shows signatures analogous to the condensate of interlayer excitons (electrons bound to opposite-layer holes) well-known for small $d$ but importantly condenses only exciton pairs. To study it theoretically we derive an effective Hamiltonian for bosonic excitons $b_k$ and show that the single-boson condensate suddenly vanishes for $d$ above a critical $d_{c1} approx 0.95 l_B$. The nonzero condensation fraction $n_0=langle b(0) rangle ^2$ at $d_{c1}$ suggests that the phase stiffness remains nonzero for a range of $d>d_{c1}$ via an intermediate phase of paired-exciton condensation, exhibiting $langle bb rangle eq 0$ while $langle b rangle =0$. Motivated by these results we derive a $K$-matrix description of the paired exciton condensates topological properties from composite boson theory. The elementary charged excitation is a half meron with $frac{1}{4}$ charge and fractional self-statistics $theta_s=frac{pi}{16}$. Finally we argue for an equivalent description via the $d=infty$ limit through topological charge-$4e$ pairing of composite fermions. We suggest graphene double layers should access this phase and propose various experimental signatures, including an Ising transition $T_{Ising}$ below the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition $T_{BKT}$ at $d sim d_{c1}$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a theory of the isotropic-nematic quantum phase transition in the composite Fermi liquid arising in half-filled Landau levels. We show that the quantum phase transition between the isotropic and the nematic phase is triggered by an attract ive quadrupolar interaction between electrons, as in the case of conventional Fermi liquids. We derive the theory of the nematic state and of the phase transition. This theory is based on the flux attachment procedure which maps an electron liquid in half-filled Landau levels into the composite Fermi liquid close to a nematic transition. We show that the local fluctuations of the nematic order parameters act as an effective dynamical metric interplaying with the underlying Chern-Simons gauge fields associated with the flux attachment. Both the fluctuations of the Chern-Simons gauge field and the nematic order parameter can destroy the composite fermion quasiparticles and drive the system into a non-Fermi liquid state. The effective field theory for the isotropic-nematic phase transition has $z = 3$ dynamical exponent due to Landau damping effects. We show that there is a Berry phase type term which governs the effective dynamics of the nematic order parameter fluctuations, which can be interpreted as a non-universal Hall viscosity of the dynamical metric. We show that the effective field theory has a Wen-Zee-type term. Both terms originate from the time-reversal breaking fluctuation of the Chern-Simons gauge fields. We present a perturbative computation of the Hall viscosity and also show that this term is also obtained by a Ward identity. We show that the disclination of the nematic fluid, carries an electric charge. We show that a resonance observed in radio-frequency conductivity experiments can be interpreted as a Goldstone nematic mode gapped by lattice effects.
Nonabelian anyons offer the prospect of storing quantum information in a topological qubit protected from decoherence, with the degree of protection determined by the energy gap separating the topological vacuum from its low lying excitations. Origin ally proposed to occur in quantum wells in high magnetic fields, experimental systems thought to harbor nonabelian anyons range from p-wave superfluids to superconducting systems with strong spin orbit coupling. However, all of these systems are characterized by small energy gaps, and despite several decades of experimental work, definitive evidence for nonabelian anyons remains elusive. Here, we report the observation of arobust, incompressible even-denominator fractional quantum Hall phase in a new generation of dual-gated, hexagonal boron nitride encapsulated bilayer graphene samples. Numerical simulations suggest that this state is in the Pfaffian phase and hosts nonabelian anyons, and the measured energy gaps are several times larger than those observed in other systems. Moreover, the unique electronic structure of bilayer graphene endows the electron system with two new control parameters. Magnetic field continuously tunes the effective electron interactions, changing the even-denominator gap non-monotonically and consistent with predictions that a transition between the Pfaffian phase and the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) occurs just beyond the experimentally explored magnetic field range. Electric field, meanwhile, tunes crossings between levels from different valleys. By directly measuring the valley polarization, we observe a continuous transition from an incompressible to a compressible phase at half-filling mediated by an unexpected incompressible, yet polarizable, intermediate phase. Valley conservation implies this phase is an electrical insulator with gapless neutral excitations.
The half filled Landau level is expected to be approximately particle-hole symmetric, which requires an extension of the Halperin-Lee-Read (HLR) theory of the compressible state observed at this filling. Recent work indicates that, when particle-hole symmetry is preserved, the composite Fermions experience a quantized $pi$-Berry phase upon winding around the composite Fermi-surface, analogous to Dirac fermions at the surface of a 3D topological insulator. In contrast, the effective low energy theory of the composite fermion liquid originally proposed by HLR lacks particle-hole symmetry and has vanishing Berry phase. In this paper, we explain how thermoelectric transport measurements can be used to test the Dirac nature of the composite Fermions by quantitatively extracting this Berry phase. First we point out that longitudinal thermopower (Seebeck effect) is non-vanishing due to the unusual nature of particle hole symmetry in this context and is not sensitive to the Berry phase. In contrast, we find that off-diagonal thermopower (Nernst effect) is directly related to the topological structure of the composite Fermi surface, vanishing for zero Berry phase and taking its maximal value for $pi$ Berry phase. In contrast, in purely electrical transport signatures the Berry phase contributions appear as small corrections to a large background signal, making the Nernst effect a promising diagnostic of the Dirac nature of composite fermions.
The properties of the isotropic incompressible $ u=5/2$ fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state are described by a paired state of composite fermions in zero (effective) magnetic field, with a uniform $p_x+ip_y$ pairing order parameter, which is a non-Ab elian topological phase with chiral Majorana and charge modes at the boundary. Recent experiments suggest the existence of a proximate nematic phase at $ u=5/2$. This finding motivates us to consider an inhomogeneous paired state - a $p_x+ip_y$ pair-density-wave (PDW) - whose melting could be the origin of the observed liquid-crystalline phases. This state can viewed as an array of domain and anti-domain walls of the $p_x+i p_y$ order parameter. We show that the nodes of the PDW order parameter, the location of the domain walls (and anti-domain walls) where the order parameter changes sign, support a pair of symmetry-protected counter-propagating Majorana modes. The coupling behavior of the domain wall Majorana modes crucially depends on the interplay of the Fermi energy $E_{F}$ and the PDW pairing energy $E_{textrm{pdw}}$. The analysis of this interplay yields a rich set of topological states. The pair-density-wave order state in paired FQH system provides a fertile setting to study Abelian and non-Abelian FQH phases - as well as transitions thereof - tuned by the strength of the paired liquid crystalline order.
Interlayer tunneling measurements in the strongly correlated bilayer quantized Hall phase at $ u_T=1$ are reported. The maximum, or critical current for tunneling at $ u_T=1$, is shown to be a well-defined global property of the coherent phase, insen sitive to extrinsic circuit effects and the precise configuration used to measure it, but also exhibiting a surprising scaling behavior with temperature. Comparisons between the experimentally observed tunneling characteristics and a recent theory are favorable at high temperatures, but not at low temperatures where the tunneling closely resembles the dc Josephson effect. The zero-bias tunneling resistance becomes extremely small at low temperatures, vastly less than that observed at zero magnetic field, but nonetheless remains finite. The temperature dependence of this tunneling resistance is similar to that of the ordinary in-plane resistivity of the quantum Hall phase.
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