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Robust cosmic-ray constraints on $p$-wave annihilating MeV dark matter

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 نشر من قبل Julien Lavalle
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We recently proposed a method to constrain $s$-wave annihilating MeV dark matter from a combination of the Voyager 1 and the AMS-02 data on cosmic-ray electrons and positrons. Voyager 1 actually provides an unprecedented probe of dark matter annihilation to cosmic rays down to $sim 10$ MeV in an energy range where the signal is mostly immune to uncertainties in cosmic-ray propagation. In this article, we derive for the first time new constraints on $p$-wave annihilation down to the MeV mass range using cosmic-ray data. To proceed, we derive a self-consistent velocity distribution for the dark matter across the Milky Way by means of the Eddington inversion technique and its extension to anisotropic systems. As inputs, we consider state-of-the-art Galactic mass models including baryons and constrained on recent kinematic data. They allow for both a cored or a cuspy halo. We then calculate the flux of cosmic-ray electrons and positrons induced by $p$-wave annihilating dark matter and obtain very stringent limits in the MeV mass range, robustly excluding cross sections greater than $sim 10^{-22}{rm cm^3/s}$ (including theoretical uncertainties), about 5 orders of magnitude better than current CMB constraints. This limit assumes that dark matter annihilation is the sole source of cosmic rays and could therefore be made even more stringent when reliable models of astrophysical backgrounds are included.

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اقرأ أيضاً

If the dark matter is unstable, the decay of these particles throughout the universe and in the halo of the Milky Way could contribute significantly to the isotropic gamma-ray background (IGRB) as measured by Fermi. In this article, we calculate the high-latitude gamma-ray flux resulting from dark matter decay for a wide range of channels and masses, including all contributions from inverse Compton scattering and accounting for the production and full evolution of cosmological electromagnetic cascades. We also make use of recent multi-wavelength analyses that constrain the astrophysical contributions to the IGRB, enabling us to more strongly restrict the presence any component arising from decaying dark matter. Over a wide range of decay channels and masses (from GeV to EeV and above), we derive stringent lower limits on the dark matters lifetime, generally in the range of $tau sim (1-5)times 10^{28}$ s.
MeV dark matter (DM) particles annihilating or decaying to electron-positron pairs cannot, in principle, be observed via local cosmic-ray (CR) measurements because of the shielding solar magnetic field. In this letter, we take advantage of spacecraft Voyager 1s capacity for detecting interstellar CRs since it crossed the heliopause in 2012. This opens up a new avenue to probe DM in the sub-GeV energy/mass range that we exploit here for the first time. From a complete description of the transport of electrons and positrons at low energy, we derive predictions for both the secondary astrophysical background and the pair production mechanisms relevant to DM annihilation or decay down to the MeV mass range. Interestingly, we show that reacceleration may push positrons up to energies larger than the DM particle mass. We combine the constraints from the Voyager and AMS-02 data to get novel limits covering a very extended DM particle mass range, from MeV to TeV. In the MeV mass range, our limits reach annihilation cross sections of order $langle sigma vrangle sim 10^{-28}{rm cm^3/s}$. An interesting aspect is that these limits barely depend on the details of cosmic-ray propagation in the weak reacceleration case, a configuration which seems to be favored by the most recent boron-to-carbon ($B/C$) data. Though extracted from a completely different and new probe, these bounds have a strength similar to those obtained with the cosmic microwave background --- they are even more stringent for $p$-wave annihilation.
Star formation in galaxies appears to be self-regulated by energetic feedback processes. Among the most promising agents of feedback are cosmic rays (CRs), the relativistic ion population of interstellar and intergalactic plasmas. In these environmen ts, energetic CRs are virtually collisionless and interact via collective phenomena mediated by kinetic-scale plasma waves and large-scale magnetic fields. The enormous separation of kinetic and global astrophysical scales requires a hydrodynamic description. Here, we develop a new macroscopic theory for CR transport in the self-confinement picture, which includes CR diffusion and streaming. The interaction between CRs and electromagnetic fields of Alfvenic turbulence provides the main source of CR scattering, and causes CRs to stream along the magnetic field with the Alfven velocity if resonant waves are sufficiently energetic. However, numerical simulations struggle to capture this effect with current transport formalisms and adopt regularization schemes to ensure numerical stability. We extent the theory by deriving an equation for the CR momentum density along the mean magnetic field and include a transport equation for the Alfven-wave energy. We account for energy exchange of CRs and Alfven waves via the gyroresonant instability and include other wave damping mechanisms. Using numerical simulations we demonstrate that our new theory enables stable, self-regulated CR transport. The theory is coupled to magneto-hydrodynamics, conserves the total energy and momentum, and correctly recovers previous macroscopic CR transport formalisms in the steady-state flux limit. Because it is free of tunable parameters, it holds the promise to provide predictable simulations of CR feedback in galaxy formation.
131 - Julien Lavalle 2011
Some direct detection experiments have recently collected excess events that could be interpreted as a dark matter (DM) signal, pointing to particles in the $sim$10 GeV mass range. We show that scenarios in which DM can self-annihilate with significa nt couplings to quarks are likely excluded by the cosmic-ray (CR) antiproton data, provided the annihilation is S-wave dominated when DM decouples in the early universe. These limits apply to most of supersymmetric candidates, eg in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and in the next-to-MSSM (NMSSM), and more generally to any thermal DM particle with hadronizing annihilation final states.
198 - E. Moulin , M. Cirelli , P. Panci 2013
New bounds on decaying Dark Matter are derived from the gamma-ray measurements of (i) the isotropic residual (extragalactic) background by Fermi and (ii) the Fornax galaxy cluster by H.E.S.S. We find that those from (i) are among the most stringent c onstraints currently available, for a large range of dark matter masses and a variety of decay modes, excluding half-lives up to about 10^26 to few 10^27 seconds. In particular, they rule out the interpretation in terms of decaying dark matter of the e+/- spectral features in PAMELA, Fermi and H.E.S.S., unless very conservative choices are adopted. We also discuss future prospects for CTA bounds from Fornax which, contrary to the present H.E.S.S. constraints of (ii), may allow for an interesting improvement and may become better than those from the current or future extragalactic Fermi data.
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