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Low temperature condensation and scattering data

41   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Christof Gattringer
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study $phi^4$ lattice field theory at finite chemical potential $mu$ in two and four dimensions, using a worldline representation that overcomes the complex action problem. We compute the particle number at very low temperature as a function of $mu$ and determine the first three condensation thresholds, where the system condenses 1, 2 and 3 particles. The corresponding critical values of the chemical potential can be related to the 1-, 2- and 3-particle energies of the system, and we check this relation with a direct spectroscopy determination of the $n$-particle energies from $2n$-point functions. We analyze the thresholds as a function of the spatial size of the system and use the known finite volume results for the $n$-particle energies to relate the thresholds to scattering data. For four dimensions we determine the scattering length from the 2-particle threshold, while in two dimensions the full scattering phase shift can be determined. In both cases the scattering data computed from the 2-particle threshold already allow one to determine the 3-particle energy. In both, two and four dimensions we find very good agreement of this prediction with direct determinations of the 3-particle energy from either the thresholds or the 6-point functions. The results show that low temperature condensation is indeed governed by scattering data.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We delineate equilibrium phase structure and topological charge distribution of dense two-colour QCD at low temperature by using a lattice simulation with two-flavour Wilson fermions that has a chemical potential $mu$ and a diquark source $j$ incorpo rated. We systematically measure the diquark condensate, the Polyakov loop, the quark number density and the chiral condensate with improved accuracy and $jto0$ extrapolation over earlier publications; the known qualitative features of the low temperature phase diagram, which is composed of the hadronic, Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) and BCS phases, are reproduced. In addition, we newly find that around the boundary between the hadronic and BEC phases, nonzero quark number density occurs even in the hadronic phase in contrast to the prediction of the chiral perturbation theory (ChPT), while the diquark condensate approaches zero in a manner that is consistent with the ChPT prediction. At the highest $mu$, which is of order the inverse of the lattice spacing, all the above observables change drastically, which implies a lattice artifact. Finally, at temperature of order $0.45T_c$, where $T_c$ is the chiral transition temperature at zero chemical potential, the topological susceptibility is calculated from a gradient-flow method and found to be almost constant for all the values of $mu$ ranging from the hadronic to BCS phase. This is a contrast to the case of $0.89T_c$ in which the topological susceptibility becomes small as the hadronic phase changes into the quark-gluon plasma phase.
Based on our analysis of the contributions from the connected and disconnected contraction diagrams to the pion-kaon scattering amplitude, we provide the first determination of the low-energy constant $L_0^r$ in SU$(4|1)$ Partially-Quenched Chiral Pe rturbation Theory from data of the Extended Twisted Mass Collaboration, $L_0^r = 0.51(26)cdot 10^{-3}$ at $mu=1$ GeV.
The interactions between two octet baryons are studied at low energies using lattice QCD (LQCD) with larger-than-physical quark masses corresponding to a pion mass of $m_{pi}sim 450$ MeV and a kaon mass of $m_{K}sim 596$ MeV. The two-baryon systems t hat are analyzed range from strangeness $S=0$ to $S=-4$ and include the spin-singlet and triplet $NN$, $Sigma N$ ($I=3/2$), and $XiXi$ states, the spin-singlet $SigmaSigma$ ($I=2$) and $XiSigma$ ($I=3/2$) states, and the spin-triplet $Xi N$ ($I=0$) state. The $s$-wave scattering phase shifts, low-energy scattering parameters, and binding energies when applicable, are extracted using Luschers formalism. While the results are consistent with most of the systems being bound at this pion mass, the interactions in the spin-triplet $Sigma N$ and $XiXi$ channels are found to be repulsive and do not support bound states. Using results from previous studies at a larger pion mass, an extrapolation of the binding energies to the physical point is performed and is compared with experimental values and phenomenological predictions. The low-energy coefficients in pionless EFT relevant for two-baryon interactions, including those responsible for $SU(3)$ flavor-symmetry breaking, are constrained. The $SU(3)$ symmetry is observed to hold approximately at the chosen values of the quark masses, as well as the $SU(6)$ spin-flavor symmetry, predicted at large $N_c$. A remnant of an accidental $SU(16)$ symmetry found previously at a larger pion mass is further observed. The $SU(6)$-symmetric EFT constrained by these LQCD calculations is used to make predictions for two-baryon systems for which the low-energy scattering parameters could not be determined with LQCD directly in this study, and to constrain the coefficients of all leading $SU(3)$ flavor-symmetric interactions, demonstrating the predictive power of two-baryon EFTs matched to LQCD.
We present a lattice QCD based determination of the chiral phase transition temperature in QCD with two degenerate, massless quarks and a physical strange quark mass. We propose and calculate two novel estimators for the chiral transition temperature for several values of the light quark masses, corresponding to Goldstone pion masses in the range of $58~{rm MeV}lesssim m_pilesssim 163~{rm MeV}$. The chiral phase transition temperature is determined by extrapolating to vanishing pion mass using universal scaling analysis. Finite volume effects are controlled by extrapolating to the thermodynamic limit using spatial lattice extents in the range of $2.8$-$4.5$ times the inverse of the pion mass. Continuum extrapolations are carried out by using three different values of the lattice cut-off, corresponding to lattices with temporal extent $N_tau=6, 8$ and $12$. After thermodynamic, continuum and chiral extrapolations we find the chiral phase transition temperature $T_c^0=132^{+3}_{-6}$ MeV.
119 - C. Rohrhofer , Y. Aoki , G. Cossu 2019
Based on a complete set of $J = 0$ and $J=1$ spatial isovector correlation functions calculated with $N_F = 2$ domain wall fermions we identify an intermediate temperature regime of $T sim 220 - 500$ MeV ($1.2T_c$--$2.8T_c$), where chiral symmetry is restored but the correlators are not yet compatible with a simple free quark behavior. More specifically, in the temperature range $T sim 220 - 500$ MeV we identify a multiplet structure of spatial correlators that suggests emergent $SU(2)_{CS}$ and $SU(4)$ symmetries, which are not symmetries of the free Dirac action. The symmetry breaking effects in this temperature range are less than 5%. Our results indicate that at these temperatures the chromo-magnetic interaction is suppressed and the elementary degrees of freedom are chirally symmetric quarks bound into color-singlet objects by the chromo-electric component of the gluon field. At temperatures between 500 and 660 MeV the emergent $SU(2)_{CS}$ and $SU(4)$ symmetries disappear and one observes a smooth transition to the regime above $T sim 1$ GeV where only chiral symmetries survive, which are finally compatible with quasi-free quarks.
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