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Chiral solitons in monoaxial chiral magnets in tilted magnetic field

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 نشر من قبل Yusuke Masaki
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the stability (existence/absence) and interaction (repulsion/attraction) of chiral solitons in monoaxial chiral magnets can be varied by tilting the direction of magnetic field. We, thereby, elucidate that the condensation of attractive chiral solitons causes the discontinuous phase transition predicted by a mean field calculation. Furthermore we theoretically demonstrate that the metastable field-polarized-state destabilizes through the surface instability, which is equivalent to the vanishing surface barrier for penetration of the solitons. We experimentally measure the magnetoresistance (MR) of micrometer-sized samples in the tilted fields in demagnetization-free configuration. We corroborate the scenario that hysteresis in MR is a sign for existence of the solitons, through agreement between our theory and experiments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a comprehensive study of the magnetization dynamics and phase evolution in Cr$_{1/3}$NbS$_{2}$, which realizes a chiral soliton lattice (CSL). The magnetic field dependence of the ac magnetic response is analyzed for five harmonic componen ts, $M_{nomega}(H)$ $(n =1-5)$, using a phase sensitive measurement over a frequency range, $f = 11 - 10,000$ Hz. At a critical field, the modulated CSL continuously evolves from a helicity-rich to a ferromagnetic domain-rich structure, where the crossover is revealed by the onset of an anomalous nonlinear magnetic response that coincides with extremely slow dynamics. The behavior is indicative of the formation of a spatially coherent array of large ferromagnetic domains which relax on macroscopic time-scales. The frequency dependence of the ac magnetic loss displays an asymmetric distribution of relaxation times across the highly nonlinear CSL regime, which shift to shorter time-scales with increasing temperature. We experimentally resolve the tricritical point at $T_{TCP}$ in a temperature regime above the ferromagnetic Curie temperature which separates the linear and nonlinear regimes of the CSL at the phase transition. A comprehensive phase diagram is constructed which summarized the features of the field and temperature dependence of the magnetic crossovers and phase transitions in Cr$_{1/3}$NbS$_{2}$.
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