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We compute leading order quantum corrections to the Regge trajectory of a rotating string with massive endpoints using semiclassical methods. We expand the bosonic string action around a classical rotating solution to quadratic order in the fluctuations and perform the canonical quantization of the resulting theory. For a rotating string in $D$ dimensions the intercept receives contributions from $D-3$ transverse modes and one mode in the plane of rotation, in addition to a contribution due to the Polchinski-Strominger term of the non-critical effective string action when $D eq26$. The intercept at leading order is proportional to the expectation value of the worldsheet Hamiltonian of the fluctuations, and this is shown explicitly in several cases. All contributions to the intercept are considered, and we show a simple physical method to renormalize the divergences in them. The intercept converges to known results at the massless limit, and corrections from the masses are explicitly calculated at the long string limit. In the process we also determine the quantum spectrum of the string with massive endpoints, and analyze the asymmetric case of two different endpoint masses.
We make some remarks on possible definition of open string path integral in the presence of additional boundary couplings corresponding to the presence of masses at the ends of the string. These couplings are not conformally invariant implying that a
We review the classical and quantum theory of the Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator as the toy-model for quantizing f(R) gravity theories.
In this work, we study the computational complexity of massive gravity theory via the Complexity = Action conjecture. Our system contains a particle moving on the boundary of the black hole spacetime. It is dual to inserting a fundamental string in t
In this note we describe hadrons: mesons and baryons as strings with electric charges on their endpoints. We consider here only the neutral system with opposite charges coupled to an external constant electric and magnetic fields. We derive certain c
We discuss a rigid string model proposed by Casalbuoni and Longhi. Constraints for the massive states are solved to find the physical states and the mass spectrum. We also find its supersymmetric extension with the kappa symmetry. The supersymmetry t