The 3rd annual installment of the ActivityNet Large- Scale Activity Recognition Challenge, held as a full-day workshop in CVPR 2018, focused on the recognition of daily life, high-level, goal-oriented activities from user-generated videos as those fo
und in internet video portals. The 2018 challenge hosted six diverse tasks which aimed to push the limits of semantic visual understanding of videos as well as bridge visual content with human captions. Three out of the six tasks were based on the ActivityNet dataset, which was introduced in CVPR 2015 and organized hierarchically in a semantic taxonomy. These tasks focused on tracing evidence of activities in time in the form of proposals, class labels, and captions. In this installment of the challenge, we hosted three guest tasks to enrich the understanding of visual information in videos. The guest tasks focused on complementary aspects of the activity recognition problem at large scale and involved three challenging and recently compiled datasets: the Kinetics-600 dataset from Google DeepMind, the AVA dataset from Berkeley and Google, and the Moments in Time dataset from MIT and IBM Research.
In mainstream computer vision and machine learning, public datasets such as ImageNet, COCO and KITTI have helped drive enormous improvements by enabling researchers to understand the strengths and limitations of different algorithms via performance c
omparison. However, this type of approach has had limited translation to problems in robotic assisted surgery as this field has never established the same level of common datasets and benchmarking methods. In 2015 a sub-challenge was introduced at the EndoVis workshop where a set of robotic images were provided with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics. However, there were issues with this dataset due to the limited background variation, lack of complex motion and inaccuracies in the annotation. In this work we present the results of the 2017 challenge on robotic instrument segmentation which involved 10 teams participating in binary, parts and type based segmentation of articulated da Vinci robotic instruments.
In this report, we present our solution for the task of temporal action localization (detection) (task 1) in ActivityNet Challenge 2020. The purpose of this task is to temporally localize intervals where actions of interest occur and predict the acti
on categories in a long untrimmed video. Our solution mainly includes three components: 1) feature encoding: we apply three kinds of backbones, including TSN [7], Slowfast[3] and I3d[1], which are both pretrained on Kinetics dataset[2]. Applying these models, we can extract snippet-level video representations; 2) proposal generation: we choose BMN [5] as our baseline, base on which we design a Cascade Boundary Refinement Network (CBR-Net) to conduct proposal detection. The CBR-Net mainly contains two modules: temporal feature encoding, which applies BiLSTM to encode long-term temporal information; CBR module, which targets to refine the proposal precision under different parameter settings; 3) action localization: In this stage, we combine the video-level classification results obtained by the fine tuning networks to predict the category of each proposal. Moreover, we also apply to different ensemble strategies to improve the performance of the designed solution, by which we achieve 42.788% on the testing set of ActivityNet v1.3 dataset in terms of mean Average Precision metrics.
This technical report presents an overview of our solution used in the submission to 2021 HACS Temporal Action Localization Challenge on both Supervised Learning Track and Weakly-Supervised Learning Track. Temporal Action Localization (TAL) requires
to not only precisely locate the temporal boundaries of action instances, but also accurately classify the untrimmed videos into specific categories. However, Weakly-Supervised TAL indicates locating the action instances using only video-level class labels. In this paper, to train a supervised temporal action localizer, we adopt Temporal Context Aggregation Network (TCANet) to generate high-quality action proposals through ``local and global temporal context aggregation and complementary as well as progressive boundary refinement. As for the WSTAL, a novel framework is proposed to handle the poor quality of CAS generated by simple classification network, which can only focus on local discriminative parts, rather than locate the entire interval of target actions. Further inspired by the transfer learning method, we also adopt an additional module to transfer the knowledge from trimmed videos (HACS Clips dataset) to untrimmed videos (HACS Segments dataset), aiming at promoting the classification performance on untrimmed videos. Finally, we employ a boundary regression module embedded with Outer-Inner-Contrastive (OIC) loss to automatically predict the boundaries based on the enhanced CAS. Our proposed scheme achieves 39.91 and 29.78 average mAP on the challenge testing set of supervised and weakly-supervised temporal action localization track respectively.
This technical report presents an overview of our solution used in the submission to ActivityNet Challenge 2019 Task 1 (textbf{temporal action proposal generation}) and Task 2 (textbf{temporal action localization/detection}). Temporal action proposal
indicates the temporal intervals containing the actions and plays an important role in temporal action localization. Top-down and bottom-up methods are the two main categories used for proposal generation in the existing literature. In this paper, we devise a novel Multi-Granularity Fusion Network (MGFN) to combine the proposals generated from different frameworks for complementary filtering and confidence re-ranking. Specifically, we consider the diversity comprehensively from multiple perspectives, e.g. the characteristic aspect, the data aspect, the model aspect and the result aspect. Our MGFN achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the temporal action proposal task with 69.85 AUC score and the temporal action localization task with 38.90 mAP on the challenge testing set.