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Semidefinite approximations of the matrix logarithm

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 نشر من قبل James Saunderson
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
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The matrix logarithm, when applied to Hermitian positive definite matrices, is concave with respect to the positive semidefinite order. This operator concavity property leads to numerous concavity and convexity results for other matrix functions, many of which are of importance in quantum information theory. In this paper we show how to approximate the matrix logarithm with functions that preserve operator concavity and can be described using the feasible regions of semidefinite optimization problems of fairly small size. Such approximations allow us to use off-the-shelf semidefinite optimization solvers for convex optimization problems involving the matrix logarithm and related functions, such as the quantum relative entropy. The basic ingredients of our approach apply, beyond the matrix logarithm, to functions that are operator concave and operator monotone. As such, we introduce strategies for constructing semidefinite approximations that we expect will be useful, more generally, for studying the approximation power of functions with small semidefinite representations.

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We develop techniques to construct a series of sparse polyhedral approximations of the semidefinite cone. Motivated by the semidefinite (SD) bases proposed by Tanaka and Yoshise (2018), we propose a simple expansion of SD bases so as to keep the spar sity of the matrices composing it. We prove that the polyhedral approximation using our expanded SD bases contains the set of all diagonally dominant matrices and is contained in the set of all scaled diagonally dominant matrices. We also prove that the set of all scaled diagonally dominant matrices can be expressed using an infinite number of expanded SD bases. We use our approximations as the initial approximation in cutting plane methods for solving a semidefinite relaxation of the maximum stable set problem. It is found that the proposed methods with expanded SD bases are significantly more efficient than methods using other existing approximations or solving semidefinite relaxation problems directly.
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