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Clues to the Nature of SN 2009ip II: The Continuing Photometric and Spectroscopic Evolution to 1000 Days

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 نشر من قبل Melissa Graham
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The 2012 brightening of SN 2009ip was dominated by emission from the interaction of ejecta with the surrounding circumstellar material (CSM) produced by episodic mass loss from the progenitor, complicating the diagnosis of whether the underlying explosion was a true supernova or a nonterminal eruption of a massive star. In this paper, we contribute a time series of optical photometric and spectroscopic observations for SN 2009ip from 1 to 3 years after the 2012 outburst, collected at the Las Cumbres Observatory and the Keck Observatory. We find that the brightness of SN 2009ip continues to decline with no deviations from a linear slope of $0.0030pm0.0005$ $rm mag day^{-1}$ in the $r^{prime}$ band, and demonstrate that this is similar to both observations and models of CSM-ejecta interaction. We show that the late-time spectra continue to be dominated by the signature features of CSM interaction, and that the large ratio of $L_{rm Halpha}/L_{rm Hbeta}approx40$ implies that the material remains optically thick to Balmer photons (Case C recombination). We combine our late-time photometry and spectra with early-time data for SN 2009ip and provide a comprehensive discussion that incorporates recently published models and observations for transient phenomena dominated by CSM-ejecta interaction, and conclude that the presence of broad H$alpha$ at early times remains among the best evidence that a terminal supernova has occurred. Finally, we compare our late-time spectra to those of Type IIn SNe and SN impostors at late phases and find that although SN 2009ip has some similarities with both types, it has more differences with late-time impostor spectra.

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We present an extensive ($sim$ 1200 d) photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of the Type IIn supernova (SN) 2012ab. After a rapid initial rise leading to a bright maximum (M$_{R}$ = $-$19.39 mag), the light curves show a plateau lasting about 2 mo nths followed by a steep decline up to about 100 d. Only in the $U$ band the decline is constant in the same interval. At later phases, the light curves remain flatter than the $^{56}$Co decline suggesting the increasing contribution of the interaction between SN ejecta with circumstellar material (CSM). Although heavily contaminated by emission lines of the host galaxy, the early spectral sequence (until 32 d) shows persistent narrow emissions, indicative of slow unshocked CSM, and the emergence of broad Balmer lines of hydrogen with P-Cygni profiles over a blue continuum, arising from a fast expanding SN ejecta. From about 2 months to $sim$1200 d, the P-Cygni profiles are overcome by intermediate width emissions (FWHM $sim 6000$ kms), produced in the shocked region due to interaction. On the red wing a red bump appears after 76 d, likely a signature of the onset of interaction of the receding ejecta with the CSM. The presence of fast material both approaching and then receding is suggestive that we are observing the SN along the axis of a jet-like ejection in a cavity devoid of or uninterrupted by CSM in the innermost regions.
419 - Noam Soker 2012
We propose that the energetic major outburst of the supernova (SN) impostor SN 2009ip in September 2012 (outburst 2012b) was a mergerburst event, where two massive stars merged. The previous outbursts of 2009 and 2011 might have occurred near periast ron passages of the binary system prior to the merger, in a similar manner to the luminosity peaks in the nineteenth century Great Eruption of the massive binary system Eta Carinae. The major 2012b outburst and the 2012a pre-outburst, resemble the light curve of the mergerburst event V838 Mon. A merger of an evolved star with a mass of M1~60-100Mo and a secondary main sequence star of M2~0.2-0.5M1 can account for the energy of SN 2009ip and for the high velocities of the ejected gas. The ejected nebula is expected to have a non-spherical structure, e.g. bipolar or even a more complicated morphology.
SN 2012dn is a super-Chandrasekhar mass candidate in a purportedly normal spiral (SAcd) galaxy, and poses a challenge for theories of type Ia supernova diversity. Here we utilize the fast and highly parameterized spectrum synthesis tool, SYNAPPS, to estimate relative expansion velocities of species inferred from optical spectra obtained with six facilities. As with previous studies of normal SN Ia, we find that both unburned carbon and intermediate mass elements are spatially coincident within the ejecta near and below 14,000 km/s. Although the upper limit on SN 2012dns peak luminosity is comparable to some of the most luminous normal SN Ia, we find a progenitor mass exceeding ~1.6 Msun is not strongly favored by leading merger models since these models do not accurately predict spectroscopic observations of SN 2012dn and more normal events. In addition, a comparison of light curves and host-galaxy masses for a sample of literature and Palomar Transient Factory SN Ia reveals a diverse distribution of SN Ia subtypes where carbon-rich material remains unburned in some instances. Such events include SN 1991T, 1997br, and 1999aa where trace signatures of C III at optical wavelengths are presumably detected.
We use thirty-eight high-resolution simulations of galaxy formation between redshift 10 and 5 to study the impact of a 3 keV warm dark matter (WDM) candidate on the high-redshift Universe. We focus our attention on the stellar mass function and the g lobal star formation rate and consider the consequences for reionization, namely the neutral hydrogen fraction evolution and the electron scattering optical depth. We find that three different effects contribute to differentiate warm and cold dark matter (CDM) predictions: WDM suppresses the number of haloes with mass less than few $10^9$ M$_{odot}$; at a fixed halo mass, WDM produces fewer stars than CDM; and finally at halo masses below $10^9$ M$_{odot}$, WDM has a larger fraction of dark haloes than CDM post-reionization. These three effects combine to produce a lower stellar mass function in WDM for galaxies with stellar masses at and below $sim 10^7$ M$_{odot}$. For $z > 7$, the global star formation density is lower by a factor of two in the WDM scenario, and for a fixed escape fraction, the fraction of neutral hydrogen is higher by 0.3 at $z sim 6$. This latter quantity can be partially reconciled with CDM and observations only by increasing the escape fraction from 23 per cent to 34 per cent. Overall, our study shows that galaxy formation simulations at high redshift are a key tool to differentiate between dark matter candidates given a model for baryonic physics.
Optical, near-infrared (NIR) photometric and spectroscopic studies, along with the optical imaging polarimetric results for SN 2012au, are presented in this article to constrain the nature of the progenitor and other properties. Well-calibrated multi band optical photometric data (from $-$0.2 to +413 d since $B$-band maximum) were used to compute the bolometric light curve and to perform semi-analytical light-curve modelling using the $texttt{MINIM}$ code. A spin-down millisecond magnetar-powered model explains the observed photometric evolution of SN 2012au reasonably. Early-time imaging polarimetric follow-up observations ($-$2 to +31 d) and comparison with other similar cases indicate signatures of asphericity in the ejecta. Good spectral coverage of SN 2012au (from $-$5 to +391 d) allows us to trace the evolution of layers of SN ejecta in detail. SN 2012au exhibits higher line velocities in comparison with other SNe Ib. Late nebular phase spectra of SN 2012au indicate a Wolf$-$Rayet star as the possible progenitor for SN 2012au, with oxygen, He-core, and main-sequence masses of $sim$1.62 $pm$ 0.15 M$_odot$, $sim$4$-$8 M$_odot$, and $sim$17$-$25 M$_odot$, respectively. There is a clear absence of a first overtone of carbon monoxide (CO) features up to +319 d in the $K$-band region of the NIR spectra. Overall analysis suggests that SN 2012au is one of the most luminous slow-decaying Type Ib SNe, having comparatively higher ejecta mass ($sim$4.7$-$8.3 M$_odot$) and kinetic energy ($sim$[4.8 $-$ 5.4] $times$ 10$^{51}$ erg). Detailed modelling using $texttt{MESA}$ and the results obtained through $texttt{STELLA}$ and $texttt{SNEC}$ explosions also strongly support spin-down of a magnetar with mass of around 20 M$_odot$ and metallicity Z = 0.04 as a possible powering source of SN 2012au.
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