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Image Subtraction Reduction of Open Clusters M35 & NGC 2158 In The K2 Campaign-0 Super-Stamp

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 نشر من قبل Melinda Soares-Furtado
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Observations were made of the open clusters M35 and NGC 2158 during the initial K2 campaign (C0). Reducing these data to high-precision photometric time-series is challenging due to the wide point spread function (PSF) and the blending of stellar light in such dense regions. We developed an image-subtraction-based K2 reduction pipeline that is applicable to both crowded and sparse stellar fields. We applied our pipeline to the data-rich C0 K2 super-stamp, containing the two open clusters, as well as to the neighboring postage stamps. In this paper, we present our image subtraction reduction pipeline and demonstrate that this technique achieves ultra-high photometric precision for sources in the C0 super-stamp. We extract the raw light curves of 3960 stars taken from the UCAC4 and EPIC catalogs and de-trend them for systematic effects. We compare our photometric results with the prior reductions published in the literature. For detrended, TFA-corrected sources in the 12--12.25 $rm K_{p}$ magnitude range, we achieve a best 6.5 hour window running rms of 35 ppm falling to 100 ppm for fainter stars in the 14--14.25 $ rm K_{p}$ magnitude range. For stars with $rm K_{p}> 14$, our detrended and 6.5 hour binned light curves achieve the highest photometric precision. Moreover, all our TFA-corrected sources have higher precision on all time scales investigated. This work represents the first published image subtraction analysis of a K2 super-stamp. This method will be particularly useful for analyzing the Galactic bulge observations carried out during K2 campaign 9. The raw light curves and the final results of our detrending processes are publicly available at url{http://k2.hatsurveys.org/archive/}.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a catalog of 1,143 periodic variables, compiled from our image-subtracted photometric analysis of the K2 Campaign-0 super stamp. This super stamp is centered on the open clusters M35 and NGC 2158. Approximately 46% of our periodic variable s were previously unreported. Of the catalog variables, we find that 331 are members of M35 and 56 are members of NGC 2158 (${P_{mathrm{m}}~>~0.5}$). Our catalog contains two new transiting exoplanet candidates, both of which orbit field stars. The smaller planet candidate has a radius of $0.35~pm~0.04 rm R_{J}$ and orbits a K dwarf ($K_{mathrm{p}}=15.4$ mag) with a transit depth of 2.9 millimag. The larger planet candidate has a radius of $0.72~pm~0.02 rm R_{J}$ and orbits a late G type star ($K_{mathrm{p}}=15.7$ mag) with a transit depth of 2.2 millimag. The larger planet candidate maybe an unresolved binary or a false alarm. Our catalog includes 44 eclipsing binaries, including ten new detections. Of the eclipsing binaries, one is an M35 member and five are NGC 2158 members. Our catalog contains a total of 1,097 non-transiting variable stars, including a field $delta$ Cepheid exhibiting double mode pulsations, 561 rotational variables, and 251 pulsating variables (primarily $gamma$ Doradus and $delta$ Scuti types). The periods of our catalog sources range between 43 minutes to 24 days. The known ages of our reported cluster variables will facilitate investigations of a variety of stellar evolutionary processes.
Hydra spectra of 85 G-K dwarfs in the young cluster, M35, near the Li 6708 Angstrom line region are analyzed. From velocities and Gaia astrometry, 78 are likely single-star members which, combined with previous work, produces 108 members with T_eff r anging from 6150 to 4000 K as defined by multicolor, broad-band photometry, E(B-V ) = 0.20 and [Fe/H] = -0.15, though there are indications the metallicity may be closer to solar. A(Li) follows a well-delineated decline from 3.15 for the hottest stars to upper limits <= 1.0 among the coolest dwarfs. Contrary to earlier work, M35 includes single stars at systematically higher A(Li) than the mean cluster relation. This subset exhibits higher V_ROT than the more Li-depleted sample and, from photometric rotation periods, is dominated by stars classed as convective (C); all others are interface (I) stars. The cool, high-Li rapid rotators are consistent with models that consider simultaneously rapid rotation and radius inflation; rapid rotators hotter than the sun exhibit excess Li depletion, as predicted by the models. The A(Li) distribution with color and rotation period, when compared to the Hyades/Praesepe and the Pleiades, is consistent with gyrochronological analysis placing M35s age between the older M34 and younger Pleiades. However, the Pleiades display a more excessive range in A(Li) and rotation period than M35 on the low-Li, slow-rotation side of the distribution, with supposedly younger stars at a given T_eff in the Pleiades spinning slower, with A(Li) reduced by more than a factor of four compared to M35.
In its Campaign 9, K2 observed dense regions toward the Galactic bulge in order to constrain the microlensing parallaxes and probe for free-floating planets. Photometric reduction of the emph{K2} bulge data poses a significant challenge due to a comb ination of the very high stellar density, large pixels of the Kepler camera, and the pointing drift of the spacecraft. Here we present a new method to extract K2 photometry in dense stellar regions. We extended the Causal Pixel Model developed for less-crowded fields, first by using the pixel response function together with accurate astrometric grids, second by combining signals from a few pixels, and third by simultaneously fitting for an astrophysical model. We tested the method on two microlensing events and a long-period eclipsing binary. The extracted K2 photometry is an order of magnitude more precise than the photometry from other method.
137 - L. R. Bedin 2009
We use 10 orbits of Advanced Camera for Surveys observations to reach the end of the white dwarf cooling sequence in the solar-metallicity open cluster NGC 2158. Our photometry and completeness tests show that the end falls at magnitude m_F606W = 27. 5 +/- 0.15, which implies an age between ~1.8 and ~2.0 Gyr, consistent with the age of 1.9 +/- 0.2 Gyr obtained from fits to the main-sequence turn-off. The faintest white dwarfs show a clear turn toward bluer colors, as predicted by theoretical isochrones.
The reduction of the emph{K2}s Campaign 9 (K2C9) microlensing data is challenging mostly because of the very crowded field and the unstable pointing of the spacecraft. In this work, we present the first method that can extract microlensing signals fr om this K2C9 data product. The raw light curves and the astrometric solutions are first derived, using the techniques from Soares-Furtado et al. and Huang et al. for emph{K2} dense field photometry. We then minimize and remove the systematic effect by performing simultaneous modeling with the microlensing signal. We also derive precise $(K_p-I)$ vs. $(V-I)$ color-color relations that can predict the microlensing source flux in the emph{Kepler} bandpass. By implementing the color-color relation in the light curve modeling, we show that the microlensing parameters can be better constrained. In the end, we use two example microlensing events, OGLE-2016-BLG-0980 and OGLE-2016-BLG-0940, to test our method.
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