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A gravitationally-boosted MUSE survey for emission-line galaxies at z>~5 behind the massive cluster RCS 0224

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 نشر من قبل Renske Smit
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Renske Smit

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We present a VLT/MUSE survey of lensed high-redshift galaxies behind the z=0.77 cluster RCS0224-0002. We study the detailed internal properties of a highly magnified ({mu}~29) z=4.88 galaxy seen through the cluster. We detect wide-spread nebular CIV{lambda}{lambda}1548,1551{AA} emission from this galaxy as well as a bright Ly{alpha} halo with a spatially-uniform wind and absorption profile across 12 kpc in the image plane. Blueshifted high- and low-ionisation interstellar absorption indicate the presence of a high-velocity outflow ({Delta}v~300 km/s) from the galaxy. Unlike similar observations of galaxies at z=2-3, the Ly{alpha} emission from the halo emerges close to the systemic velocity - an order of magnitude lower in velocity offset than predicted in shell-like outflow models. To explain these observations we favour a model of an outflow with a strong velocity gradient, which changes the effective column density seen by the Ly{alpha} photons. We also search for high-redshift Ly{alpha} emitters and identify 14 candidates between z=4.8-6.6, including an over-density at z=4.88, of which only one has a detected counterpart in HST/ACS+WFC3 imaging.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present initial results from the Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) with Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on a comprehensive survey of emission-line galaxies at z<1.5 based on narrowband (NB) imaging. The first Public Data Release (PDR1) provides us with data from two NB filters, specifically NB816 and NB921 over 5.7 deg$^2$ and 16.2 deg$^2$ respectively. The $5 sigma$ limiting magnitudes are 25.2 (UDeep layer, 1.4 deg$^2$) and 24.8 (Deep layer, 4.3 deg$^2$) mag in NB816, and 25.1 (UDeep, 2.9 deg$^2$) and 24.6--24.8 (Deep, 13.3 deg$^2$) mag in NB921. The wide-field imaging allows us to construct unprecedentedly large samples of 8,054 H$alpha$ emitters at z ~ 0.25 and 0.40, 8,656 [OIII] emitters at z ~ 0.63 and 0.84, and 16,877 [OII] emitters at z ~ 1.19 and 1.47. We map the cosmic web on scales out to about 50 comoving Mpc that includes galaxy clusters, identified by red sequence galaxies, located at the intersection of filamentary structures of star-forming galaxies. The luminosity functions of emission-line galaxies are measured with precision and consistent with published studies. The wide field coverage of the data enables us to measure the luminosity functions up to brighter luminosities than previous studies. The comparison of the luminosity functions between the different HSC-SSP fields suggests that a survey volume of $>5times10^5$ Mpc$^3$ is essential to overcome cosmic variance. Since the current data have not reached the full depth expected for the HSC-SSP, the color cut in i-NB816 or z-NB921 induces a bias towards star-forming galaxies with large equivalent widths, primarily seen in the stellar mass functions for the H$alpha$ emitters at z ~ 0.25--0.40. Even so, the emission-line galaxies clearly cover a wide range of luminosity, stellar mass, and environment, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the NB data from the HSC-SSP to investigate star-forming galaxies at z<1.5.
Within a cluster, gravitational effects can lead to the removal of stars from their parent galaxies. Gas hydrodynamical effects can additionally strip gas and dust from galaxies. The properties of the ICL can therefore help constrain the physical pro cesses at work in clusters by serving as a fossil record of the interaction history. The present study is designed to characterise this ICL in a ~10^14 M_odot and z~0.53 cluster of galaxies from imaging and spectroscopic points of view. By applying a wavelet-based method to CFHT Megacam and WIRCAM images, we detect significant quantities of diffuse light. These sources were then spectroscopically characterised with MUSE. MUSE data were also used to compute redshifts of 24 cluster galaxies and search for cluster substructures. An atypically large amount of ICL has been detected in this cluster. Part of the detected diffuse light has a very weak optical stellar component and apparently consists mainly of gas emission, while other diffuse light sources are clearly dominated by old stars. Furthermore, emission lines were detected in several places of diffuse light. Our spectral analysis shows that this emission likely originates from low-excitation parameter gas. The stellar contribution to the ICL is about 2.3x10^9 yrs old even though the ICL is not currently forming a large number of stars. On the other hand, the contribution of the gas emission to the ICL in the optical is much greater than the stellar contribution in some regions, but the gas density is likely too low to form stars. These observations favour ram pressure stripping, turbulent viscous stripping, or supernovae winds as the origin of the large amount of intracluster light. Since the cluster appears not to be in a major merging phase, we conclude that ram pressure stripping is the most plausible process that generates the observed ICL sources.
We report the discovery of a Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) galaxy group at z=4.32 lensed by the massive galaxy cluster ACT-CL J0102-4915 (aka El Gordo) at z=0.87, associated with a 1.2 mm source which is at a 2.07+/-0.88 kpc projected dist ance from one of the group galaxies. Three images of the whole system appear in the image plane. The 1.2 mm source has been detected within the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS). As this ALMA source is undetected at wavelengths lambda < 2 microns, its redshift cannot be independently determined, however, the three lensing components indicate that it belongs to the same galaxy group at z=4.32. The four members of the MUSE galaxy group have low to intermediate stellar masses (~ 10^7-10^{10} Msun) and star formation rates (SFRs) of 0.4-24 Msun/yr, resulting in high specific SFRs (sSFRs) for two of them, which suggest that these galaxies are growing fast (with stellar-mass doubling times of only ~ 2x10^7 years). This high incidence of starburst galaxies is likely a consequence of interactions within the galaxy group, which is compact and has high velocity dispersion. Based on the magnification-corrected sub-/millimetre continuum flux density and estimated stellar mass, we infer that the ALMA source is classified as an ordinary ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (with associated dust-obscured SFR~200-300 Msun/yr) and lies on the star-formation main sequence. This reported case of an ALMA/MUSE group association suggests that some presumably isolated ALMA sources are in fact signposts of richer star-forming environments at high redshifts.
We compare the physical and morphological properties of z ~ 2 Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) identified in the HETDEX Pilot Survey and narrow band studies with those of z ~ 2 optical emission line galaxies (oELGs) identified via HST WFC3 infrar ed grism spectroscopy. Both sets of galaxies extend over the same range in stellar mass (7.5 < logM < 10.5), size (0.5 < R < 3.0 kpc), and star-formation rate (~1 < SFR < 100). Remarkably, a comparison of the most commonly used physical and morphological parameters -- stellar mass, half-light radius, UV slope, star formation rate, ellipticity, nearest neighbor distance, star formation surface density, specific star formation rate, [O III] luminosity, and [O III] equivalent width -- reveals no statistically significant differences between the populations. This suggests that the processes and conditions which regulate the escape of Ly-alpha from a z ~ 2 star-forming galaxy do not depend on these quantities. In particular, the lack of dependence on the UV slope suggests that Ly-alpha emission is not being significantly modulated by diffuse dust in the interstellar medium. We develop a simple model of Ly-alpha emission that connects LAEs to all high-redshift star forming galaxies where the escape of Ly-alpha depends on the sightline through the galaxy. Using this model, we find that mean solid angle for Ly-alpha escape is 2.4+/-0.8 steradians; this value is consistent with those calculated from other studies.
We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array measurements of the `Cosmic Seagull, a strongly magnified galaxy at z=2.7779 behind the Bullet Cluster. We report CO(3-2) and continuum 344~$mu$m (rest-frame) data at one of the highest differen tial magnifications ever recorded at submillimeter wavelengths ($mu$ up to ~50), facilitating a characterization of the kinematics of a rotational curve in great detail (at ~620 pc resolution in the source plane). We find no evidence for a decreasing rotation curve, from which we derive a dynamical mass of ($6.3pm0.7)times10^{10} M_{odot}$ within $r = 2.6pm0.1$ kpc. The discovery of a third, unpredicted, image provides key information for a future improvement of the lensing modeling of the Bullet Cluster and allows a measure of the stellar mass, $1.6^{+1.9}_{-0.86}times10^{10} M_{odot}$, unaffected by strong differential magnification. The baryonic mass is is expected to be dominated by the molecular gas content ($f_{gas} leq 80 pm 20$ %) based on an $M_{H_2}$ mass estimated from the difference between dynamical and stellar masses. The star formation rate is estimated via the spectral energy distribution ($SFR = 190 pm 10 M_{odot}/yr$), implying a molecular gas depletion time of $0.25pm0.08$ Gyr.
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