We introduce the concepts of perpetual points and periodic perpetual loci in discrete--time systems (maps). The occurrence and analysis of these points/loci are shown and basic examples are considered. We discuss the potential usage and properties of introduced concepts. The comparison of perpetual points and loci in discrete--time and continuous--time systems is presented. Discussed methods can be widely applied in other dynamical systems.
A new class of critical points, termed as perpetual points, where acceleration becomes zero but the velocity remains non-zero, are observed in dynamical systems. The velocity at these points is either maximum or minimum or of inflection behavior.Thes
e points also show the bifurcation behavior as parameters of the system vary. These perpetual points are useful for locating the hidden oscillating attractors as well as co-existing attractors. Results show that these points are important for better understanding of transient dynamics in the phase space. The existence of these points confirms whether a system is dissipative or not. Various examples are presented, and results are discussed analytically as well as numerically.
Perpetual points (PPs) are special critical points for which the magnitude of acceleration describing dynamics drops to zero, while the motion is still possible (stationary points are excluded), e.g. considering the motion of the particle in the pote
ntial field, at perpetual point it has zero acceleration and non-zero velocity. We show that using PPs we can trace all the stable fixed points in the system, and that the structure of trajectories leading from former points to stable equilibria may be similar to orbits obtained from unstable stationary points. Moreover, we argue that the concept of perpetual points may be useful in tracing unexpected attractors (hidden or rare attractors with small basins of attraction). We show potential applicability of this approach by analysing several representative systems of physical significance, including the damped oscillator, pendula and the Henon map. We suggest that perpetual points may be a useful tool for localization of co-existing attractors in dynamical systems.
Recently a new class of critical points, termed as {sl perpetual points}, where acceleration becomes zero but the velocity remains non-zero, is observed in nonlinear dynamical systems. In this work we show whether a transformation also maps the perpe
tual points to another system or not. We establish mathematically that a linearly transformed system is topologicaly conjugate, and hence does map the perpetual points. However, for a nonlinear transformation, various other possibilities are also discussed. It is noticed that under a linear diffeomorphic transformation, perpetual points are mapped, and accordingly, eigenvalues are preserved.
Continuous-time random walks are a well suited tool for the description of market behaviour at the smallest scale: the tick-to-tick evolution. We will apply this kind of market model to the valuation of perpetual American options: derivatives with no
maturity that can be exercised at any time. Our approach leads to option prices that fulfil financial formulas when canonical assumptions on the dynamics governing the process are made, but it is still suitable for more exotic market conditions.
Perpetual voting was recently introduced as a framework for long-term collective decision making. In this framework, we consider a sequence of subsequent approval-based elections and try to achieve a fair overall outcome. To achieve fairness over tim
e, perpetual voting rules take the history of previous decisions into account and identify voters that were dissatisfied with previous decisions. In this paper, we look at perpetual voting rules from an axiomatic perspective and study two main questions. First, we ask how simple such rules can be while still meeting basic desiderata. For two simple but natural classes, we fully characterize the axiomatic possibilities. Second, we ask how proportionality can be formalized in perpetual voting. We study proportionality on simple profiles that are equivalent to the apportionment setting and show that lower and upper quota axioms can be used to distinguish (and sometimes characterize) perpetual voting rules. Furthermore, we show a surprising connection between a perpetual rule called Perpetual Consensus and Freges apportionment method.