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Methylbenzenes on graphene

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 نشر من قبل Elsebeth Schroder
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a theory study of the physisorption of the series of methylbenzenes (toluene, xylene and mesitylene), as well as benzene, on graphene. This is relevant for the basic understanding of graphene used as a material for sensors and as an idealized model for the carbon in active carbon filters. The molecules are studied in a number of positions and orientations relative graphene, using density functional theory with the van der Waals functional vdW-DF. We focus on the vdW-DF1 and vdW-DF-cx functionals, and find that the binding energy of the molecules on graphene grows linearly with the number of methyl groups, at the rate of 0.09 eV per added methyl group.

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176 - Elsebeth Schroder 2013
The adsorption energies and orientation of methanol on graphene are determined from first-principles density functional calculations. We employ the well-tested vdW-DF method that seamlessly includes dispersion interactions with all of the more close- ranged interactions that result in bonds like the covalent and hydrogen bonds. The adsorption of a single methanol molecule and small methanol clusters on graphene are studied at various coverages. Adsorption in clusters or at high coverages (less than a monolayer) is found to be preferable, with the methanol C-O axis approximately parallel to the plane of graphene. The adsorption energies calculated with vdW-DF are compared with previous DFT-D and MP2-based calculations for single methanol adsorption on flakes of graphene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). For the high coverage adsorption energies we also find reasonably good agreement with previous desorption measurements.
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