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Jahn-Teller induced nematic orbital order in tetragonal Sr$_2$VO$_4$

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 نشر من قبل Jeremie Teyssier
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using high resolution X-Ray diffraction (XRD) on high purity powders, we resolved the structure and $ab$ symmetry of the intriguing compound svo$ $ from room temperature down to 20 K to an unprecedented level of accuracy. Upon cooling, this new set of data unambiguously reveals a second order phase transition lowering the symmetry from tetragonal to orthorhombic at a temperature $T_{c2}=136$ K. The observation of an orthorhombic distortion of the $ab$-plane is attributed to nematic phase formation supported by local Jahn-Teller (JT) dynamical instability. At $T_{N}=105$ K, spins order and at $T_{c1}=100$ K the tetragonal structure is recovered with an elongated c-axis.

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We report on the optical excitation spectra in Sr$_2$VO$_4$. The phonon modes are assigned and their evolution with temperature is discussed in the frame of the different phase transitions crossed upon cooling. Besides the expected infrared-active ph onons we observe two additional excitations at about 290 cm$^{-1}$ and 840 cm$^{-1}$ which could correspond to electronic transitions of the V$^{4+}$ ions. Our experimental results are discussed in the context of recent experimental and theoretical studies of this material with a unique spin-orbital ground state.
238 - Eva Pavarini , Erik Koch 2009
The origin of the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion and orbital-order in LaMnO3 is central to the physics of the manganites. The question is complicated by the simultaneous presence of tetragonal and GdFeO3-type distortions and the strong Hunds rule coupling between e_g and t_2g electrons. To clarify the situation we calculate the transition temperature for the Kugel-Khomskii superexchange mechanism by using the local density approximation+dynamical mean-field method, and disentangle the effects of super-exchange from those of lattice distortions. We find that super-exchange alone would yield T_KK=650 K. The tetragonal and GdFeO3-type distortions, however, reduce T_KK to 550 K. Thus electron-phonon coupling is essential to explain the persistence of local Jahn-Teller distortions to at least 1150 K and to reproduce the occupied orbital deduced from neutron scattering.
173 - Hua Wu , C. F. Chang , O. Schumann 2011
The standard way to find the orbital occupation of Jahn-Teller (JT) ions is to use structural data, with the assumption of a one-to-one correspondence between the orbital occupation and the associated JT distortion, e.g. in O6 octahedron. We show, ho wever, that this approach in principle does not work for layered systems. Specifically, using the layered manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 as an example, we found from our x-ray absorption measurements and theoretical calculations, that the type of orbital ordering strongly contradicts the standard local distortion approach for the Mn3+O6 octahedra, and that the generally ignored long-range crystal field effect and anisotropic hopping integrals are actually crucial to determine the orbital occupation. Our findings may open a pathway to control of the orbital state in multilayer systems and thus of their physical properties.
We formulate and study an effective Hamiltonian for low-energy Kramers doublets of $d^1$-ions on a square lattice. We find that the system exhibits a magnetically hidden order in which the expectation values of the local spin and orbital moments both vanish. The order parameter responsible for a time-reversal symmetry breaking has a composite nature and is a spin-orbital analog of a magnetic octupole. We argue that such a hidden order is realized in the layered perovskite Sr$_2$VO$_4$.
We consider the superexchange in `frustrated Jahn-Teller systems, such as the transition metal oxides NaNiO_2, LiNiO_2, and ZnMn_2O_4, in which transition metal ions with doubly degenerate orbitals form a triangular or pyrochlore lattice and are conn ected by the 90-degree metal-oxygen-metal bonds. We show that this interaction is much different from a more familiar exchange in systems with the 180-degree bonds, e.g. perovskites. In contrast to the strong interplay between the orbital and spin degrees of freedom in perovskites, in the 90-degree exchange systems spins and orbitals are decoupled: the spin exchange is much weaker than the orbital one and it is ferromagnetic for all orbital states. Due to frustration, the mean-field orbital ground state is strongly degenerate. Quantum orbital fluctuations select particular ferro-orbital states, such as the one observed in NaNiO_2. We also discuss why LiNiO_2 may still behave as an orbital liquid.
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