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New Chiral Fermions, a New Gauge Interaction, Dirac Neutrinos, and Dark Matter

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Hern\\'andez
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose that all light fermionic degrees of freedom, including the Standard Model (SM) fermions and all possible light beyond-the-standard-model fields, are chiral with respect to some spontaneously broken abelian gauge symmetry. Hypercharge, for example, plays this role for the SM fermions. We introduce a new symmetry, $U(1)_{ u}$, for all new light fermionic states. Anomaly cancellations mandate the existence of several new fermion fields with nontrivial $U(1)_{ u}$ charges. We develop a concrete model of this type, for which we show that (i) some fermions remain massless after $U(1)_{ u}$ breaking -- similar to SM neutrinos -- and (ii) accidental global symmetries translate into stable massive particles -- similar to SM protons. These ingredients provide a solution to the dark matter and neutrino mass puzzles assuming one also postulates the existence of heavy degrees of freedom that act as mediators between the two sectors. The neutrino mass mechanism described here leads to parametrically small Dirac neutrino masses, and the model also requires the existence of at least four Dirac sterile neutrinos. Finally, we describe a general technique to write down chiral-fermions-only models that are at least anomaly-free under a $U(1)$ gauge symmetry.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Supersymmetric dark matter has been studied extensively in the context of the MSSM, where gauginos have Majorana masses. Introducing Dirac gaugino masses, we obtain an enriched phenomenology from which considerable differences in, e.g., LHC signature s can be expected. Concretely, in the Minimal Dirac Gaugino Model (MDGSSM) we have an electroweakino sector extended by two extra neutralinos and one extra chargino. The bino- and wino-like states bring about small mass splittings leading to the frequent presence of scenarios with Long Lived Particles (LLPs). In this contribution, we delineate the parameter space of the electroweakino sector of the MDGSSM, where the lightest neutralino is a viable dark matter candidate that escapes current dark matter direct detection. We then focus on the allowed regions that contain LLPs and confront them against the corresponding LHC searches. Finally, we discuss the predominant case of long-lived neutralinos, to which no search is currently sensitive.
We study the possibility to directly detect the boosted dark matter generated from the scatterings with high energetic cosmic particles such as protons and electrons. As a concrete example, we consider the sub-GeV dark matter mediated by a $U(1)_D$ g auge boson which has mixing with $U(1)_Y$ gauge boson in the standard model. The enhanced kinetic energy of the light dark matter from the collision with the cosmic rays can recoil the target nucleus and electron in the underground direct detection experiments transferring enough energy to them to be detectable. We show the impact of BDM with existing direct detection experiments as well as collider and beam-dump experiments.
The addition of gauge singlet fermions to the Standard Model Lagrangian renders the neutrinos massive and allows one to explain all that is experimentally known about neutrino masses and lepton mixing by varying the values of the Majorana mass parame ters M for the gauge singlets and the neutrino Yukawa couplings. Here we explore the region of parameter space where M values are much smaller than the neutrino Dirac masses. In this region, neutrinos are pseudo-Dirac fermions. We find that current solar data constrain M values to be less than at least 1E-9 eV, and discuss the sensitivity of future experiments to tiny gauge singlet fermion masses. We also discuss a useful basis for analyzing pseudo-Dirac neutrino mixing effects. In particular, we identify a simple relationship between elements of M and the induced enlarged mixing matrix and new mass-squared differences. These allow one to directly relate bounds on the new mass-squared differences to bounds on the singlet fermion Majorana masses.
207 - Ernest Ma 2021
It is shown how a mechanism which allows naturally small Dirac neutrino masses is linked to the existence of dark matter through an anomaly-free U(1) gauge symmetry of fermion singlets.
134 - A. Hebbar , G. Lazarides , Q.Shafi 2017
We present $psi$MSSM, a model based on a $U(1)_{psi}$ extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The gauge symmetry $U(1)_{psi}$, also known as $U(1)_N$, is a linear combination of the $U(1)_chi$ and $U(1)_psi$ subgroups of $E_6$. The mo del predicts the existence of three sterile neutrinos with masses $lesssim 0.1~{rm eV}$, if the $U(1)_{psi}$ breaking scale is of order 10 TeV. Their contribution to the effective number of neutrinos at nucleosynthesis is $Delta N_{ u}simeq 0.29$. The model can provide a variety of possible cold dark matter candidates including the lightest sterile sneutrino. If the $U(1)_{psi}$ breaking scale is increased to $10^3~{rm TeV}$, the sterile neutrinos, which are stable on account of a $Z_2$ symmetry, become viable warm dark matter candidates. The observed value of the standard model Higgs boson mass can be obtained with relatively light stop quarks thanks to the D-term contribution from $U(1)_{psi}$. The model predicts diquark and diphoton resonances which may be found at an updated LHC. The well-known $mu$ problem is resolved and the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe can be generated via leptogenesis. The breaking of $U(1)_{psi}$ produces superconducting strings that may be present in our galaxy. A $U(1)$ R symmetry plays a key role in keeping the proton stable and providing the light sterile neutrinos.
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