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Radial Velocity Variability of Field Brown Dwarfs

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 نشر من قبل Lisa Prato
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present paper six of the NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey, an analysis of multi-epoch, high-resolution (R~20,000) spectra of 25 field dwarf systems (3 late-type M dwarfs, 16 L dwarfs, and 6 T dwarfs) taken with the NIRSPEC infrared spectrograph at the W. M. Keck Observatory. With a radial velocity precision of ~2 km/s, we are sensitive to brown dwarf companions in orbits with periods of a few years or less given a mass ratio of 0.5 or greater. We do not detect any spectroscopic binary brown dwarfs in the sample. Given our target properties, and the frequency and cadence of observations, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the detection probability of our sample. Even with a null detection result, our 1 sigma upper limit for very low mass binary frequency is 18%. Our targets included 7 known, wide brown dwarf binary systems. No significant radial velocity variability was measured in our multi-epoch observations of these systems, even for those pairs for which our data spanned a significant fraction of the orbital period. Specialized techniques are required to reach the high precisions sensitive to motion in orbits of very low-mass systems. For eight objects, including six T dwarfs, we present the first published high-resolution spectra, many with high signal to noise, that will provide valuable comparison data for models of brown dwarf atmospheres.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

124 - Nad`ege Meunier 2021
Stellar activity due to different processes (magnetic activity, photospheric flows) affects the measurement of radial velocities (RV). Radial velocities have been widely used to detect exoplanets, although the stellar signal significantly impacts the detection and characterisation performance, especially for low mass planets. On the other hand, RV time series are also very rich in information on stellar processes. In this lecture, I review the context of RV observations, describe how radial velocities are measured, and the properties of typical observations. I present the challenges represented by stellar activity for exoplanet studies, and describe the processes at play. Finally, I review the approaches which have been developed, including observations and simulations, as well as solar and stellar comparisons.
Models of brown dwarf atmospheres suggest they exhibit complex physical behaviour. Observations have shown that they are indeed dynamic, displaying small photometric variations over timescales of hours. Here I report results of infrared (0.95-1.64 mi cron) spectrophotometric monitoring of four field L and T dwarfs spanning timescales of 0.1-5.5 hrs, the goal being to learn more about the physical nature of this variability. Spectra are analysed differentially with respect to a simultaneously observed reference source in order to remove Earth-atmospheric variations. The variability amplitude detected is typically 2-10%, depending on the source and wavelength. I analyse the data for correlated variations between spectral indices. This approach is more robust than single band or chisq analyses, because it does not assume an amplitude for the (often uncertain) noise level (although the significance test still assumes a shape for the noise power spectrum). Three of the four targets show significant evidence for correlated variability. Some of this can be associated with specific features including Fe, FeH, VO and KI, and there is good evidence for intrinsic variability in water and possibly also methan. Yet some of this variability covers a broader spectral range which would be consistent with dust opacity variations. The underlying common cause is plausibly localized temperature or composition fluctuations caused by convection. Looking at the high signal-to-noise ratio stacked spectra we see many previously identified spectral features of L and T dwarfs, such as KI, NaI, FeH, water and methane. In particular we may have detected methane absorption at 1.3-1.4 micron in the L5 dwarf SDSS 0539-0059.
We present precise stellar radial velocity measurements of Gamma Dra taken from 2003 to 2017. The data from 2003 to 2011 show coherent, long-lived variations with a period of 702 d. These variations are consistent with the presence of a planetary com panion having m sin i = 10.7 M_Jup whose orbital properties are typical for giant planets found around evolved stars. An analysis of the Hipparcos photometry, Ca II S-index measurements, and measurements of the spectral line shapes during this time show no variations with the radial velocity of the planet which seems to confirm the presence of the planet. However, radial velocity measurements taken 2011 -- 2017 seem to refute this. From 2011 to 2013 the radial velocity variations virtually disappear only to return in 2014, but with a noticeable phase shift. The total radial velocity variations are consistent either with amplitude variations on timescales of ~ 10.6 yr, or the beating effect between two periods of 666 d and 801 d. It seems unlikely that both these signals stem from a two-planet system. A simple dynamical analysis indicates that there is only a 1-2 % chance that the two-planet is stable. Rather, we suggest that this multi-periodic behavior may represent a new form of stellar variability, possibly related to oscillatory convective modes. If such intrinsic stellar variability is common around K giant stars and is attributed to planetary companions, then the planet occurrence rate among these stars may be significantly lower than thought.
This chapter reviews our current knowledge of metal-poor ultracool dwarfs with spectral types later than M7. The current census of M, L, and T subdwarfs is explored. The main colour trends of subdwarfs from the optical to the mid-infrared are describ ed and their spectral features presented, which led to a preliminary and tentative spectral classification subject to important changes in the future when more of these metal-poor objects are discovered. Their multiplicity and the determination of their physical parameters (effective temperature, gravity, metallicity, and mass) are discussed. Finally, some suggestions and future guidelines are proposed to foster our knowledge on the oldest and coolest members of our Galaxy.
Dwarf carbon (dC) stars, main sequence stars showing carbon molecular bands, were initially thought to be an oxymoron since only AGB stars dredge carbon into their atmospheres. Mass transfer from a former AGB companion that has since faded to a white dwarf seems the most likely explanation. Indeed, a few types of giants known to show anomalous abundances --- notably, the CH, Ba and CEMP-s stars --- are known to have a high binary frequency. The dC stars may be the enhanced-abundance progenitors of most, if not all, of these systems, but this requires demonstrating a high binary frequency for dCs. Here, for a sample of 240 dC stars targeted for repeat spectroscopy by the SDSS-IVs Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey, we analyze radial velocity variability to constrain the binary frequency and orbital properties. A handful of dC systems show large velocity variability ($>$100 km s$^{-1}$). We compare the dCs to a control sample with a similar distribution of magnitude, color, proper motion, and parallax. Using MCMC methods, we use the measured $Delta$RV distribution to estimate the binary fraction and the separation distribution assuming both a unimodal and bimodal distribution. We find the dC stars have an enhanced binary fraction of 95%, consistent with them being products of mass transfer. These models result in mean separations of less than 1 AU corresponding to periods on the order of 1 year. Our results support the conclusion that dC stars form from close binary systems via mass transfer.
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